NAD # C568 CD Player #unboxed The C568 takes the superb performance of NAD's 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. ... <看更多>
NAD # C568 CD Player #unboxed The C568 takes the superb performance of NAD's 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. ... <看更多>
#1. 英國高級音響擴大機品牌NAD C568 CD播放機 - 迎家音響
NAD 將HI-END定位的MASTER系列的技術向下移植於NAD C568 CD播放機;內部電源與線路設計使音質更超越前一代機種,堪稱機能與品質一流水準的英式美聲HI-FI精品。
#2. NAD (C568)的價格推薦- 2023年8月| 比價比個夠BigGo
NAD (C568)價格推薦共97筆商品。還有nad c538、nad c338、nad c3050。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#3. NAD C568 CD播放機- 穩力音響 - PChome商店街
NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤。Hi-END Master系列下放技術與用料。採用Wolfson 24bit/ 192kHz 高階DAC WM8741,精確聲音細節再生。。•支援碟片:CD/CD-R/CD-RW ...
#4. 連MP3也能讀-NAD C568 CD唱盤- U-Audio 新聞
NAD C 568 是之前廣受歡迎的C 565 BEE CD唱盤的新一代產品,看起來還是傳統的CD唱盤,可是NAD在讀取機構的部分增加了功能,讓C 568不僅可以讀標準CD, ...
#5. NAD C568 CD播放機『性價優異的CD播放機』 /迎家公司貨 ...
NAD C568 是之前廣受歡迎的C565 BEE CD 播放機的新一代產品,看起似與傳統的CD播放機相同,但是NAD在讀取機構的部分增加了功能,讓C568 不僅可以讀 ...
#6. NAD C568 CD播放器| CD播放/收音機| Yahoo奇摩購物中心
品牌:NAD; 種類:CD播放/收音機; 型號:C568; 顏色:黑色系; 產地:中國; 播放模式:單曲播放; Wifi支援:無; 藍牙Bluetooth:無; 尺寸:435寬x 83高x 311深 ...
#7. nad 568 - 家電影音- 人氣推薦- 2023年8月| 露天市集
小林音響英國NAD C568 cd播放機全新未拆封【洪愷音響】英國NAD C568 CD播放機歡迎來電議價! 視紀音響NAD 英國C568 CD播放機公司貨以及更多熱賣商品在露天!
#8. nad c568 - 人氣推薦- 2023年8月| 露天市集
nad c568 網路推薦好評商品就在露天,超多商品可享折扣優惠和運費補助。『嘉義華音音響』英國NAD C568 CD播放機.採用高階DAC/高階Clock模組/高階放大模組/環形變壓器.
NAD C 568 是之前廣受歡迎的C 565 BEE CD唱盤的新一代產品,看起來還是傳統的CD唱盤,可是NAD在讀取機構的部分增加了功能,讓C 568不僅可以讀標準CD,現在連MP3都能讀了 ...
#10. NAD C568 CD播放機 - PChome 24h購物
‧採用Wolfson 24bit/ 192kHz 高階DAC WM8741,精確聲音細節再生。 ‧採用高階Clock模組降低時基誤差,數位同軸完整對應75歐姆阻抗輸出規格。 ‧採用環形變壓器與高階錄音設備 ...
#11. NAD C568 CD唱盤 - 風尚音響入口網站
NAD C568 CD唱盤. ... NAD C568 CD唱盤 商品品牌:NAD 商品型號:C568(台) (原廠:公司貨) 供貨狀況:商品資訊..... 可來電洽詢!
#12. NAD C568 CD 播放器,單片: 電子 NAD C568 CD 播放器,單片: 電子. ... The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level.
#13. C 568 - NAD Electronics
Supplied with the new NAD CD-8 full function remote control, the C 568 offers all the features described above from the comfort of your listening chair. On top ...
