在台灣,AZ疫苗已經開打幾週了,在這段期間有很多病人問我能不能去接種AZ 疫苗,我想從一位婦產科醫師的角度出發,跟大家分享自己的觀點,讓大家在跟醫師們討論需不需要接種時,能先有初步的觀念。
目前國際上接種AZ 疫苗後出現嚴重不良反應的案例有兩種最受矚目:一種是嚴重的過敏反應;另外一種則是凝血過多或不足的反應。
以嚴重過敏反應來說,任何疫苗都可能因為載體的關係產生嚴重的過敏反應,所以病人在施打疫苗過後的30分鐘內,一定要留在施打的醫療院所接受觀察。AZ疫苗中使用的為Polysorbate80 或類似的分子,如果你之前曾經因為接種疫苗而有過敏反應,應該要在接種前詢問醫師AZ疫苗的載體與該次引起過敏的疫苗載體是否相同,以利避免風險。
另外一種不良反應與與血液相關,這一點比較受爭議。在2500多萬個施打的個案中,出現86 個血液異常的不良反應,大部份的這些個案都是女性而且發生在施打的頭2個禮拜。德國、法國和義大利等20幾個國家因此一度暫停施打AZ疫苗,雖然機率不大,但誰都不想冒這個險。但有些歐洲國家和澳洲最近又恢復施打,但建議50歲以下接種其他疫苗 (也有國家說30歲以下) 原因是不同專家對於這些異常凝血的不良反應與AZ疫苗的相關性有不同的見解。
對於目前正在服用避孕藥或女性荷爾蒙的女性來說,施打AZ疫苗會不會增加血栓的風險呢? 坦白說,目前資訊還不是非常完整,所以我暫時無法評論,但後續會密切注意最新的研究報告,有進一步消息,會再跟大家分享。
研究顯示有高血壓、糖尿病或BMI >30的病患在感染新冠肺炎病毒後,更容易而產生嚴重的呼吸道疾病,因為健康上的風險高,上述慢性病的病患也可以考慮接種疫苗。若有上述問題但懷孕的婦女,則應與婦產科醫師討論其利弊。
The global “COVID-vaccinated” population has reached 100 million. In the process of reaching herd immunity via mass vaccination, more rare but serious adverse effects from these vaccines are being reported in the mass media. Discussions about the safety of vaccines arevigorous at both government and the community levels.
The AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine has been used for COVID vaccination in Taiwan for a few weeks now. Many of my patients asked me if they are suitable for vaccination. So here I would like to share my thoughts with you as an obstetrician and gynaecologist.
Adverse reactions associated with the AZ vaccine
There are two types of adverse reactions being discussed the most in the international community: severe allergic reactions and blood-clotting problems. Both of these adverse reactions occur in the order of one in ten thousand, which were difficult to discover during the clinical trial stage. Therefore most of the data we see now are an accumulation of real-time data as we proceed with global vaccination.
The severe allergic reaction (such as anaphylaxis) can occur with any medication being administered to the human body. For vaccines it is usually the vehicle or the excipients molecule with which it is used to carry the active vaccine that incites the allergic reactions. Polysorbate 80 is a suspected culprit excipient used in the AZ vaccine. So if one has had severe allergic reaction in other vaccines that uses polysorbate 80 as its vehicles then it is possible the person can also be allergic to the AZ vaccine.
The abnormal blood-clotting reactions associated with the AZ vaccines are being discussed vigorously in both the scientific community and the media. In about 25 million recipients of the AZ vaccine, 86 cases of serious abnormal blood-clotting cases were reported by March 2021. Most cases occur within first 2 weeks of vaccination and most are women. Although the AZ vaccination was temporarily stopped in some European countries earlier in March, it has resumed since with some countries recommend vaccination in those 50 yo or above (some say 30 or above). Currently there is no international consensus amongst the experts.
Many professional bodies of obstetrics and gynaecology around the world have issued statements regarding vaccination against COVID19 in women planning pregnancy or breast feeding. Thus far most have only cautioned against the vaccination if there is serious concurrent comorbidities such as those who are immunocompromised or organ transplant. There does not seem to have report of additional risks of the vaccination during pregnancy. There is insufficient evidence to conclude if oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy are risk factors for developing vaccine-related blood clotting events. More time and data are required to tell.
