【#名古屋 文化美食處處特色】
#fanfares destination of the week: #Nagoya
名古屋處處散發傳統文化風情,更有吃之不完的美食名物,盡是特色。走訪江戸時代的 #名古屋城,探索昔日名城;遊覽 #二之丸庭園 一邊品茗,一邊細看和式園景;親臨日本三大神宮之一的 #熱田神宮,觀賞文物瑰寶;最後一站,必定要食盡味噌豬扒、炸雞翅及炸蝦飯糰等地道料理,全面體驗名古屋最獨特一面!記得早上8時fanfares準時搶訂,及早登記成為註冊用戶發掘更多旅遊熱點! https://bit.ly/2qmCmFa
In charming #Aichi prefecture sits Nagoya, one of #Japan’s most historic cities. Explore the 17th century #NagoyaCastle and see their collection of ancient Japanese artefacts. Visit #Atsutajingu, one of Japan’s most important Shinto shrines and in its Treasure Hall, find ancient weaponry, masks and paintings. At #NinomaruGarden, find lush landscapes and ancient ruins from the early Edo period. Around the city, find delicious local treats such as Miso Katsu, Tebasaki, Tenmusu and more. Book fanfares to Nagoya at 8am and see more fanfares destinations here: https://bit.ly/35aH5Zm
ninomarugarden 在 Fifi的貪玩學校 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🇯🇵 Tokyo Day 1: Started with the beautiful Imperial Palace & the sacred Yasukuni Shrine nearby our hotel! ⛩️🌿🏯🍃 We didn't sleep well on the short flight so it was a wise decision to start with the natural peaceful sightseeing in the early morning!😊
#東京自由行第1天: 因為還不能check in, 簡單梳洗一下後就榮光煥發(?)的到我們下榻飯店附近的皇居東御苑、江戶城二之丸庭園與傳說中的靖國神社開始早上的行程! 十分適合睡眠不足輕鬆步行的style! 😁
#imperialpalace #tokyo #yasukunishrine #yasukunijinja #ninomarugarden #皇居東御苑 #皇居 #二之丸史跡庭園 #靖國神社 #東京 #fifisplayground #fifi的貪玩學校 @ Tokyo, Japan
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