#1. Evaluation of patients with polyuria - UpToDate
由 DG Bichet 著作 · 被引用 3 次 — Topic Outline · Glucosuria (usually due to hyperglycemia) · Other causes of solute diuresis · Not causes of true polyuria: Salt wasting and typical ...
#2. Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria and Polydipsia in a Patie...
Differential diagnosis of polydipsia and polyuria may be difficult. Polyuria can arise from inadequate secretion of vasopressin, failure of the renal tubules to ...
#3. Polyuria - Genitourinary Disorders - MSD Manuals
Key Points · Use of diuretics and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus are common causes of polyuria. · In the absence of diabetes mellitus and diuretic use, the most ...
#4. Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria - Annual Reviews
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF. POLYURIA. Gary L. Robertson, M.D. ... Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a syndrome characterized by chronic polyuria and polydipsia.
#5. Polyuria - WikEM
Polyuria · Osmotic diuresis. Hyperglycemia · Mannitol · Drugs: diuretics, caffeine, acetazolamide, lithium · Hypercalcemia · Hypokalemia · Diabetes ...
#6. Polyuria (Excessive Urine Production) - WebMD
What Causes Polyuria? · Type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Polyuria is often one of the first signs of diabetes. · Diabetes insipidus. With this rare ...
#7. Polyuria and Polydipsia: Diagnostic Approach and Problems ...
由 R Nichols 著作 · 2001 · 被引用 30 次 — In most instances, the more common causes of polyuria and polydipsia (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism, chronic renal failure, pyelonephritis, pyometra) have ...
#8. Polyuria: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Polyuria and polydipsia are both signs of diabetes mellitus as well as diabetes insipidus. Both conditions are significant and require further ...
#9. Polyuria. Medical Professional reference for ... -
The causes of polyuria are usually also causes of polydipsia. Aetiology. Endocrine. Diabetes mellitus. Cranial diabetes insipidus. Cushing's ...
#10. Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria | NEJM
To the Editor: The article of Zerbe and Robertson in the December 24 issue is a very interesting study of the differential diagnosis of polyuria ...
#11. Polyuria - Wikipedia
The most common cause of polyuria in both adults and children is uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, which causes osmotic diuresis, when glucose ...
#12. Pediatric Diabetes Insipidus Differential Diagnoses
Central diabetes insipidus (DI), nephrogenic DI, and primary polydipsia (PP) are all classifed as polyuria-polydipsia syndromes. Differentiating ...
#13. Copeptin in the Differential Diagnosis of ... - Oxford Academic
Copeptin holds promise as a diagnostic tool in the polyuria-polydipsia syndrome, improving significantly the diagnostic accuracy of the direct WDT. Issue ...
#14. A 27-Month-Old Boy with Polyuria and Polydipsia - Hindawi
Interpretation of serum and urine osmolality in the differential diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia after the water deprivation test. After ...
#15. A Water Deprivation Test for the Differential Diagnosis of ...
Crist, C.A., et al: Standardized Water Deprivation Test for Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria , Clin Res 10:85 ( (Jan) ) 1962.
#16. Logical Approach to Polyuria and Polydipsia - WSAVA2009
Differential diagnosis of polyuria/polydipsia. Urine concentration. Differential diagnosis. Useful tests. Hyposthenuria Urine SG <1.008.
#17. Polydipsia and polyuria, differential diagnosis in pregnancy
Introduction: Gestational diabetes insipidus (GDI) is a rare endocrinopathy whose incidence is around four cases per 100 000 pregnancies.
#18. New diagnostic approaches for patients with polyuria ...
AVP-independent causes (such as hyperglycemia), the differential diagnosis of hypotonic polyuria includes central or nephrogenic DI and primary polydipsia.
#19. Polyuria-polydipsia Syndrome - Thermo Fisher Scientific
B·R·A·H·M·S Copeptin proAVP in your clinical routine for the differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia syndrome · Excessive fluid intake and excessive urine ...
#20. Copeptin in the differential diagnosis of hypotonic polyuria
The differential diagnosis of hypotonic polyuria includes central or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus on one hand and primary polydipsia on ...
#21. Polyuria‐polydipsia syndrome: a diagnostic challenge - Nigro
To differentiate between the causes of the polyuria-polydipsia syndrome, a water ...
#22. Polyuria & Polydipsia - RCP London
Definition and confirmation. • Differential Diagnosis. • Diabetes Insipidus Diagnosis & Management. • NICE guidelines IV fluid administration ...
#23. Copeptin in the differential diagnosis of the polydipsia ...
Copeptin in the differential diagnosis of the polydipsia-polyuria syndrome – revisiting the direct and indirect water deprivation tests.
