When I first joined King Edward’s School (KES), I had to learn two new languages - French and Latin. These languages were compulsory for everyone. I’m a linguistics fanatic, so I’ve been enjoying learning both French and Latin for the past two years.
This academic year (my third year in KES), we have the choice to pick an additional language to learn aside from French and Latin. We had a choice between German, Spanish, and Ancient Greek. Being a lover of anything to do with languages, I was torn between which one to choose. If it was up to me, I would have taken all of them! But my French teacher told me that since I was already learning French, modern languages like Spanish and German would be a bit too easy for me, and advised that I challenged myself.
So here I am, taking Ancient Greek! As expected, only a small percentage opted for Ancient Greek, and the rest picked modern languages. Not many chose Ancient Greek because learning it means having to get to grips with a whole new alphabet, plus a difficult grammar. But I’m glad to be part of that small percentage who have the opportunity to learn such a challenging language.
We’ve had a few lessons, and we’ve been mostly focussing on how the Greek alphabet works. But, I’ve already fallen in love with the language, and these first few lessons have been enough to tell me that I’ll enjoy it!
Omar Mukhtar
p/s: That’s Ancient Greek for "Goodbye"!