raynaud's disease 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

#1. Raynaud's Disease - MedlinePlus
Raynaud's disease is a rare disorder of the blood vessels, usually in the fingers and toes. It causes the blood vessels to narrow when you ...
#2. Raynaud's Phenomenon | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Raynaud's phenomenon is a problem that causes decreased blood flow to the fingers. In some cases, it also causes less blood flow to the ears, toes, nipples, ...
#3. Raynaud syndrome - Wikipedia
Raynaud syndrome, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon, eponymously named after the physician Auguste Gabriel Maurice Raynaud, who first described it in his ...
#4. Raynaud's - NHS
Check if it's Raynaud's ... Raynaud's affects your blood circulation. When you're cold, anxious or stressed, your fingers and toes may change colour. Other ...
#5. Raynaud's Disease & Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Raynaud's disease is when blood vessels in your fingers and toes temporarily overreact to low temperatures or stress.
#6. Raynaud's disease: Treatment, causes, and symptoms
Raynaud's disease is caused by peripheral blood vessels overreacting to cold. · The condition affects 5-10 percent of Americans. · Maurice Raynaud first described ...
#7. Raynaud's Phenomenon - American College of Rheumatology
The most common rheumatic diseases associated with Raynaud's include scleroderma and lupus, but can include others such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory ...
#8. Raynaud's Phenomenon Treatment, Symptoms & Causes
Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) is a disorder resulting in vasospasm, a particular series of discolorations of the fingers and/or the toes after exposure to changes ...
#9. Raynaud's Phenomenon: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis ...
Raynaud's phenomenon (also called Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome) is a disorder that affects the blood vessels in the fingers and ...
#10. Raynaud's phenomenon - Illnesses & conditions | NHS inform
Raynaud's phenomenon is a common condition that affects the blood supply to certain parts of the body – usually the fingers and toes.
#11. Raynaud's Phenomenon: Causes, Treatment, and More
Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition where blood flow to your fingers, toes, ears, or nose is restricted or interrupted. This occurs when the blood vessels ...
#12. Raynaud's phenomenon - Better Health Channel
Raynaud's phenomenon is the short-term interruption of blood flow to the extremities, such as the fingers and toes. · Raynaud's phenomenon may be a sign of an ...
#13. Raynaud phenomenon | DermNet NZ
Raynaud phenomenon is an episodic reduction in the blood supply to the fingers, toes, or nipple occurring mainly in response to cold (vasospastic disease).
#14. Raynaud's Disease Clinic – Evaluation and Treatment
Raynaud's disease is a disorder that affects blood flow primarily in the fingers and toes, and sometimes the ears, nipples, knees, or nose. It is characterized ...
#15. Raynaud's Phenomenon or Disease Treatment & Types | NIAMS
Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition that causes the blood vessels in the hands and feet to narrow, decreasing blood flow.
#16. Raynaud's Disease - Arthritis Foundation
Symptoms · Extreme sensitivity to cold. Your body also may react to emotional stress as if it were reacting to cold. · Skin color changes. Fingers, toes, and ...
#17. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Raynaud phenomenon
Raynaud phenomenon (RP) is an exaggerated vascular response to cold temperature or emotional stress. The phenomenon is manifested clinically ...
#18. Raynaud Syndrome - Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders
Raynaud Syndrome · Constriction of small arteries causes fingers (or toes) to become pale or bluish, numb, and tingle. · Doctors can often make a diagnosis on the ...
#19. Primary and Secondary Raynaud's disease - Southern Cross
Raynaud's disease is a condition affecting the circulation of blood in the fingers and toes, usually when exposed to cold. Typical symptoms include fingers ...
#20. Raynaud's phenomenon | Causes, symptoms, treatments
Raynaud's phenomenon (Ray-nodes fen-om-e-non) causes blood to stop flowing properly to the outer parts of the body. This happens mainly when you get cold, ...
#21. Raynaud's Syndrome (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Raynaud's syndrome makes a person's fingers or toes temporarily feel cold, numb, tingly, or painful.
#22. Raynaud Phenomenon - Medscape Reference
Raynaud phenomenon manifests as recurrent vasospasm of the fingers and toes and usually occurs in response to stress or cold exposure.
#23. Raynaud's Disease - familydoctor.org
Raynaud's disease is a rare medical condition that involves a narrowing of your arteries. It primarily affects your fingers and toes.
#24. Raynaud Phenomenon - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Raynaud's syndrome involves episodic temporary spasm of the digital arteries provoked by cold and emotional stress. The typical clinical pattern is pallor, ...
#25. Raynaud's - HSE.ie
Raynaud's phenomenon is common and does not usually cause any severe problems. It affects your hands and feet where your fingers and toes turn white.
