1, the female actresses are all fully willing to endorse the content of that marketing film. No sexual assault. No rape. No insulting words. They apparently enjoy a service offered by an Oxford graduate and a British-trained barrister. I view this as a sign of feminism.
2, it is a widely accepted trend in HK that men here ( many being highly-educated intellectuals ) are obsessed with big boobs. Your role and act in that film is a faithful description of such social trend. You do not necessarily agree with or endorse that notion.
3, whether such sexual obsession is right or wrong, childish or chauvinistic is not to be judged by western liberal moralists as it is a matter of Chinese culture. Chinese believe that a woman’s big breast means fecundity (‘好生養‘)
4, if breast-size reconstruction or cosmetic surgery is popular among Koreans, Chinese and HK women, what’s wrong if you as a scholar offers a service to make your clients happy?
5, if liberals don’t judge and don’t criticise Muslim women’s willingly wearing burqa in the Arab world because that would be racist, on what ground do they judge you and the big breast obsession market culture among Chinese which is willingly shared by consumers here ?
6, you put yourself in a position of self-mockery by rubbing your not-so-attractive own breast. A nice stunt of balance.
7, multiculturalism and cultural equality mean the West should NOT impose its own values onto non-western people. No misogyny. No disrespect. No discrimination. No gender insult. Just a light-hearted piece of comedy. Bad taste ? My Italian friend thinks it is good fun. Come on it is New Year.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Brenda Tan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The third instalment of short films I made over the past semester in New York. I came up with the idea for the film amidst the height of allegations ...
liberal feminism 在 李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan Facebook 的精選貼文
【沒有人權,哪有國慶?停止打壓異見 還我言論自由】聯署聲明全文
(English below)
聯署團體:(更新 30.9.2020)
’Without human Rights, How Can We Celebrate “National Day”?Stop the crackdown on dissidents; give us our freedom‘
1 October 2020
The Chinese Communist Party has been in power for 71 years now—71 years of suffering for the Chinese people. Before coming to power, the Party promised to make China a democratic, free, prosperous and strong country, but it fooled hundreds of thousands of patriots into sacrificing themselves for the nation. For the first 30 years after the establishment of the regime, class struggle was the main focus and mass political campaigns were frequent. Economic policy was poorly devised, leading to famine and death.
In the following 10 years, the regime enacted economic reform but remained totalitarian. It cracked down on demands for change, leading to the fall of liberal state leaders Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang and eventually the bloodshed of the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre. In the subsequent 31 years, corruption has been rampant and uneven wealth distribution serious. Underprivileged groups are squeezed by those in power. Ethics and morality have collapsed. Human rights defenders and dissidents are detained and imprisoned. The whole country lives under white terror. There are simply no human rights. Under Xi Jinping’s dictatorship, 1.4 billion people are living in a society without human rights or dignity. What is there to celebrate?
Today is what the Party calls “National Day”. But over the past 71 years, many have been ruthlessly imprisoned and tortured simply for expressing their political views. Countless people are still detained for their speech. On this day we should feel outrage rather than joy,. Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China and other organizations are particularly concerned about the Chinese and Hong Kong activists facing so-called “national security” charges. While those in China endure the persecution of a totalitarian regime, we in Hong Kong experience the same fate.
Chinese dissidents suffer unbearable pain every day as the Chinese government uses the pretext of “national security” to crack down on them. In this year, Hongkongers have lost rule of law and experience diminishing freedoms. Since the central government forcibly imposed the Hong Kong national security law (officially the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”) on 30 June 2020, dozens of individuals have been charged with so-called “national security” crimes. Twelve young people fleeing to Taiwan were taken to China. Hong Kong people’s freedoms are at greater risk than ever. Hong Kong people’s fate is even more interconnected with the Chinese people’s.
Many, diverse in age and background, desire democracy and freedom. They do not fear challenging the government despite dictatorship. They fight for democracy and share information about human rights. But their legal and legitimate actions and demands have been punished by the government with so-called “national security” charges. Their cases are only the tip of the iceberg in China. There are many unknown people persecuted by the regime.
The Hong Kong national security law has been in force for several months. Freedom of expression is drastically diminishing. Protest slogans are now interpreted by the Hong Kong government as violations of the national security law. The government creates red terror, attempts to silence dissenting views, and cracks down on dissidents. Hong Kong’s freedoms are quickly disappearing. Hong Kong people’s freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are seriously infringed.