#24. The differential diagnosis of polyuria/polydipsia in dogs
(1995). The differential diagnosis of polyuria/polydipsia in dogs. Veterinary Quarterly: Vol. 17, No. sup1, pp. 19-21.
#25. Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria - Johns Hopkins University
Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria. Simon Smitz, Arnold M. Moses, Myron Miller, David H.p. Streeten, Gary L. Robertson, Robert L. Zerbe.
#26. Chapter 182: Polyuria - AAP Publications
Differential Diagnosis. Polyuria can be caused by any one of several conditions that play a role in ...
#27. Measurement of plasma arginine vasopressin in the ... - Nature
Measurement of plasma arginine vasopressin in the differential diagnosis of polyuria. In children and adolescents (1-18 y, n:65) a linear correlation ...
#28. Use of copeptin in the diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia ...
differential diagnosis of polyuria ... onset polyuria after pituitary surgery ... diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus.
#29. The Roles of Solute Loading and Water Diuresis - American ...
The differential diagnosis of polyuria includes central diabetes insipidus, congenital or acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, ...
#30. Copeptin in the differential diagnosis of ... - ResearchGate
Download Citation | Copeptin in the differential diagnosis of hypotonic polyuria | Copeptin Copeptin is secreted in equimolar amount to Arginine Vasopressin ...
#31. Algorithmic Approach for the Diagnosis of Polyuria
A water intake of more than 100 mL/kg/day. (6 L/day) is termed as polydipsia. Frequent passage of small amounts of urine has many causes such as urinary tract ...
#32. Polyuria - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment ...
What are the Causes of Polyuria? · Polyuria can occur due to excessive compulsive drinking of water, technically known as psychogenic polydipsia.
#33. Polyuria - wikidoc
Causes · Hereditary NDI · Lithium · Hypercalcemia · Hypokalemia · Renal disease: Bilateral urinary tract obstruction Medullary cystic kidney disease ...
#34. An Approach to Polyuria | Algorithms in Differential Diagnosis
Abstract: A 40-year-old lady, who is on psychiatric follow up, complains of the frequent passage of large volumes of urine which started a week ago.
#35. Differential diagnosis of polyuria. | Semantic Scholar
Diabetes insipidus is a syndrome characterized by chronic polyuria and polydipsia, and accurate diagnostic differentiation among the four basic types of DI ...
#36. Polyuria
-2 major causes of polyuria: (a) water diuresis. (b) solute (osmotic) diuresis. -If polyuria present (>3L/day), can differentiate water from solute diuresis ...
In the presence of polyuria, urine osmolality ≥750 mOsm/kg (hypertonic) with normal serum sodium concentration excludes diabetes insipidus. Other causes of ...
#38. Nocturia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Nocturnal polyuria. Nocturnal urinary frequency. Polyuria. People with polyuria urinate >3,000mL in 24 hours. This is usually caused by there ...
#39. Copeptin assays in children for the differential diagnosis of ...
Polyuria -polydipsia syndrome (PPS) is a common presentation in children but the differential diagnosis rests on burdensome water deprivation ...
#40. Differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia in - ProQuest
Differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia in dogs and cats. Pond, Eleanor C. In Practice; London Vol. 4, Iss. 4, (Jul 1982): 119.
#41. Dysuria: Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis in Adults
Noninflammatory causes of dysuria include medication use, urethral anatomic abnormalities, local trauma, and interstitial cystitis/bladder pain ...
#42. Polyuria - Oxford Medicine Online
In hospital the commonest causes of polyuria are diuretic therapy and recovery from an acute renal injury (e.g. acute tubular necrosis or obstruction).
#43. Diagnosis of polyuria and diabetes insipidus
The causes and treatment of polyuria due to central or nephrogenic DI are ... DIAGNOSIS AND DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS — In addition to nephrogenic and central ...
#44. Hypotonic polyuria: at the cross-roads of copeptin (full text)
Copeptin, diagnosis, diabetes insipidus, hypotonic polyuria ... in clinical practice; 1,2 the differential diagnosis includes central or nephrogenic diabetes ...
#45. Excessive Urination Volume (Polyuria) - Healthline
Medical causes of excessive urination volume. Excessive urine output can sometimes signal health problems, including: bladder infection ( ...
#46. Polyuria and Polydipsia GP training day 21st April 2016.pptx
between the different causes. 4. to understand treatment strategies. Definibon of Polyuria. • A urine output exceeding. – 3 L/day in adults.
#47. Central Diabetes Insipidus - National Organization for Rare ...
NDI causes chronic excessive thirst (polydipsia), excessive urine production (polyuria), and potentially dehydration. If left untreated, repeated episodes ...
#48. Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria-Polydipsia Syndrome with ...
Adapted from: Timper K et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100(6): 2268-74. Differential Diagnosis of. Polyuria-Polydipsia Syndrome with Copeptin.