So should women receive the AZ vaccine? These factors should be considered and discussed with your doctors.
Risk of contracting COVID
Contracting COVID during pregnancy is associated with 3-fold risk of serious complications. So immunisation against COVID should be prioritised if the area you live in carries high risk of infection.
Underlying chronic conditions
For those with hypertension, diabetes or high BMI, because higher risk of COVID related complications are expected, vaccination might offer risk-reducing benefits. but in women with diabetes or high BMI where high risk pregnancy is expected, one should discuss the risks and benefits with your own obstetrician.
More than half of recipients will get injection site pain and about 10% will develop a fever. To avoid fever during early pregnancy one can avoid getting vaccination during this period. If one has become pregnant after the first dose, there is evidence that receiving a second dose after pregnancy still offers protection against COVID. for those who need flu or whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy, one should consider taking the COVID vaccine 2 weeks apart from the other vaccines.
Like all medicines/procedures, decision to receive the AZ vaccination is individualised based on the benefits and risks associated. It is important to review government updates on vaccination and this article hopefully provides some framework on which women can consult their physicians when considering the AZ vaccination.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅charisowTV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Apa khabar, #CHAYANGS? Well... 2020 was THE start of a new decade that everyone was looking forward to. But it definitely took a turn with so many bad...
medication safety 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文
The first batch of China-made Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine arrived in Hong Kong on Friday amid concerns that it has not been properly vetted for efficacy and safety.
Read more: https://bit.ly/3ufyPV8
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medication safety 在 台灣物聯網實驗室 IOT Labs Facebook 的最讚貼文
【人工智慧如何席捲未來醫院?】3D 人臉辨識把關取藥身分、機器人支援不足人力
Posted on2020/09/11
TO 創新嗜讀
【我們為什麼挑選這篇文章】隨著人工智慧應用愈加廣泛,手術室、藥櫃也變得更加智慧,協助提升手術效率、用藥安全,讓我們看看 《從 AI 到 AI+:臺灣零售、醫療、基礎建設、金融、製造、農牧、運動產業第一線的數位轉型》一書中《航向智慧醫療新藍海》章節的介紹。(責任編輯:呂珈寧)
未來醫院的規模不再以病床數來衡量,而是急、重、難症的治療能量,而手術室絕對是最重要的場域。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)規範的手術安全查核規範(WHO Surgical Safety Checklist),一個手術分成三大部分:Sign-in(簽入)、Time-out(暫停)、Sign-out(簽出)。每一個步驟都是確保病人手術安全、資訊正確與醫療團隊間的精准溝通。