#14. Nad C568的優惠價格- 飛比有更多隨身聽/播放器商品
Nad C568 價格推薦共40筆。另有nad c568 cd、nad c568 cd播放、黑膠唱片機。飛比為你即時比價,全台電商網購價格輕鬆找,一秒為你找便宜,快速比對商品價格, ...
#15. nad c568 - FindPrice 價格網2023年8月精選購物推薦
贈RCA訊號線一條nad c568的推薦商品價格,還有更多【NAD 英國】CD播放機(C568)相關商品比價,輕鬆購物,FindPrice 價格網讓你快速找到想要購買的商品!
#16. 英國NAD C568 CD播放機頂級款(聊聊再折) 預購 - 蝦皮
商品特色◇ 採用Wolfson 24bit/ 192kHz 高階DAC WM8741,精確聲音細節再生。 ◇ 採用高階Clock模組降低時基誤差,數位同軸完整對應75歐姆阻抗輸出規格。
#17. 【NAD】C568 CD播放機 - 仕洋音響
我們將使用cookie等資訊來優化您的體驗,繼續瀏覽即表示您同意我們使用。欲瞭解詳細內容,請詳閱隱私權保護政策. ×.
#18. NAD C568/C 568純CD機播放器家用高保真hifi發燒2.0音樂 ...
歡迎來到淘寶Taobao創程實展電器專營店,選購NAD C568CD,品牌:NAD,型號:C568,產地:中國大陸,省份:廣東省,地市:惠州市,電源方式:交流電, ...
#19. NAD C 568 review | What Hi-Fi?
On the plus side, the C 568 is suitably equipped; it not only has optical and coaxial digital outputs but a USB input for playback too. It's ...
#20. nad 英國c568 cd - 比價撿便宜- 優惠與推薦- 2023年8月
nad 英國c568 cd價格推薦共82筆商品。還有英國nad cd、c568 nad。收錄蝦皮、雅虎、露天熱賣商品,比價撿便宜讓您方便比價的好夥伴。
#21. 『盛昱音響』英國NAD C568 CD播放機『贈: 台灣製發燒級 ...
『盛昱音響』英國NAD C568 CD播放機『贈: 台灣製發燒級光纖線1M 市價NT$680』 現貨哪裡買?LINE購物幫你貨比800家,提供Yahoo奇摩超級商城惠價格、歷史低價、LINE ...
#22. NAD C568 CD碟机介绍 - 阿强家庭影院
NAD C568 将C565BEE的卓越性能提升到了一个新的高度。C 568的每一个方面的音质性能都得到了增强和完善,使C 568成为C 368功放或任何需要性能升级的系统 ...
#23. NAD C568 CD Player | The Listening Post | TLPCHC TLPWLG
NAD # C568 CD Player #unboxed The C568 takes the superb performance of NAD's 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level.
#24. nad c568 二手價格 - HifiZero
Nad c568 c 568 cd player like new in box FREE shipping. 800 800 CAD CAD. Canuck Audio Mart. 2023-03-24. 二手NAD C568 CD播放機. 12000 12000 TWD TWD.
#25. NAD C568(NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤) - EHS東森購物
NAD C568 (NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤). 本商品目前暫時下架或已無法銷售。 熱搜推薦. 日安玩美 · BIO UP · PP塑崩氣動褲 · 惠而浦 · 衛生紙 · OB嚴選 · 奧黛莉 ...
#26. NAD C568 CD 機- 音響器材
喺Hong Kong,Hong Kong 買NAD C568 CD 機. 9成新!讀碟快,分析力好! 喺音樂播放裝置MP3及CD Player 度買嘢,傾偈買嘢!
#27. NAD C568 CD唱盘:配备USB输入,可对应MP3及WMA规格
除了延续NAD一贯对高品质音乐重播之要求外,C 568还增添了对应新数字时代的音乐聆赏功能,包括光盘承盘与USB插槽都可读取播放MP3及WMA数字音乐文件。
#28. 晶品城購物廣場暑期特惠NAD C568(NAD C系列最高級純CD ...