#49. Polyuria, polydipsia differential diagnose. Diabetes mellitus
Your patient has Polyuria and polydipsia, so what is your differential diagnose?It could be Diabetes mellititus, diabetes insipidus, ...
#50. Differential Diagnosis | Diabetes Type 2 - The Ohio State ...
Rationale: Classic symptoms of DM Type 2 is polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, blurred vision, fatigue, lower extremity paresthesia, and weight loss. Other ...
#51. Diagnostic approach to polyuria and polydipsia (Proceedings)
Polyuria and polydipsia (PU/PD) refer to excessive water consumption and urine production ... Differential Diagnosis: Mechanisms of PU/PD.
#52. Differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia in dogs and cats
Differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia in dogs and cats [1982]. Pond, E.C.;. Access the full text. NOT AVAILABLE.
#53. polyuria-introduction : Diseases and Conditions - Pediatric ...
Common causes of polyuria: Polydipsia or excessive fluid intake, which can be psychogenic. Solute diuresis e.g. glucosuria in ...
#54. Diagnostic accuracy of copeptin in the differential diagnosis of ...
CONTEXT: The polyuria-polydipsia syndrome comprises primary polydipsia (PP) and central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DI). Correctly discriminating these ...
#55. Diabetes insipidus - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Learn more about this unusual disorder that disrupts the body's fluid balance, causing excessive urination and possibly leading to ...
#56. Investigation of polyuria and polydipsia | BSAVA Library
There are many potential causes of polyuria and polydipsia. Primary disorders of water balance, although uncommon, should always be considered in the ...
#57. Polyuria - Differential Diagnosis in Primary Care, 4th Edition
Differential Diagnosis in Primary Care, 4th Edition. Polyuria. Polyuria is an absolute increase in the urine output in a 24-hour period.
#58. Polyuria-polydipsia syndrome: from clinic to diagnosis (trial of ...
Conclusion: For decades, the differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia syndrome has been based on water deprivation test which continues to be an ...
#59. Polyuria: A Pathophysiologic Approach - Canadian Journal of ...
Typically in such scenarios, urine osmolality ranges from 100–300 mmol/kg. 2. Conclusion. Polyuria has a broad range of causes and can be a ...
#60. Differential diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia in a patient ...
PubMed journal article: Differential diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia in a patient with spinal cord injury. Download Prime PubMed App to iPhone, iPad, ...
#61. POLYURIA - Blackbook - Calgary Black Book
POLYURIA Scheme. POLYURIA Polyuria Urine Output > 3L/dayIncreased Urine Volume (>2ml/min)Water Diuresis Urine Osmolality < Serum Osmolality Osmotic Diuresis ...
#62. Diagnostic Accuracy of Copeptin in the Differential ... - UAB
Conclusion: Copeptin is a promising new tool in the differential diagnosis of the polyuria-polydipsia syndrome, and a valid surrogate marker for AVP.
#63. Normal and Abnormal Water Balance: Polyuria and Polydipsia
This article discusses the interpretation of urine specific gravity, the definition of PU/PD, and a diagnostic approach to the problem. A list of the causes ...
#64. Copeptin-based diagnosis of diabetes insipidus - Swiss ...
[10] was considered the gold standard for the differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia syndrome. The evaluation of the water ...
#65. Diabetes Insipidus: New Concepts for Diagnosis - FullText
Differential Diagnosis by Water Deprivation Test. For many years, the standard diagnostic test for the evaluation of polyuria-polydipsia syndrome was the ...
#66. Primary Polydipsia in Children: Two Case Reports - Child ...
Differential diagnosis based on the symptoms of polydipsia and polyuria is difficult because of the broad associated disease spectrum, ...
#67. The Polyuria-Polydipsia Syndrome: a diagnostic challenge
To differentiate between the causes of the polyuria-polydipsia syndrome, ... be a useful candidate biomarker for the differential diagnosis.
#68. Differential Diagnosis of Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms ...
voided volume provides great help in the initial diagnosis of overactive bladder (OAB) or polyuria conditions. Uroflometry and postvoid reJ.
#69. Polyuria - Frequent Urination Symptoms and Causes
Causes of polyuria ... Polyuria is usually the result of drinking excessive amounts of fluids (polydipsia), particularly water and fluids that contain caffeine or ...
#70. Approach to Polyuria in Children... Dr.Padmesh - SlideShare
#71. Nocturia - RACGP
Nocturnal polyuria is present in up to 80% of patients with nocturia and can be ... Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) causes NP due to increased secretion of ...
#72. Diabetes insipidus in the diagnosis of polyuria - Via Medica ...
rogenic diabetes insipidus causes high vasopressin concentration. In central DI neither a urine specific gravity nor urine osmolarity increase is reported ...