臺灣 ICT 資源豐富,為智慧手術室奠定扎實基礎
WHO 只提供最基本的規畫方針,然而 ICT 資源豐富的臺灣,提供了更先進的智慧手術室規畫。當病人經過一連串術前檢查,並確認手術進行時間與主刀醫師之後,整個流程會由智慧病房系統轉移到智慧手術室排程系統。中央器械供應室有隨時待班的器械運送機器人,依手術室排程來運送病人手術名稱對應的器械包盤與相關耗材;機器人經由乾淨走道運送滅菌手術器械包盤,送達指定手術室後透過系統通知主責護理師;術後的髒汙器械運送機器人則按手術結束時間,由護理師啟動手術助理排程作業系統,搬運機器人前往載運髒汙器械、器具和物品。
一臺滿載的手術專用個案車(case cart)可能重達一、兩百公斤,藉由在汙物專用走道來回運送的機器人,不但可以降低器械運送人員的職業傷害,還能支援假日急刀人員不足、降低營運成本與管理複雜度,同時主動通知器械供應室收送案件。機器人的輔助讓手術室運作更為精准並提高效率。
落實手術中安全查核,透過手機 App 一手掌握
除了術前與術後的自動化效率,最重要的是真正落實術中的安全查核。每臺刀雖然都有標準作業流程,還是難以避免突發狀況。當手術門關上後,所有溝通聯繫都只能透過電話進行,這對於要調度上百名護理人員並同時運作數十間手術室的醫院來說,一直是很大的挑戰。透過手機上的手術查核 App,病患 Sign-in 時同時確認身分、麻醉準備、器械耗材清單;Time-out 時手術團隊的再次互相確認工作職掌、病患身分與手術部位;Sign-out 時確認檢體、器械與耗材數量。
這些步驟都在流動護理人員手上的 App 清楚呈現,每個步驟的確認與時間點即時同步到手術室護理站的電子白板,彷彿在戰情室裡同時操控數十個戰役的後勤資源調度。這種結合手術臨床流程、HIS 系統整合與手術紀錄、機器人自動化規畫、App 排程設計的完整方案,讓臨床醫療的高度專業融合在軟硬體的整合中,是 AIoT 精准醫療的經典應用案例。
WHO 最近把「Medication Without Harm」視為全球最重要議題推動,並在 2017 年德國波昂召開的會議中定下明確目標:5 年內降低 50% 的用藥傷害。臺灣的醫院一直落實「三讀五對 1」的給藥規範,以確保病患的用藥安全,但在繁忙的臨床作業中,醫師常因病情變化而調整用藥,若只以人力核對,很難完全落實用藥安全;而利用物聯網科技輔助用藥安全,為當前唯一的解方。
麻醉管制藥品監管是一家醫院最重要的藥品管理核心,如果出現任何差錯,常會演變成重大醫療疏失。此時,智慧藥櫃搖身一變成為最佳利器 。依照管制藥品領藥規定,必須同時兩人取藥,利用醫事人員卡和 3D 人臉辨識、再連動到院內值班系統,對於取藥身分做最嚴格的把關。根據不同醫院用藥習慣,彈性組合藥物放置空間;取藥時利用 AI 藥品影像辨識比對藥名與數量,確保正確的醫師調劑處方;最後再連動醫院藥劑部的藥品系統,時時盤點,確保全醫院的用藥情形安全無虞。
醫院另一個用藥安全的場域,是癌症化療藥劑的運送安全。醫院的化療藥物調劑室為受嚴格管制的特殊區域,因此通常設置在和一般病患施打藥劑地點一段距離以上的空間。利用 3D 圖資與內建 LiDA(認知架構)的運送機器人,可以安全且精確地在調劑室與護理站之間穿梭;調劑藥師通過 3D 人臉識別之後,將調劑好的化療藥劑鎖入內嵌 RFID 的感應門鎖;送達化療病房後,責任護理師經過 3D 臉部辨識認證後,取出藥物進行投藥。整個過程不但能避免因人力運送化療藥物可能發生的傾倒,以及化療藥劑領取時人員認證的管控風險,藥物取放時間點、即時位置與人員身分都即時連線院內系統,確保整個化療用藥流程的絕對安全與精准管理。
AI 、深度學習應用,有效協助降低用藥錯誤次數
臺灣在醫療健保普及的制度下,民眾用藥頻率極高,藥物事件造成的風險隨時都在發生。醫院藥物事件發生地點以藥局為主(36.2%),其次是一般病房(32.2%);醫院藥物事件發生階段以醫囑開立與輸入(54.9%)最多,其次為給藥階段(23%)、藥局調劑階段(20 %);從「醫囑開立與輸入階段」細項來看,以重複用藥(18.4%)最多,劑量錯誤(16.4 %)次之;而在藥局調劑錯誤階段細項中,則以藥名錯誤(44.9 %)最多,數量錯誤(20.8 %)次之;另外在給藥錯誤階段細項中,以劑量錯誤(22.5%)為最多,藥名錯誤(15.5%)次之。
為了降低用藥錯誤次數,利用 AI 人工智慧,串聯機率、藥品資料庫與深度學習,扮演藥品守門人,及時攔截不正確的藥物事件 。將 AI 應用於用藥辨識的方式相當多元,例如導入臺灣健保資料庫與大型醫院提供的電子病歷,實行無監督學習 2,讓 AI 學習醫師開立處方的行為,進一步判斷醫囑開立後是否有藥物名稱與該病症無任何關聯,進而發出系統警示;抑或將藥品辨識導入藥局調劑階段,利用 AI 藥物影像辨識技術快速識別從藥櫃中取出的藥物名稱、外型和數量,隨後從藥品資料庫帶出藥性、藥物副作用等相關資訊,使藥物調劑時更快辨認是否與處方籤相符,減少取藥錯誤。
無論是裸錠、鋁箔包裝、液裝或盒裝的 AI 藥物影像辨識,前提都需要教導 AI 進行幾何變換(geometric transformations): 包含放大、縮小、旋轉;顏色亮度、對比度、色調修正;圖像融合(image composite),拍攝影像與影像資料庫的加、減、組合、拼接;降噪(image denoising /noise reduction),影像上的雜訊來自硬體或環境光等因素,如果影像雜訊太多,將會影響邊緣檢測與影像分割的準確性,因此如何過濾影像上的雜訊並保留有效訊息就相當重要;邊緣檢測(edge detection)與影像分割(image segmentation)的配合,能將一張影像分割成多個不同區域並準確擷取局部特徵,讓 AI 進而認識藥物形狀、大小、顏色、文字、數量等特徵,最後根據前述擷取的影像資訊與藥品資料庫進行配對,即可精准告知使用者藥物名稱和相關資訊。
AI 藥物辨識技術大致可分成兩種:1:1 和 1:N,前者的應用多為醫療中心藥劑部調劑時,驗證管製藥或高貴藥的身分;後者則應用在預防取用多種藥品時的錯誤。以技術難度來看,1:N 的難度比 1:1 還要高,因為 1:N 的藥物辨識更容易受藥物類型、拍攝角度、拍攝方向、拍攝距離、環境光等因素影響辨識準確度。因此在現階段,藥物影像辨識技術與藥物辨識機構的配合度相當重要,產品設計者需針對不同類型藥物提供適合的辨識環境,以降低這些干擾因素。
