What do we consume our hearts, minds and time with? Is it something that brings us closer to Allah S.W.T or does it take us away from Him? Are we so engrossed in it to the point that we forget about the Quran and the Akhirah?
If the heart is filled with anything that distracts you from the path of Allah S.W.T, then there is no space and time for The Quran and The Deen. This includes being addicted to useless speech, gossip, backbiting, lying, movies, music, social media and basically anything that is of no benefit and which makes us heedless of Allah.
Ask yourself - do I prefer going to parties which has haram in it or gatherings of ilm? Do I prefer to listen to gossip and people who curse or the Quran? Do I get carried away with negative and useless conversations? Do I turn away from the Quran when it is being recited to me? What we consume, directly affects our hearts and iman. Think about it and make some changes today!
"And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment" (Surah Luqman:6)
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「negative punishment」的推薦目錄:
negative punishment 在 Void Facebook 的最佳貼文
教育心理學提出了操作制約學習(operant conditioning),讓孩子在既定的賞罰環境下,明白自己的行為會直接導致獎賞或懲罰,大致上是為了得到更多獎勵會做出更多指定行為,為了避免懲罰而減少某類行為🙂如果將之應用到教育一個聰明卻又專注力低的小孩上,又是怎樣的呢?
✅正向獎勵(positive reinforcement):明仔作出媽媽想要的行為後,會得到他喜歡的事物➡️如果明仔在這個學期,能持之以恆地保持每次測驗皆有90分或以上,媽媽會獎勵他帶他去海水公園玩樂。
✅負向獎勵(negative reinforcement):明仔作出媽媽想要的行為後,他不喜歡的事物會被移除➡️如果明仔能持之以恆地保持每次測驗皆有90分或以上,媽媽豁免他不用做家務一星期。
✅正向懲罰(positive punishment):明仔作出媽媽不喜歡的行為後,他會受到不喜歡的懲罰➡️明仔違背了每天至少專心溫習30分鐘的承諾,媽媽罰他多上10堂他討厭的補習班。
✅負向懲罰(negative punishment):明仔作出媽媽不喜歡的行為後,他喜歡的事物會被取走➡️明仔做不到每天至少溫習30分鐘,媽媽罰他一個月不准玩他最愛的動物森友會。
💌 #心理學教室 科和為你帶來更多心理學小知識!
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negative punishment 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
The Power of Free Choice
“When we were merely living natural lives, the law, through defining sin, actually awakened sinful desires within us, which resulted in bearing the fruit of death. But now that we have been fully released from the power of the law, we are dead to what once controlled us. And our lives are no longer motivated by the obsolete way of following the written code, so that now we may serve God by living in the freshness of a new life in the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 7:5-6 TPT)
Did you notice the more you tell yourself “I must not do this again,” the more likely you are doomed to repeat it?
Doesn’t it sound like the Ten Commandments which begins with “You shall not...”
For example, “You shall not think of a pink elephant.” The more you tell yourself that, you’ll find that you can’t stop thinking about that pink elephant.
The mind seems to filter out the word “not”.
It is the Law that stirs up the rebelliousness of our sinful flesh. It lusts against the things of God.
The more you say don’t sin, the more the flesh is tempted to sin.
We will benefit from learning to reframe and repackage the things we don’t want to do—from a perspective of negative obligation to a perspective of positive voluntary choice.
The first thing to realize is that we have truly been freed from the condemnation of sin. Jesus took all the punishment for sins in His own body at the cross so that we won’t have to.
We need to get rid of this fearful expectation of God’s judgment because it actually holds us back from breaking free from sinful habits.
This fear comes from being Law and sin-conscious instead of being conscious of how forgiven we are through Jesus’ finished work at the cross.
““All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are profitable. “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things build up.” (1 Corinthians 10:23 WEB)
ALL THINGS are lawful for you. You can literally do anything because the Spirit of Life that is in Christ Jesus has set you free from the Law of sin and of death.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is true liberty—you are totally free.
In the New Covenant of Grace, there is no sneaky fine-print, no hidden clauses, no leash to pull you back into right behavior. You have received forgiveness of sins as a gift of grace (unearned favor).
Is a Christian free to commit sin? Yes you can if you want to and God will not punish you for it.
Are you shocked to read that? But it is the truth.
If you can’t accept that, then you’re still bound by the Law and have an incomplete revelation of what Grace is.
If you say, “No, a Christian shall not sin, if not God will punish him and he’s in danger of hellfire,” that is a lie and it stirs up the sinful passions in a person’s flesh.
That kind of teaching dishonors Jesus’ finished work at the cross (as if it were an insufficient sacrifice) and it brings a person deeper into bondage to sin.
That’s because Law is a sin trigger that activates the fleshly temptation to commit sin.
But there’s a better way—use the freedom you have in Christ to do things that are profitable to you and the body of Christ.
Use that freedom to do things that build up instead of things that break down—imparting life instead of death.
Instead of declaring “No, I must not sin anymore,” which has no power to break the power of sin, you can say, “I am free to do anything I want, but I choose to honor and worship Jesus by doing what is profitable and edifying to the body of Christ!”
Remember this: your identity is your ability. You have the power to break free from sinful habits because you are a royal priest and child of God. Sin has no dominion over you because you are not under the Law but under Grace. Hallelujah!
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