NAD C568 (NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤) 評價. 網友滿意度:. 雖然母親節還有點遠. 但孝順是這輩子最不能等的 所以平常就要好好的關心照顧雙親
#29. 新款英国NAD C568 CD播放器【全新行货】 - 音响贵族网
新款英国NAD C568 CD播放器【全新行货】. 商品品牌:英国NAD. 本店售价:¥4800元. 商品点击数:25140. 简单描述:. 联系人:陈先生13802710862 微信号:13802710862 ...
#30. Dave's Faves - NAD C568 - Audio Emporium
C568 uses a superb Wolfson 24 bit DAC. NAD employs some of the lowest noise/distortion op amps on the planet (.00003%). The result is sound with excellent ...
#31. NAD C 568 Single-disc CD player at Crutchfield
NAD's C 568 CD player has all the features you need to enjoy your CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs to the fullest. It even has a front-panel USB port so you can take ...
#32. NAD C568 Compact Disc Player - Len Wallis Audio
Performance Player A high performance CD player engineered for musicality and simplicity… Local pickup or $11 flat rate shipping within Australia.
#33. NAD-品牌館 - 集雅社
NAD 于1972年在英國成立,出於音響市場的不斷發展,NAD的發展歷經幾番變遷,後又轉手至 ... 因此NAD的產品外觀設計向來不重奢華,只講務實。 ... NAD C-568 CD播放機 ...
#34. 秘密爆好用【NAD】C568(NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤)囤貨討論
迷上家電電視購物,工作回到家看【NAD】C568(NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤) 想一想還真方便,只要動動手指就可以選擇看那台,. 品號:5357210; Master系列下放 ...
#35. 新款NAD C568 CD播放器【全新行货】 - 6HIFI
新款NAD C568 CD播放器【全新行货】. NAD C568 CD播放器CD机HIFI音响. ¥5800. 价格:¥7800. 颜色:. 全新行货定金,余款货到付款.
#36. NAD C568 - ALPHA High End
NAD C568 : CD player/USB ... The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic ...
#37. 【破盤出清】CD播放器- NAD C568 CD播放器公司貨0利率免 ...
最近在看世足盃時,一時興起購了CD播放器? NAD C568 CD播放器公司貨0利率免運批發切貨團購到貨後真的覺得挺不賴的為何想寫這篇文推薦CD播放器? NAD C.
#38. 音響家庭劇院開箱評價【NAD】C568(NAD C系列最高級純CD ...
【NAD】C568(NAD C系列最高級純CD唱盤)是小弟晚上說夢話都會夢到的音響劇院,看來必需買台音響劇院來解決小弟渴望擁有劇院的夢想,查了網友推薦開箱文 ...
#39. NAD C 568 CD唱盤配備USB輸入,可對應MP3及WMA規格 ...
另一方面,NAD C 568不光是可以播放光碟,在前面板右下角還備有一個USB插槽,可以插入USB隨身碟等儲存裝置播放其中的數位音樂檔案,如此聆賞音樂的來源就 ...
#40. NAD C568 - Q Audio
Single discs CD player/USB DAC with 24-bit high resolution Wolfson WM8741 DAC. CD, CD-R and CD-RW Compatible; USB Input supports external memory and audio ...
#41. [出售] 高雄面交NAD C568 CD播放機- 看板Audiophile
1. 產品型號: NAD C568 CD播放機2. 欲售價格: 12000 3. 購買時間、地點: 2018/12集雅社4. 一手用家還是二手或是N手: 一手5. 保固情況:過保.
#42. NAD C568 CD-Spieler mit hochauflösendem 24 Bit-D/A ...
Der NAD C 568 verfügt über koaxiale und optische Digitalausgänge und lässt sich so problemlos mit allen HiFi-Verstärkern, externen D/A-Wandlern, ...
#43. 英国NAD C568 CD播放机家用光盘碟片播放器hifi发烧级专业 ...
