在信徒角度,大使命就是將福音傳到地極,所有的人都相信主就哈利路亞,萬事俱休。歷史上,基督教在羅馬國君狄奧多西一世(Flavius Theodosius)定為國教之後,漸成西方宗教主流,普及整個歐洲大陸,其時大部分人口都信奉基督教,教會林立,教會勢力無人可比,教皇對歐洲的政治影響力舉足輕重,思想上神學獨專,神本思想發達,大家只重視神和天堂的生活,如達米安(Petrus Damiani)所說:「哲學是神學的婢女。」按道理,神應該讓教會的勢力繼續維持下去,人人一出生接觸的都是基督教,至小洗他們腦,福音繼續擴散下去,那麼天國豈不是早日來臨?
一直到笛卡兒發出:「我思故我在」(Cogito, ergo sum),由「神本」開始漸漸進「人本」,從「神的榮耀」,萬事都是神的心意如何,研究轉為「人的尊嚴」,重視個體,將重點放回人的身上,催生人文主義(Humanism)和文藝復興(Renaissance)的誕生,下啟啟蒙運動,歐洲才重新出現活力。人可以相信理性並敢於求知。今天教會即使不是全然接受人文主義。但也未會否定文藝復興及啟蒙運動,近世的「平等和自由」啟蒙於此,思想學、科學家背出,開啟科學進步,在政治、哲學、神學和醫學都有大改進,今天人類文明進步不少都得益於此。
#基督教 #信仰 #虛偽
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Renaissance literally means"Reborn"in Italy.After Dark Ages, people began to be interested in Humanism and study it.
In Middle Ages, Europe was in a caesaropapism Dark Ages.Christian gave people spiritual support at that time.Churches and the pope held the reins of government—even can depose the monarch.
This regime dramatic changed in fourteenth-century because of the fatal plague"Black Death"which wiped out about one-third of the population within in two hundred years.
Due to the fear of incapable church,people started to have an interest in Science,Philosophy and Art.
Soon began Renaissance,which was from Late Middle Ages to sixteenth-century, an booming culture area.It started at Firenze,Northern Italy.Giotto converted Byzantine religious lithographs into dioramas by darkening grains of muscle and shadows to make art works look more vivid and stereoscopic.After that, it spread southwards to affect Rome a lot.Then throughout all over Europe.For example, Petrarca,Baldassare Castiglione,Machiavelli,Michelangelo,Da Vinci,Raffaello,Cattedrale di Santa Mariadel Fiore and Saint Peter's Basilica.
The artists reexamined the structure of human body and creative methods of aerial perspective, to make a revolutionary difference at Western art.Attempted to find a way which can make space and human body's painting realistic. In order to let people re-recognize this world by their own eyes.
Science made Renaissance progress, these knowledge is a practical way of studying natural things and the laws of operation, not like church dogmatics so unreal and uncertain.
Therefore,Science world view replaced Religion world view as a matter of course.The respect of Science and the strong humanism keep brought about Renaissance and keep exist in a marriage.
Cash only clothing goes into those masterpiece centuries ago by our director's hands,put a new spin on the combination of classical art and clothing and try to campaign the Renaissance of clothing and burn up the fire which swallows the boundary of art and design.
Copyright © 2015 Ca$h*Only All rights reserved.
renaissance humanism 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
Do you know these Renaissance (文藝復興) artists? You should!
Donatello 唐那太羅 (1386-1466)
The greatest sculptor of the 15th century. He was interested in the ideas of humanism and nature.
Leonardo da Vinci 達文西 (1452-1519)
A man of many accomplishments. Painter of 'Mona Lisa', and of the 'Last Supper'. He was also a sculptor, an architect, and a man of science who did serious investigations into the natural and physical sciences, mathematics, mechanics, and engineering.
Michelangelo 米開朗基羅 (1475-1564)
Sculptor, painter, architect. Michelangelo was the greatest artist of his time. Between 1508 and 1512 Michelangelo painted the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
Raphael 拉斐爾 (1483-1520)
Master painter and architect of the Italian High Renaissance. He is most famous for painting angels and Madonnas, in which he painted over 300 in his lifetime. Raphael also painted portraits including one of Pope Julius II.
and many more...
*TMNT Names:
renaissance humanism 在 Renaissance Humanism - World History Encyclopedia 的相關結果
Renaissance Humanism was an intellectual movement typified by a revived interest in the classical world and studies which focussed not on ... ... <看更多>
renaissance humanism 在 A Guide to Renaissance Humanism - ThoughtCo 的相關結果
Renaissance Humanism began in the later 13th century when Europeans' hunger for studying classical texts coincided with a desire to imitate ... ... <看更多>
renaissance humanism 在 文藝復興人文主義- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
在文藝復興時期,人文主義(英語:Humanism)是對古典時代的研究,而對古典時代的研究也象徵著,中世紀的人們從研究了解神,轉變為對自身的研究與了解,思想也逐漸從「神本 ... ... <看更多>