We call on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to stop whitewashing the daunting situation in China and Hong Kong and respond to the following requests:
1. Vindicate the 1989 pro-democracy movement and give victims’ families a fair explanation, apology and compensation;
2. Establish an independent commission to investigate the Tiananmen Massacre as well as police violence during the Anti-Extradition Bill protests in Hong Kong since last year;
3. Stop using “national security” as an excuse to ruthlessly destroy Hong Kong’s rule of law and freedom of expression;
4. Immediately release all detained Chinese and Hong Kong dissidents.
Signatories: (updated on 30.9.2020)
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
April Fifth Action
Community service office of KS Lam
Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement
Tiananmen Mothers Campaign
Movement for Democracy in China (Calgary)
Friends of Conscience
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
League of social democrats
Tsing Yi Residents Rights and Interests Service Society
Hong Kong Social Workers` General Union
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism
The Democratic Party
Labour Party (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Office of Dr. Kwok Ka Ki, Legislative Council Member
Citizens Radio
Office of Tsang Kin Shing District Councillor
June 4th Action
Civil Human Rights Front
Hong Kong Christian Fellowship of Social Concern
Concerning CSSA and Low Income Alliance
Retail, Commerce and Clothing Industries General Union
Christian Social Workers
Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union
Concern the Future of Hong Kong
註:六四紀念館已於9月15日重新開放,繼續舉辦「走在抗極權最前線——從『八九六四』到『反送中』」主題展覽,同時舉辦「中港被囚異見人士」專題展(至10月31日),介紹異見人士的事蹟,誠邀參觀及報導。查詢:2459 6489(電話/WhatsApp)、 64museum@alliance.org.hk (電郵)
#十一 #六四 #反送中 #人權 #言論自由 #humanrights #freedomofspeech #june4
liberal feminism 在 偽學術 Facebook 的精選貼文
[認真科學] 女生真的不適合讀科學嗎? : 女性主義的6種看法
前幾個星期在「泛科學」上有幾篇文章在爭論這件事,究竟是女性不具有從事科學的天賦(泛科學是討論哲學領域)嗎?還是科學(或哲學)一領域需要某種女性沒有的天賦嗎? 我覺得這個討論太有邏輯了,我的腦子沒辦法望其項背,所以我們就來從一些價值立場來檢視女性的科學活動,用女性主義來詮釋科學專業。簡單來說,就是從不同的女性主義觀點來看科學活動中的女生到底有沒有「適得其所」?
(一)自由女性主義 liberal feminism
這是最最最最經典的女性主義觀點,像是當年呂秀蓮副總統高舉的那種,主要是討論性別上的不平等問題。自由女性主義者主要支持兩個現代科學的基本假設,第一是假設人類是極度個體化且在任何社會條件的影響下都還是會理性地獲取知識的行為者,第二,其同意實證主義的知識理論。在這兩個假設基礎上,我們可以看到科學活動被看作是「理性」、「價值無涉」(value free)的客觀事務,只要嚴格執行「科學方法」。基本上,自由女性主義者是站在一個普遍公平的立場上,去爭取女性在科學活動中的地位,因為科學本身是一個中性之物,所以自由女性主義者不太關心「科學是什麼」的這種抽象問題,而較多留意的是科學場域中行為者的兩性互動、角色扮演等等問題。
(二)社會女性主義 socialist feminism
與自由女性主義者有著根本上的不同,社會女性主義者是刁鑽的批判者,他們深入到科學的本質上追問: 科學是甚麼。社會女性主義者根本就否定了科學是中歷李姓選民XD,他們質疑「知識取得本身就充滿著性別上的權力與衝突」,甚至還批判自由女性主義者具有中產階級的姿態,忽略了更根本的不平等。社會主義觀點起始於馬克思批判,主要關心的是社會中的生產關係與權力關係。從此切入科學活動,他們認為科學知識的生產充滿著性別與階級的區分,像是「數學」。數學通常是變成是一個決定你是否可以進入科技領域的守門員,假如你高中時期就放棄了數學,那就等於你這一輩子都難以接近科技了,而「放棄數學」是一個制度性的結果,是在升學遊戲裡的岔路選擇,而且還不可逆反,一般來說,女性又比男性更多放棄高中數學。在層層的制度性篩選下,透過數學能力與接近性形成了一個科學上的階級,這個階級同時也包含了日後進入職場後的薪水累積,這又會回過頭來加深科技領域中男女的階級差異。社會女性主義者就是針對這些科學知識的生產提出政治經濟批判。
(三)本質女主義者/反本質女性主義 Essentialism feminism/anti- Essentialism feminism
(四)精神分析女性主義psychoanalytic feminism
(五)激進女性主義radical feminism
此女性主義認為性別上的壓迫是各種人類壓迫中最深度的一種,她們從人類社會的全部制度與機構開始一種政治性的批判,指出父權制度藉由誇大男女之間生理的差異,來強化及合理化男人與女人之間的支配與附屬的關係。所以,她們根本拒絕接受科學的認識論與方法論,懷疑科學知識的正當性,也認為男性透過科學正當性來當作壓迫女性,例如「割禮」、「婦科」,乃至於晚近性別上的「健全主義」(able-bodiedism),是一種對非異性戀男性身體的全面壓迫。激進女性主義試圖以「女生的經驗」來攻擊科學,希望建立一個「女性中心的環境」(women-centered environment),例如「女孩的基費科學營」(The Kieve Science Camp for Girls)(http://www.kieve.org/wavus_girls/)就是一個專給女生參加的科學教育營隊,她們想從只有女性的科學場域中來展現屬於女生的科學探索。
(六)後現代女性主義postmodern feminism
在我們都覺得性別很平等的當代,後現代女性主義則打臉說:「別傻了,除了性別還有很多很可怕的,不要問~」。是的,在上述各種女性主義(尤其是歐美世界)努力的大半個世紀,在很多方面女性權益已然提升之後,後現代女性主義者認為「性別平等」不是一個普世的成果,也不是終極的解決,因為除了性別上的結構性或個人性問題,女性還受到階級、性慾取向、家庭背景、教育、族裔等等多元因素來決定科學與她的關係。所以要改善這個情況,首先要承認女生來自多種立場、背景、社會條件的現實。在名叫「科學中的女性」(Women in Science Project - Dartmouth College)(http://www.dartmouth.edu/~wisp/)的計畫中,讓女生在一個有創意的學習環境中去接觸被男性認為是相當堅實的SMET學問(科學、 數學、 工程和技術),計畫中的「跨科雨傘」(interdisciplinary umbrella)與「多樣性保留策略」可以讓參加的女生們在不同的團體與模式中不斷地找尋屬於自己的多樣性並且好好地發展它。這個計畫算是後現代策略的一種具體作法,感覺也蠻好玩的。
liberal feminism 在 Brenda Tan Youtube 的最讚貼文
The third instalment of short films I made over the past semester in New York.