本页面呈现英国NAD C568 CD播放机家用光盘碟片播放器hifi发烧级专业数字无损纯CD机C 568网购指南,包括全网比价、规格参数、好价爆料,全网口碑等;什么值得买为您购买 ...
#44. Nad C568 | Cd player Hifi - SONOLOGY Toulouse
NAD's C 568 CD player has all the features you need to enjoy your CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs to the fullest. It even has a front-panel USB port so you can take ...
#45. 連MP3也能讀NAD C568 CD唱盤- 兩聲道音響討論區
NAD C 568 是之前廣受歡迎的C 565 BEE CD唱盤的新一代產品,看起來還是傳統的CD唱盤,可是NAD在讀取機構的部分增加了功能,讓C 568不僅可以讀標準CD, ...
#46. NAD C568 / C 568 - CD Player Transport Vacuum Fluorescent ...
NAD C568 / C 568 - CD Player Transport Vacuum Fluorescent Display 24-bit high resolution Wolfson WM8741. RM 4,399.00. or 3 payments of RM 1,466.33 with.
#47. NAD C568 CD player, single disc - eBay
Front-panel USB input for playing music from a thumb drive, MP3 player, or hard drive. optical and coaxial digital audio outputs. vacuum fluorescent display ...
#48. NAD C568 CD PLAYER |
NAD C568 CD PLAYER · 24-bit / 192kHz Delta-Sigma Burr-Brown D / A Converter. · CD-R / RW compatible. · MP3 and WMA compatible. · Remote control. · Dimensions: 435 x ...
#49. NAD C568 audiophile compact disc player - Audiologica
The NAD C568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic performance is enhanced and ...
#50. NAD C568 - HiFi im Hinterhof
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. Modern and Refined.
#51. NAD C568/C 568纯CD机播放器家用高保真hifi发烧2.0音乐碟机
NAD C568 /C 568纯CD机播放器家用高保真hifi发烧2.0音乐碟机,CD播放机折扣商品,来自广东广州的天猫卖家创程实展电器专营店强烈推荐出售的nad c568/ c 568纯cd机家用播放 ...
#52. Nad C568 - PremiumHIFI
Nad C568 CD Player, dac. CD, CD-R and CD-RW Compatible; USB Input supports external memory and audio rates up to 384kbps; MP3 and WMA decoding; NAD CD-8 ...
#53. NAD C568/C 568 家用发烧HIFI高保真CD机USB无损音乐CD ...
京东JD.COM是国内专业的网上购物商城,为您提供NAD C568/C 568 家用发烧HIFI高保真CD机USB无损音乐CD播放器专业CD碟机专业立体声播放机C568 黑色价格、图片、品牌、 ...
#54. C568 -
NAD C568, Compact Disc Player with USB DAC 384KHz. Special Ordered Item. Not Actually in Stock.
#55. C 568 CD Player
on its laurels; rather development is ongoing at the NAD Lab and new models are launched when we feel a significant improvement has been achieved.
#56. NAD - C 568 CD Player - Music Direct
NAD C 568 : Wolfson DAC-Equipped CD Player Lets You Hear Music With Extended Dynamics, Excellent Pacing, Harmonic Coherency, Black Backgrounds.
#57. NAD C 568 - Lenbrook Asia
NAD C 568 CD Player The NAD C 568 CD Player takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level.
#58. NAD C568 CD Player | Audio Solutions Sydney
The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it ... Give your CD's the attention they deserve with the NAD C568 CD Player.
#59. NAD C568 Premium CD Player with USB input
NAD C 568 Premium CD Player is high performance disc player with high resolution audio playback, sleek new profile, high precision and lowest possible ...
#60. 连MP3也能读:NAD C568 CD唱盘 - 视听发烧网
摘要:NAD C 568是之前广受欢迎的C 565 BEE CD唱盘的新一代产品,看起来还是传统的CD唱盘,可是NAD在读取机构的部分增加了功能,让C 568不仅可以读 ...
