想成為我法國Disciples Escoffier專業烹飪文憑既師弟師妹? 參加簡介會了解多d啦!
【法國 Disciples Escoffier 專業烹飪文憑 網上簡介會】
想烹飪技能提昇到更專業嘅層次?被喻為烹飪界最頂級課程之一,新一屆法國 Disciples Escoffier 專業烹飪文憑即將舉行!課程由頂尖名廚指導教學,喺Towngas Cooking Centre 專程打造嘅專用烹飪課室,具備16個獨立學員工作區域,有齊嶄新嘅優質設備,同學可以安心喺專業指導下,學習高水準嘅正宗法國廚藝!
網上課程簡介會將使用 Microsoft Teams 進行,安在家中就可以實時接收所需資訊!是次簡介會除咗介紹新增嘅課程項目外,仲有星級廚師烹飪示範!有興趣想增進廚藝,就萬勿錯過今次課程簡介啦!
1⃣ 通過考試可獲頒「法國廚藝訓練第五級證書」,合資格於法國開設餐廳
2⃣ 由米芝蓮星級或國際知名大廚親授烹飪秘技
3⃣ 毋須抽身離港上課
4⃣ 在全新極專業、設備極完善之煤氣烹飪中心上課
5⃣ 專業導師提供針對學員個人及全面性培訓
6⃣ 學員通過考試後,享有於高級食府實習機會
日期:2020 年 4 月 26 日 (日)
時間:下午3:00 - 5:00
形式:Microsoft Teams
如有更多查詢,歡迎致電: 63873157 (辦公時間9am - 7pm) 或發送電郵至 [email protected]
【Disciples Escoffier Professional Diploma Online Briefing Session】
Aiming to enhance your culinary skills? Crowned as one of the top programmes in the culinary world, Disciples Escoffier Diploma is back in town! Students will learn from the most respectable master teachers in Towngas's brand new culinary practical room - with 16 independent work areas and brand new facilities, students can enhance their skills by learning from the most respectable master teachers!
The online briefing session will be conducted via Microsoft Teams, simply download the Microsoft Teams mobile app after registration, you will receive an email with an invitation link on the day of the briefing session, so you can receive all the information at home! Apart from the latest addition to the programme, there will also be cooking demo from the master teachers! If you wish to enhance your cooking skills, don't miss out on this briefing session!
Top 6 benefits you need to know about Disciples Escoffier Professional Diploma:
1⃣ Graduates with the “Level 5 Certificate of Training in Culinary” are qualified to open restaurants in France
2⃣ Learn interactively from Michelin-starred chefs or celebrity chefs
3⃣ No need to fly overseas
4⃣ Well-equipped venue with professional facilities in the training classroom of Towngas Cooking Centre
5⃣ Targeted and comprehensive personalised coaching throughout the whole programme
6⃣ Qualified graduates with good performance may be referred to place an internship at prestigious hotels or restaurants
Register now for the program briefing sessions:
Disciples Escoffier Diplomas in Culinary Arts & Disciples Escoffier Diplomas in Pastry – Online Briefing Session
Contents: Introduction to the course, cooking demo and Q&A section by master teachers
Date: 26 April, 2020 (Sunday)
Time: 3:00 - 5:00pm
Language: Cantonese & English
Format: Microsoft Teams
Join now: https://www.towngascooking.com/en/Course/Detail/18558
Learn more: https://www.towngascooking.com/en/News/Detail/10
For enquiries, please call at 63873157 (Office hour: 9am - 7pm) or send an email to [email protected]
#DisciplesEscoffier #ProfessionalDiploma #Towngas #cooking #bakery #pastry #OnlineBriefing
professionaldiploma 在 VvnHo Facebook 的最佳解答
【 第一屆 「創意多媒體插畫專業文憑」】講座
【HKDI X Vivian Ho (何博欣 )】
新晉藝術家 Vivian Ho 在香港備受矚目,她以新鮮大膽的圖像展現其美學文化。她的作品涵蓋大型油彩及粉彩畫,以及數碼插畫。Vivian曾於美國、意大利、上海、北京及香港舉行個人展覽及聯展,不少作品被世界收藏家作私人收藏。Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong 2014 總監 Camilla Hewitson 讚賞 Vivian 為五大必看青年藝術家之一。
今次我地就睇下 Vivian 嘅作品啦~
全港唯一 資歷架構第四級同類課程!
陣容強大 由李秋明率領一眾專業能手親自教授,另邀請客席嘉賓。集多媒介繪畫、數碼插畫、紙藝、人體繪圖、動態圖像及參觀專業創作室等。
登記講座(費用全免): https://goo.gl/wRfmTn
日期:2017年2月17日 (星期五)
時間:7.00pm - 8.00pm
#PEEC #HKDI #專業文憑 #ProfessionalDiploma #創意多媒體插畫 #多媒體 #插畫 #多媒介繪畫 #繪畫 #數碼插畫 #紙藝 #人體繪圖 #動態圖像 #drawing #digitalillustration #paperart #figuredrawing #2Dmotiongraphics #3Dmotiongraphics #creativemultimediaillustration #creativemultimedia #illustration #ChowLee #李秋明 #LangeWong #VivianHo #何博欣 #ManTsun #EvaPong #KennyWong
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