I came up with the idea for the film amidst the height of allegations and testimonials against Harvey Weinstein. I think it's appropriate to share this with you guys on Youtube, especially now, with the Eden Ang saga going on (more on my instagram story highlights @wordweed). This should hit close to home, ya'll. This matters, and all of you girls who have been messaging me and telling me about your personal experience dealing with predators like him (and some, of him), thank you for speaking up. Don't stop. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movement has no geographical borders.
In the making of this film, I made it a point to show how mundane and unceremonious sexual abuse often is. It is quiet and cruel. There are no tears, no crying, no police. Mostly shock, often frozen in an attempt to process it - and a whole string of self-doubt and blame. No one ever deserves to feel so fundamentally disrespected and violated.
It frustrates me to no end that we as Singaporeans are quick to embrace the conveniences of being liberal and ~Western~, but harbour such a distinct fear of speaking up and calling for change. I get it. I think many Singaporeans don't speak up about sexual abuse, assault or harassment precisely because of the unwanted attention and the (..........) quickness to blame, shame, mock or even question the victim. Look what's happening with the Eden Ang situation, right. Look at his comments - people making fun of both of them, people yelling personal attacks at each other, ugh. I don't know why we cannot have a civilised, mature and sincere conversation about this. Why we don't want to listen. Why we either choose to deny its existence, pray that we don't encounter it, or support someone blindly just because it's difficult to admit to ourselves that we may be wrong about who we thought we knew. Case after case, you see predators with no remorse or shame for their acts- only expressions of hurt and anger for people calling them out. That's fucking bullshit. It's never too late to make noise, so do it. Make noise. Don't do them a favour by keeping your pretty little mouths shut, and speak standing up. I've got your back!
Hey, how's it going? I'm Brenda. Born and raised Singaporean, very artsy, a lil fartsy, kinda weird but in general very chill and happy.
I make a crap ton of videos on anything and everything - fashion, beauty, skincare, vlogs, storytimes etc. If you like my videos and want to see more, hit the subscribe button to catch my videos hot off the press! You have no idea how much your support means to me. If you've got any requests or questions, please leave them down below and I'll get back to ya. Thanks again for watching my videos!
☞ Blog - http://wordweed.blogspot.sg
☞ Instagram - http://instagram.com/wordweed
☞ Twitter - http://twitter.com/wordweed
☞ Facebook - fb.me/thewordweed
☞ Snapchat - wtfisair
☞ Ask.fm - http://ask.fm/wtfisair
✎ wordweed@gmail.com
▻ FAQs ◅
What do you do?
- I'm a student (Theatre in NUS, Film in NYU)
What camera do you use?
- Samsung NX500. It's pretty decent but I wouldn't actually recommend it.
What do you use to edit?
- Either Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro, depending on what I feel like using that day.
liberal feminism 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳貼文
If you're coming to China, make sure you have a thick skin! Chinese people by and in large have absolutely no social filter and no political correctness! A breath of fresh air or an uncomfortable experience? Come and find out!
Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina
Music used: Virtual Vice - Black Rose
Artist's bandcamp: https://new-world.bandcamp.com/album/off-duty
liberal feminism 在 Liberal Feminist - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 的相關結果
Liberal feminism views wage discrimination and sex segregation of occupations in the labor market as a mechanism designed to exclude women from the labor market ... ... <看更多>
liberal feminism 在 Liberal Feminism - ThoughtCo 的相關結果
Jagger described liberal feminism as theory and work that concentrates more on issues such as equality in the workplace, in education, ... ... <看更多>
liberal feminism 在 Liberal Feminism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 的相關結果
Liberalism is a family of doctrines that emphasize the value of freedom and hold that the just state ensures freedom for individuals. ... <看更多>