"適應語言衝擊要先從日常生活對話開始,不只是要有勇氣的『表達意見』,更要用心聆聽人們如何對話....心態上則將自己完全融入美國生活。" 黃川源說。
#IEW2015 今天是國際教育週的最後一天囉! “我的美國經驗”系列邀請到黃川源先生與我們聊一聊他在紐約市立大學攻讀MBA與財務工程雙碩士的經驗--包括語言的適應與如何以開闊的心態去接觸不同的文化、意見與想法。請上青年發展服務平台網站聽聽他的分享: http://goo.gl/uwILQp
“我的美國經驗”系列還沒有結束喔,我們將會在國際教育週之後,將更完整的系列文章放在青年發展服務平台(http://www.achievor.com/)上,歡迎有興趣都美國留學的同學們繼續關注喔。 #EducationUSATaiwan
Today is the last day of #IEW2015! Our final “My U.S. Experience” installment is from Mr. Chuan-Yuan Huang, a Graduate of City University New York. He discusses challenges of being a Double Major, Dual Masters Degree student (MBA and Financial Engineering), including language issues and the need to accept different cultures and ideas. Please visit the Youth Development Network Platform (http://www.achievor.com/) to see the full article. #EducationUSATaiwan. The “My U.S. Experience” series is not finished yet!! We would like to welcome students who are interested in study in the United States to visit the Youth Development Network Platform for the full series. Follow this series with us!!!!
iew2015 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
接續慶祝我們的國際教育週,昨天(11月18日) AIT簽證組官員史可婷(Kristin Smith)到宜蘭高級中學與學生們談談”美國的多元文化”。透過演講,學生們了解到美國獨特的移民歷史,以及將背景不同的人們凝聚起來為國家帶來的好處。同學們也提出許多問題,反應相當熱烈。#IEW2015
Continuing our celebration of International Education Week, AIT Consular Officer Kristin Smith met with students from Yilan High School yesterday to give a presentation on diversity in the United States. Throughout the presentation, students learned about the unique immigrant history of the United States and the benefits of bringing people from different backgrounds together. #IEW2015
iew2015 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
#IEW2015 在國際教育週系列活動中,AIT美國中心代理主任孔世杰昨天到了私立台北復興中學對學生演講美國高等教育的迷思,孔世杰解釋了台灣學生對於美國留學的常見疑惑,並從一個美國人的觀點為揭開了這些迷思背後的真相。孔世杰也鼓勵學生多探索多元的教育機會並接受多元環境的挑戰。
另外,今天下午你可以與EducationUSA教育顧問 #EducationUSATaiwan 在台中的中興大學面對面喔。如果你還沒登記,快上網登記吧: http://www.nchu.edu.tw/news-detail.php…
As part of #IEW2015, AIT Acting Director of American Center Mr. Jesse Curtis went to Taipei Fuhsing Private School to talk to high school students about some misperceptions about U.S. Higher Education. Mr. Curtis explained the top concerns that Taiwan students usually have and dispelled the myths from an American’s point of view. Mr. Curtis also encouraged students to explore diverse educational opportunities and take the challenges from the multi-cultural prospective.
Tomorrow, you can talk to the #EducationUSATaiwan adviser in person at National Chung Hsing University. Sign up here [add link]. http://www.nchu.edu.tw/news-detail.php…
iew2015 在 International Education Week - Access for All #IEW2015 的推薦與評價

Learn more about the activities during International Education Week at http://iew.state.gov. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs' ... ... <看更多>
iew2015 在 Sweet potato and green tea ice cream. おいしい - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Join us on Twitter today at 1:30pm EST and tell us why international ed is important to you! #intled #InternationalEducationWeek #IEW2015 #twitterchats ... ... <看更多>
iew2015 在 的經驗。他也談到在美國擔任課堂 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
今天是#IEW2015 國際教育週的第二天,在“我的美國經驗”系列中,正在美國康乃爾大學攻讀生化與分子與細胞生物博士班的莊雅善同學將與我們一起分享他申請美國學校、教育 ... ... <看更多>