Disclaimer: It seems that some viewers only downloaded the notes, or watched the first part of the video and asked "why are you showing samples that aren't up to standard and teaching people to write bad essays?" This video intentionally displays some so-called "bad writing examples", in order to show how one could improve from there (which is the situation of many). Please watch the whole video in caution.
IELTS Writing Task 1 全方位奪分精讀:https://mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-writing-task-1/
IELTS Writing Task 2試前必備衝刺精讀:https://mteducationielts.com/course/ielts-writing-task-2/
IELTS Writing Task 1 Skills:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5vpcD_eWFA&t=614s
IELTS Reading 5個重要小貼士 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0K8a0sCQms
IELTS Reading T/F/ NG題型攻略:https://youtu.be/ms-cUZ7Whog
Melody Tam資歷:
- HKDSE 7科5**狀元,包括中英文科均4卷5**,選修科 (Biology, Chemistry, Economics) 分數大幅度拋離5**的最低要求
- 17歲時第一次應考雅思 (IELTS) 便取得滿分9分成績
- 一級榮譽畢業於香港中文大學修讀環球商業學 (Global Business),總GPA達3.9/4.0,曾獲得多個獎學金及入選院長嘉許名單
- 曾於多家金融機構及投資銀行實習,尚未畢業已獲大型美資投行聘請為全職投資銀行分析師 (Investment Banking Analyst)
Instagram: melodytamhkdse
Email: admin@mteducationhk.com
WhatsApp (admin): 852 6049 1152

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