#73. The Incidence and Diagnostic Factors of Polydipsia and Polyuria
The differential diagnosis of polydipsia and polyuria are various diseases including diabetes mellitus (DM), central diabetes insipidus (CDI), and primary ...
#74. Polyuria‐polydipsia syndrome: a diagnostic challenge
33 investigated whether AVP measurements added to a water deprivation test improves the differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia syndrome. The water ...
#75. Polyuria with the Concurrent manifestation of Central Diabetes ...
genic polydipsia, is excluded from the causes of polyuria, either water diuresis by diabetes insipidus (DI) or osmotic diuresis by diabetes mellitus (DM) ...
#76. rapid differential diagnosis of polyuria-polydipsia syndrome in ...
#77. Copeptin in the differential diagnosis of hypotonic polyuria
Keywords, Diabetes insipidus; Differential diagnosis; Primary polydipsia. Abstract, Copeptin is secreted in equimolar amount to Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) ...
#78. A case of polyuria TUBULAR QUIZ
1) and not hypotonic polyuria, is a strong argument in favor of diabetes insipidus. To address the differential diagnosis, a modified water ...
#79. March - Polydipsia / polyuria and skin lesions in a dog - laboklin
In conclusion, the main differential diagnosis for these skin lesions was calcinosis cutis with secondary inflammation and possible infection. Accumulation of ...
#80. Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Polyuria - GrepMed
Causes of Polyuria - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Polyuria - Urine Output > 3L/day, Increased Urine Volume (>2ml/min) Osmotic Diuresis ...
#81. Chapter 19: Nocturia in Elderly Persons and Nocturnal Polyuria
A careful voiding diary, incorporating measurements of voided volumes, is essential to make the diagnosis. Common causes of nocturnal polyuria are listed in.
#82. Diabetes insipidus - Knowledge @ AMBOSS
polyuria. ), which causes excessive thirst (. polydipsia. ) in response to fluid loss. Additionally, patients develop the need to urinate at ...
#83. Failure to Thrive with Polyuria | Insight Medical Publishing
The differential diagnosis of proximal renal tubular acidosis in a child includes idiopathic, inherited, and acquired causes. This combined with the ...
#84. Copeptin in Differentiation of Polyuria and Polydipsia - Clinical ...
Therefore, the investigators will analyze in that study the diagnostic utility of plasma copeptin in the differential diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia.
#85. Polyuria (Chapter 36) - Post-Anesthesia Care - Cambridge ...
Table 36.1 Differential diagnosis of polyuria. Central diabetes insipidus, Cerebral salt wasting syndrome. Urine output, High, Variable, may ...
#86. Central Diabetes Insipidus Clinical Pathway – PICU
Diagnostic Criteria for Central DI: Both of the following criteria are required to diagnose Central DI. Urine Output (UOP) · Exclude other causes of polyuria ...
#87. Increased Urination and Thirst in Dogs | PetMD
Polydipsia and Polyuria in Dogs · Symptoms of Polydipsia and Polyuria in Dogs · Causes of Increased Thirst and Urination in Dogs · Diagnosis of ...
#88. A young man with polyuria and lethargy Imtiaz S, Qayyum S ...
From his clinical presentation, a differential diagnosis of diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus and psychogenic polydipsia was made and ...
#89. What is the differential diagnosis for polyuria? - Pass NPLEX
What is the differential diagnosis for polyuria? January 12, 2021 4:01 am Published by Omar Rifai. Pituitary conditions:.
#90. Diabetes Insipidus - Endocrinology Advisor
Other causes of polyuria and polydipsia. ... Once a patient is verified to have true hypotonic polyuria, the differential diagnosis follows a well-defined ...
#91. Polyuria: Definition, Causes & Symptoms -
Since water moves in the direction of the highest concentration of solutes, any condition that causes more solutes to be in the filtrate can ...
#92. General Medicine - 第 73 頁 - Google 圖書結果
In this chapter you will learn to: Understand the causes of polyuria/polydipsia and their underlying physiological basis.
#93. What Is Nocturnal Polyuria? |
Possible Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options. If you're getting up at night to pee 'a lot,' meaning you pass a large quantity of urine ...
#94. Polyuria and Polydipsia | Veterian Key
Polyuria (PU) is defined as excessive urine production and is ... The most common causes of PU and PD in dogs include renal disease, ...
#95. Thirsty Phursty: The Polydipsia Workup - Renal Fellow Network
The patient returned with continued polydipsia and polyuria, ... The patient had a final diagnosis of primary polydipsia when water ...
polyuria differential diagnosis 在 Polyuria, polydipsia differential diagnose. Diabetes mellitus 的推薦與評價
Your patient has Polyuria and polydipsia, so what is your differential diagnose?It could be Diabetes mellititus, diabetes insipidus, ... ... <看更多>