#26. Raynaud phenomenon Information | Mount Sinai - New York
Raynaud's phenomenon is characterized by blood vessel spasms in the fingers, toes, ears or nose, usually brought on by exposure to cold.
#27. Raynaud's Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Raynaud's syndrome causes fingers and/or toes to turn blue or white with exposure to cold. Learn about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
#28. Raynaud's phenomenon | Health topics A to Z | CKS
Raynaud's phenomenon is episodic vasospasm of the arteries or arterioles in the extremities (usually the digits) which leads to colour change including pallor, ...
#29. Raynaud's phenomenon | healthdirect
Raynaud's phenomenon (or Raynaud's disease) is a condition causing some areas of the body to feel numb and cool in response to cold temperatures or stress.
#30. Raynaud's Phenomenon - Harvard Health
What Is It?Raynaud's phenomenon is a blood vessel disorder. The condition is also called Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome.When healthy people are in ...
#31. Raynaud's Phenomenon: Care Instructions
Raynaud's is a condition that causes your hands and feet to overreact to cold. They may become painful and numb, and they can change colours, becoming very pale ...
#32. About Raynaud's Disease | Lupus Foundation of America
Raynauds is a common overlapping condition with lupus that can cause numbness in the fingertips and toes. Learn the triggers and how to avoid them.
#33. Raynaud's disease | SRUK
Raynaud's disease (Ray-nodes) means that the small blood vessels in the extremities such as the hands, feet, fingers or toes are over-sensitive to even the ...
#34. Raynaud's Phenomenon | NEJM
We currently classify patients into two groups: those with primary Raynaud's phenomenon, which is diagnosed when no underlying disease is found; ...
#35. Raynaud's Disease | Vascular Center | UC Davis Health
Raynaud's disease, or Raynaud's phenomenon, is a form of vasculitis in which the arteries of the fingers or toes suddenly narrow in response to cold.
#36. Raynaud Phenomenon Symptoms & Causes - Boston ...
Named for the French medical student who first described it in 1862, Raynaud's phenomenon is a rare condition in which blood vessels react in an exaggerated ...
#37. Raynaud's Phenomenon — What are the Causes & Symptoms?
Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition that can cause discomfort as the blood supply to your extremities becomes reduced. In general fingers and toes are affected, ...
#38. Raynaud's Phenomenon : OSH Answers - Canadian Centre ...
Raynaud's phenomenon, sometimes called Raynaud's syndrome or disease, is a disorder of blood circulation in the fingers and toes (and less commonly of the ...
#39. Raynaud's syndrome | Health Navigator NZ
Raynaud's (pronounced 'ray-nose') is an exaggerated response to cold, usually affecting your hands and feet. · It happens when the small blood ...
#40. Raynaud's Phenomenon in Adults - Skinsight
Raynaud's phenomenon is sometimes seen with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and lupus, where the body's immune system turns ...
#41. Raynaud's Phenomenon - UW Medicine Health Library
Raynaud's phenomenon is a disorder that causes decreased blood flow to the fingers. · Spasms of blood vessels happen in response to cold, stress, or emotional ...
#42. Raynaud's phenomenon: a whiter shade to winter's pale
Raynaud's phenomenon is a circulatory disorder, characterised by episodic attacks where arteries in the fingers and toes spasm, restricting blood flow and ...
#43. Raynaud's Syndrome Symptoms, Treatment, Causes & Pictures
Raynaud's syndrome (also called Raynaud's phenomenon) is a vessel abnormality that causes the small arteries of the arms and legs to shut down, ...
It has been assumed that Raynaud's disease occurs very rarely among men as compared with its occurrence among women. From both a diagnostic and a prognostic ...
#45. Raynaud's Phenomenon | Michigan Medicine
What is Raynaud's phenomenon? Raynaud's (say "ray-NOHZ") phenomenon occurs when the blood vessels in the hands and feet overreact to cold temperatures. The ...
#46. Raynaud's phenomenon | Cardiovascular Research
In the UK RP is the blanket term used to describe any form of cold related vasospasm and can be further subdivided into Raynaud's syndrome (RS) where there is ...
#47. The Cold Truth About Raynaud's - Penn Medicine
Raynaud's is a disorder of the blood vessels, generally in the fingers and toes. “When you are exposed to cold (e.g., cold weather, ...
#48. Raynaud's Disease | MedStar Health
Learn about Raynaud's disease, a condition affecting circulation to the fingers and toes, and how we treat it at MedStar Health. Make an appointment today.
#49. Raynaud's phenomenon - Patient.info
Raynaud's phenomenon occurs when the extremities of the body, usually the fingers and toes, colour and may become painful. It is due to a ...
#50. Raynaud's Syndrome - Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to different parts of your body. Raynaud's is sometimes called a disease, syndrome, or phenomenon.
