💉 #卡介苗 打完『#沒反應』『#膿瘍』怎麼辦⁉
不少寶寶打完傳說中的魔王針「卡介苗」出現嚴重 #化膿 情形❗要觀察到什麼時候❓有人則是都 #沒有紅腫反應⁉要重打卡介苗嗎❓
🔖 Q1. 打完卡介苗,寶寶手臂完全 #沒反應 怎麼辦❓
📌 1~2週:小紅結節
📌 4~6週:膿泡或潰爛,膿自行流出,#不須擠壓,保持 #清潔乾燥
📌 2~3個月:癒合結疤
#9成以上 的寶寶3個月內手臂會有紅腫反應,因此假如超過3個月後還沒有反應,也無疤痕的話,需做結核菌素測驗確認 (TST) 📣
無疤痕 #不是 代表說沒有產生免疫反應⚡
如果 #TST<10mm,代表是陰性反應,醫師會評估建議是否需重接種第二次。研究指出,90%的寶寶注射第二劑後就會有效💪
🔖 Q2. 為什麼會沒有反應呢❓
可能成因:寶寶 #體質 及 #免疫反應不同、皮內注射技術、疫苗保存品質、注射劑量、不同菌株...
發生率:#約10% (1-20%每個國家報告不同)
🔖 Q3. 產生膿瘍怎麼辦❓
🔔 通常4-6個月會自行改善,因此 #觀察4-6個月後,膿瘍及紅腫 #未消退或持續變大,可考慮 #細針抽吸 (會縮短恢復時間)
🔔 #不建議手術切除,會延後傷口恢復
🔔 若傷口 #持續滲液,請至醫院找兒童感染科醫師,考慮口服或局部注射Isoniazid
🔔 #不可使用類固醇藥膏,可能會造成惡化💥
🔖 Q4. 為什麼會產生膿瘍❓
可能成因:寶寶 #體質、#細胞免疫功能不全、寶寶 #亂動造成打得較深 (原本應intradermal皮內,變成注射至subcutaneous皮下)
發生率:0.035-2.5% (每個國家不同)
國家政策為減少卡介苗產生不良反應如骨髓炎,接種年齡設定為5-8個月 (105年以前是出生24小時後)
但因寶寶 #年紀變大,力氣增加容易亂動,所以皮內注射可能會變困難,或許也是造成膿瘍比例上升的原因😱
🔖 Q5. 寶寶為什麼要打卡介苗❓
在臺灣,結核病是重要的 #法定傳染病,每年約8,000多人確診,所以還是要小心防範🌟
施打BCG疫苗可以產生對結核病的抵抗力,一般對初期症候的預防效果約85%,最重要的是 #避免結核性腦膜炎、粟粒型肺結核等嚴重併發症。
研究顯示,未接種卡介苗的幼童較接種卡介苗者罹患結核性腦膜炎有16倍的風險,#結核性腦膜炎之幼兒即使治療, #死亡率仍高達20%-30%。🥶
📍 Scar formation and tuberculin conversion following BCG vaccination in infants: A prospective cohort study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2015 Jul-Sep; 4(3): 384–387.
📍 Clinical management of localized BCG adverse events in children. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2016; 58: 84.
📍 A case of abscess after BCG vaccine in an immunocompetent child without other clinical signs. JMM CASE REPORTS 2015, Dec; 2(6)
📍 Treating BCG-induced disease in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jan 31;2013(1):CD008300.
📍 Local cutaneous complications after Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccine: Experience of a single center. International Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. 2017 Dec; 6 (3): 37-41.
📍 Absence of scar formation in infants after BCG vaccination. Professional Med J Dec 2006; 13(4): 637-641.
📍 Cell mediated immunity in children with scar-failure following BCG vaccination. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Feb;35(2):123-7.
📍 衛生福利部疾病管制署
📍 BCG Vaccination. Indian Pediatrics 2000;37: 332-333.
scar formation 在 李木生醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
一般的剖腹產的手術時間大約半個小時,約莫是烤一份雙層蛋糕的時間。要把新生兒帶到這個世界,手術刀必須劃過肚皮,腹壁,腹膜,子宮,但不能傷到嬰兒。時間太長可能造成胎兒窘迫。而中間可能會有500 到1000c.c. 的出血量:必須控制在這個範圍,否則媽媽會有生命危險。 對婦產科醫師而言,傷口講求務實密合,而母子均安已是最大的成功。接下來對皮膚傷口縫合的完美追求是錦上添花。
但對於許多經過剖腹產的媽媽而言肚子的傷疤很重要。"剖腹生產後可以穿比基尼"這件事已經成為順產之外主要的期望。 而或許是個性上使然,我也對於媽媽手術傷口疤痕最小化有種使命感的堅持, 甚至驕傲 。以至於雖然需要多花接近一倍的時間做多層次與小口徑手術針的縫合也是值得。最近開始使用微創手術放大鏡,對皮膚傷口的處理能比較細緻,而且我認為可以減少留疤的機會。
生產手術不同於切一塊蛋糕般簡單,但過程或許可以比擬於蛋糕的製作 -- 最終的內在的甜美與外在的完壁繫於對每一個步驟的堅持。
An uncomplicated caesarean section takes approximately half an hour -- about the same time it takes to bake a double-layered cake. To bring a newborn to this world, the scalpel must incise the skin, abdominal wall, peritoneum, uterus wall without hurting the baby. If it takes too long then it can cause fetal distress. During the process, about 500-1000 ml of bleeding is expected. More bleeding can be a medical emergency. As far as the obstetrician is concerned, wound closure needs to be water-tight and efficient. And to aim for perfect skin-closure may seem to be a lower-priority with all things considered.
But to most mums the scar on the tummy is an important parameter with which she judges the skills of the obstetrician (or any surgeon). And thanks to my OCD I have also aimed to minimise scar for my patients with the extra time it takes to close the skin. During skin closure, I have recently started using surgical loupe, a rare instrument for an obstetrician. However, i find it easier to manoeuvre the smaller sized suture that i choose to use and to handle the cutaneous tissue-- perhaps it will lead to less scar formation.
Obstetric surgery is not a piece of cake, but like making a cake, the final sweetness and perfect look are all closely related to the perseverance with perfection on each little step
scar formation 在 Guerlain Facebook 的最佳解答
Thanks to the dedication of our expert teams, Guerlain has discovered new links between the aging process and the formation of scar tissue. This groundbreaking area of study led to the creation of Abeille Royale, a uniquely powerful range of skincare designed to capture the restorative power of honey and royal jelly.
Discover more: https://bit.ly/3bzTKIg
scar formation 在 How do scars form? - Sarthak Sinha - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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