medication safety 在 charisowTV Youtube 的最佳解答
Apa khabar, #CHAYANGS? Well... 2020 was THE start of a new decade that everyone was looking forward to. But it definitely took a turn with so many bad news (deaths, forest fires, etc) and this pandemic (COVID-19) that took over the world by storm. In the midst of all that, I was preparing for the big day, hoping that it will soon be over and we can still carry on our plans to celebrate our union with our loved ones, friends & family as per usual. However, with the increase number of cases day by day and with the mass gathering ban in Malaysia (for everyone's safety, #StayAtHome!), unfortunately – we may have to postpone our wedding... ???
Anyway, this vlog is a compilation of all the snippets from Feb until last week before the Movement Control order (MCO)! We are forced to put our wedding content on-hold for now, but we will do our best to film as much as we can! ⛪???? If you are curious about what Daryll and I are feeling and going through right now, feel free to leave your questions and thoughts in the comment section below. Or if you're a bride/groom who wants to share your feelings in this community, feel free to do so!
DISCLAIMER: I know that this virus has a bigger global impact on the ENTIRE world and I acknowledge that! People's lives and health are at stake, economies of the world are all affected as well as the livelihoods of the people... so, before I get comments about sounding like a spoilt bride, I just wanna put it out there that I KNOW and I CARE. However, currently, THIS is what I am going through personally, and there are other bride-to-be's out there who can relate to this video. I just wanna say – WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, SIS ???? We are doing our part in postponing, in rescheduling, in re-negotiating with people’s well-being in mind!
On another note, to try and give back, I contributed to Yayasan Generasi Gemilang to help families from low-income communities to purchase food supplies & over the counter medication to assist them in continuing their livelihood during this difficult time.
If you are stable & are interested to give (whatever amount, big or small – is MUCH appreciated!), you can do that via direct bank transfers at
Bank Name: Alliance Bank Berhad
Account Name: Yayasan Generasi Gemilang
Account Number: 121810010022398
Remark: Covid19
Visit Generasi Gemilang for more info: https://bit.ly/gengemilang
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