#51. Raynaud's | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Raynaud's causes blood vessels to narrow and limits blood circulation to the ... Raynaud's is a rare condition that causes some parts of your child's body ...
#52. Raynaud's Syndrome Diagnosis & Treatment - Vascular ...
Raynaud's Syndrome affects the arteries of the body, which are the blood vessels responsible for carrying blood away from the heart to different parts of the ...
#53. Raynaud's Phenomenon - Physiopedia
Raynaud's Phenomenon (RP) is a disorder characterized by an episodic color change of the extremities in response to cold exposure or emotional stress.
#54. Raynaud's phenomenon - Elizabeth V Ratchford, Natalie S ...
Symptoms include color changes in the fingers or toes upon exposure to cold. In primary Raynaud's, no cause is found, but patients with ...
#55. Raynaud's Phenomenon - Massachusetts General Hospital
Raynaud's phenomenon is a disorder that causes decreased blood flow to the fingers. In some cases, it also causes less blood flow to the ears, toes, ...
#56. Raynaud Syndrome - Cardiovascular Disorders - Merck ...
Raynaud Syndrome - Etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis & prognosis from the Merck Manuals - Medical Professional Version.
#57. Raynaud's Phenomenon | Stanford Health Care
Raynaud's (say "ray-NOHZ") phenomenon is a problem when the blood vessels in the hands and feet are extra sensitive and become more narrow than normal.
#58. Raynaud's Disease - Vascular Cures
Raynaud's Disease (also called Raynaud's Phenomenon) is a medical condition. It is named after the French physician, Maurice Raynaud, who first described it ...
#59. Raynaud's Phenomenon : What You Should Know - YouTube
Raynaud's Phenomenon is a condition that results in decreased blood flow to your fingers and toes. There are two types of Raynaud's, ...
#60. Raynaud's Disease Treatment in New Jersey | Vascular Care
Raynaud's disease is a condition where blood flow to your fingers, toes, ears, or nose is restricted or interrupted. This occurs when the blood vessels in ...
#61. Raynaud's Phenomenon | Cooper University Health Care
For most people living with Raynaud's phenomenon, the condition is more of a nuisance than a serious health issue. Avoiding triggers, especially cold, can help ...
#62. Raynaud's phenomenon | Great Ormond Street Hospital
Raynaud's phenomenon is a fairly common condition characterised by an exaggerated reaction to cold temperatures. It mainly affects the hands and feet but ...
#63. Raynaud's Disease - Job Accommodation Network
About Raynaud's Disease. Raynaud's phenomenon is a rare condition that when exposed to cold temperatures or emotional stress, it causes the blood vessels to ...
#64. What is Raynaud's Disease? - American Society for Surgery of ...
Raynaud's disease, also known as primary Raynaud's, is the most common form when the blood vessels in your fingers react to stress and shut down ...
#65. Raynauds Disease | Orthopedics Sports Medicine
Doctors are not sure what causes Raynaud's, but they think that the blood vessels in the hands or feet that normally narrow when you get cold or stressed are ...
#66. Raynaud's Disease - Harbin Clinic
Raynaud's disease is a rare disorder of the blood vessels, usually in the fingers and toes.
#67. Raynaud's Syndrome - Hand - Orthobullets
It takes two forms. Raynaud's Phenomenon or Raynaud's Syndrome. vasospastic disease with a known underlying cause. Raynaud's Disease.
#68. What causes Raynaud's disease? - Heart Matters magazine
Our expert explains what Raynaud's phenomenon is, and whether people with heart and circulatory disease are more likely to get it.
#69. What You Need to Know About Raynaud's Disease - Michigan ...
Raynaud's Disease is characterized by the loss of blood flow to the fingers and toes. When the sufferer is introduced to temperature changes or stressful ...
#70. Raynaud's phenomenon - Aurora Health Care
Raynaud's phenomenon symptoms ... Typically during an episode of Raynaud's, the skin on your fingers, toes or other affected areas first turns white and then blue ...
#71. Raynaud phenomenon | pathology | Britannica
The toes, ears, and nose also may be affected. The condition can occur in association with atherosclerosis and thromboangiitis obliterans. Treatment of Raynaud ...
#72. Raynaud's disease - The Lancet
Raynaud's phenomenon is defined as episodic ischaemia of the fingers and toes, which presents clinically as pallor, cyanosis, ...
#73. What is Raynaud's disease? The disorder that causes white or ...
Raynaud's disease or phenomenon causes blood vessels to narrow in cold or stress so no blood flows to fingers and toes, which can turn white ...
#74. Complete Raynaud's Disease Treatment in Southern California
Raynaud's disease can make your fingers or toes throb and pale when they are cold or under stress. The cause of primary Raynaud's disease is not known, ...
#75. Diagnosis and management of Raynaud's phenomenon - BMJ
Raynaud's phenomenon is caused by episodic vasospasm and ischaemia of the extremities in response to cold or emotional stimuli, which result in ...