The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Best price on all NAD Electronics High Performance ...
#62. NAD C 568 Compact Disc Player - Duratone Hi Fi
NAD C 568 Compact Disc Player. $1,399.00. Premium CD player, with front panel USB input. Disc formats: CD, CD-R, CD-RW; File formats: MP3, WMA ...
#63. NAD C568 - The audio shop
Supplied with the new NAD CD-8 full function remote control, the C 568 offers all the features described above from the comfort of your listening chair. On top ...
#64. NAD C568 CD Player, with USB input - Weboptimizers Testing
The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic performance is enhanced and ...
#65. NAD C568 CD-soitin - Hifimesta
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. Modern and Refined. The C 568 takes the ...
#66. NAD C568 CD player - Octogon Audio
In audio technology, it is important that the input signal and the output signal are as close as possible to each other, not damaged, distorted, ...
#67. NAD C568 CD播放器公司貨0利率免運批發切貨團購-本周折扣
為了購買CD播放器? NAD C568 CD播放器公司貨0利率免運批發切貨團購我去逛了幾家百貨或商場但都沒有讓我滿意的,因為看到的不是價格偏高不然就是品質不 ...
#68. NAD C568 CD Player - Nelson - Beggs Musicworks
NAD C568 CD Player Beggs Music Shop Nelson Musical Instruments NZ. ... Although CDs are often dismissed as relics of the past, we here at NAD recognize the ...
#69. NAD C 568 CD Player | Paulmoney Hifi
Building on the success of our C 565BEE, the C 568 includes all the features you need for an easy and joyous CD-listening experience. Complete with the new NAD ...
#70. 「致发烧友」英国NAD C538与C568 发烧cd播放器的对比和区别
而现在的NAD C538与NAD C568是国内组装生产。 作为音频的源头来说CD机的目标是更好地提高音频读取解析输出的质量,所以功能并 ...
#71. NAD C 568 CD Player - Sevenoaks Sound and Vision
The C 568 takes the superb performance of NAD's 5-star rated C 546BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic performance is enhanced and ...
#72. NAD C568 - Toimitus 0€ - Hifikulma
NAD C568 - CD-soitin uutuus upeilla ominaisuuksilla. Although CDs are often dismissed as relics of the past, we here at NAD recognize the pride and joy one ...
#73. NAD C568 CD Player - The Listening Post
Every aspect of sonic performance is enhanced and refined, making the C 568 the ideal companion to NAD's C 368 amplifier, or any system in need of a performance ...
#74. NAD C568 - Studio 22
TODOS LOS ASPECTOS DEL RENDIMIENTO SONORO, MEJORADO Y REFINADO El C568 toma el ... Completando con el nuevo mando a distancia de NAD CD-8, el C568 ofrece un ...
#75. Nad C 568 | CD Player
Nad C 568 - CD Player Details: NAD's C 568 Compact Disc player has all the features you need to enjoy your CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs to the fullest.
#76. NAD C 568 Audiophile Compact Disc Player - Audiolab
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. Modern and Refined
NAD C568 COMPACT DISK PLAYER CD, CD-R and CD-RW Compatible USB Input supports external memory and audio rates up to 384kbps MP3 and WMA decoding NAD CD-8 ...
#78. Kjøp NAD C568 CD-spiller | 6 år garanti - HiFi Klubben
C568 er en opplagt partner til NADs egne forsterkere i New Classic-serien, som for eksempel C338 eller C368, men du kan selvfølgelig også bruke den sammen med ...
#79. NAD C 568 CD Player - Ayreborn Audio/Video
NAD C 568 CD Player ... Keep your CD collection in use with this great player from NAD. Plays CD/CD-R/CD-RW; USB Input supports external memory and audio rates up ...
#80. NAD C 568 Single-Disc CD Player
With our NAD C 568 CD Player, your CDs finally get the attention they deserve. Whether it's a newly bought CD or a personal mix you made for yourself, ...