#76. Raynaud's Phenomenon - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis ...
Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition resulting from clamping down (spasm) of the arteries, usually those in the fingers and toes. Raynaud's phenomenon ...
#77. Raynaud's phenomenon « disease spotlights « JointHealth
Raynaud's phenomenon is a condition in which there is an exaggerated blood vessel tightening in response to cold or emotional stress, restricting blood flow to ...
#78. Raynaud's Disease: How It's Diagnosed, Treated, and Managed
Raynaud's disease is common among people with arthritis and rheumatic disease. Learn more about symptoms and treatments.
#79. Raynaud's & Systemic Sclerosis - The Circulation Foundation
Raynaud's, Scleroderma & Associated Disorders. What is Raynaud's? Raynaud's is a common condition where the blood supply to the extremities is interrupted ...
#80. Raynaud's Syndrome: What You Need to Know - LAM Vascular
Does the air conditioner coming on trigger pain in your extremities? You might be one of 28 million Americans who suffer from Raynaud's disease – a condition in ...
#81. Raynaud's Phenomenon - Rheumatology Advisor
Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) is an episodic, exaggerated vascular response in which ... The most common rheumatic disease associations for secondary Raynaud's ...
#82. What is Raynaud's Syndrome? - News Medical
Raynaud's syndrome, also called Raynaud's phenomenon, is an exaggerated response to cold or stress induced vasospasm of cutaneous blood ...
#83. Raynaud phenomenon - UF Health
Raynaud phenomenon is a condition in which cold temperatures or strong emotions cause blood vessel spasms. This blocks blood flow to the ...
#84. Raynaud phenomenon - Knowledge @ AMBOSS
Raynaud phenomenon (RP) is an exaggerated vasoconstrictive response of the digital arteries and arterioles (e.g., in the fingers and/or ...
#85. Raynaud's Phenomenon - HSS.edu
Raynaud's Phenomenon is often triggered by cold temperatures or emotional stress. As a result of this condition, the hands, feet, nose and ears can ...
#86. Raynaud's Association: Raynauds Home Page
The disease causes an interruption of blood flow to the fingers, toes, nose, and/or ears when a spasm occurs in the blood vessels of these areas. Spasms are ...
#87. Raynaud's Disease: Types, Symptoms and Treatment - Live ...
Raynaud's syndrome is a type of blood vessel disorder in which where the vessels narrow in cold temperatures and during stressful periods.
#88. Raynaud's phenomenon - The Primary Care Dermatology ...
Raynaud's phenomenon manifests as recurrent vasospasm of the fingers and toes occuring in response to cold exposure or emotional stress.
#89. Raynaud's Syndrome & Disease | Resurgens Orthopaedics
Raynaud's disease causes arteries to become more narrow and limits blood circulation. Most people afflicted with the condition have the most troubles in ...
#90. Raynaud's Phenomenon | University of Miami Health System
University of Miami Health System doctors offer expert care for Raynaud's phenomenon, which affects blood flow to hands and feet. Learn about Raynaud's ...
#91. Raynaud's Phenomenon - UW Orthopaedics and Sports ...
Basics of Raynaud's Phenomenon Raynaud's (pronounced "ray-NODES") phenomenon refers to episodic color changes in the skin of the fingers and toes during ...
#92. Raynaud's Phenomenon | Healthmark Foot & Ankle Associates
When the fingers and toes are exposed to varying colder temperatures (typically between 38֯ - 52֯ F) oxygen and blood flow will be much lower. Reduction in ...
#93. Raynaud's Phenomenon - Children's Oncology Group
The condition causes occasional narrowing of blood vessels, limiting blood flow for brief periods of time. This is called a vasospasm. During periods of ...
#94. Raynaud's Syndrome - Healio
Inability to use one's fingers and the appearance of new ulcers are among the top five concerns that would prompt treatment escalation in patients with ...
#95. Raynaud's Phenomenon Guide: Causes, Symptoms and ...
In people with Raynaud's phenomenon, that natural response to cold is exaggerated. The tiny blood vessels go into spasm, narrowing and reducing ...
#96. Raynaud Disease Article - StatPearls
In primary Raynaud phenomenon, an increase in alpha-2 adrenergic sensitivity in the digital and cutaneous vessels results in the ...
#97. Synopsis of Causation Raynaud's Phenomenon - GOV.UK
In the context of the armed forces, if a person has pre-existing primary. Raynaud's disease, or indeed any underlying vascular disease, it may affect the feet ...
raynaud's disease 在 Raynaud's Phenomenon : What You Should Know - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Raynaud's Phenomenon is a condition that results in decreased blood flow to your fingers and toes. There are two types of Raynaud's, ... ... <看更多>