#81. NAD C568 CD Player - Soundline Audio
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. MODERN AND REFINED. The C 568 takes the ...
#82. NAD C 568 CD Player | Klapp Audio Visual
The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic performance is enhanced and refined ...
#83. NAD C568 CD Player - Melbourne - Audio Trends
NAD CD Players and including the C568, have always delivered a smooth and very palatable sound more reminiscent of some of the finest "analogue" sounds. The ...
#84. NAD Electronics C568 Compact Disc Player | World Wide Stereo
Every Aspect of Sonic Performance, Enhanced and RefinedAlthough CDs are often dismissed as relics of the past, the folks at NAD recognize the pride...
#85. NAD C568 - Wide Screen Audio
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. Modern and Refined. The C 568 takes the ...
#86. NAD C568 Compact Disc Player | Douglas HiFi Perth
The NAD C568 CD player features 24bit Wolfson DAC technology coupled to a low jitter clock. The coaxial digital output is transformer isolated at a true 75 ...
#87. NAD Electronics C 568 Compact Disc Player Factory ...
NAD Electronics C 568 Compact Disc Player Factory Refurbished Every aspect of sonic performance, enhanced and refined. The C 568 takes the superb ...
#88. NAD C568 CD Player with USB - The Audio Experts
NAD C568 CD Player is NAD's premium CD player with USB input at the front panel. It comes with a Toroido transformer and separate power regulators for ...
#89. NAD C 568 CD Player - Selby Acoustics
The C 568 takes the superb performance of NAD's 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic performance is enhanced and ...
#90. NAD C568 CD grotuvas - HiFi Centras
C 568. Compact Disc Player. The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level.
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Buy NAD C568 | CD player ✓ Exceptional sound reproduction ✓ AirPlay ✓ Internet radio ✓ Spotify Connect ➤ Order now here!
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Buy NAD C568 CD Player online at Vision Hifi. We offer a great selection of Hi-Fi and CD Players products by NAD.
#94. NAD C568 CD Player With USB Input - Apollo HiFi
NAD C568 CD Player With USB Input ... The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated C 565BEE and steps it up to the next level. Every aspect of sonic ...
#95. NAD - C 568 - CD Player | Voted #1 in Australia
Shop NAD - C 568 - CD Player from The Audio Tailor. Voted Australia's #1 HiFi Store (2021+2022). The C 568 takes the superb performance of our 5-star rated ...
#96. NAD C568 - Technology Factory
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. Modern and Refined. The C 568 takes the ...
#97. NAD C568 - SoundHub
Complete with the new NAD CD-8 remote control, the C 568 delivers a high level performance worthy of your music library. Modern and Refined. The C 568 takes the ...
#98. NAD C568 - Boortmeerbeek - Mediaelectronics
De NAD C568 tilt de superieure prestaties van onze met 5 sterren beoordeelde C565BEE naar een hoger niveau. Elk aspect van de sonische prestaties is ...
#99. NAD C 568 – CD Player - Taxivision
NAD C 568 – CD Player. 999,00€ 899,00€ financing available - private negotiation. Although CDs are often dismissed as relics of the past, we here at NAD ...
#100. NAD C568 CD Player
NAD C568 CD Player. NAD C568 CD Player. 999.00 € *. Price incl. VAT, plus delivery. In stock can be shipped within 2 days. Description.
nad c568 在 [出售] 高雄面交NAD C568 CD播放機- 看板Audiophile 的推薦與評價
1. 產品型號: NAD C568 CD播放機
2. 欲售價格: 12000
3. 購買時間、地點: 2018/12集雅社
4. 一手用家還是二手或是N手: 一手
5. 保固情況:過保
6. 商品描述: 保存良好外觀無大傷,年初因轉盤故障送原廠維修,現在正常
7. 交易方式: 高雄市面交,意者請站內信,謝謝。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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