錘煉的一天🤔在展開第一回合游泳500 米之後即感到精力不夠抓不到對的節奏、認為今天應該會是漫長且不是很成功的一天!但我之所以很喜歡三鐵的這個活動其中之一很重要的是信念及意志力我告訴我自己一定不能讓陪伴我一起訓練及幫我加油的夥伴們失望、這樣的想法說出來好像很官方😝但在當下確真的是我心中很真實的力量、盡我所能的思考如何加快所有的速度、騎車時想著在家勤力的練習、跑步時想著在公園的重覆繞圈、用不能再快的速度以強大的毅力突破自己!終於最後超越上次的成績10分鐘3:03!💥今天在錘煉中我學會了堅強的毅力!😄❤我的鐵人三項!
A day of hard learning 🤔!!! After my first 500meter of swimming🏊🏻 I felt low energy, couldn't find my rhythm and I thought it's going to be a long day probably not a very successful one 😲!!! However I love the sport of triathlon as it is equally demanding mentally ⭐ I decided I can't let down all my training partners and friends that came to support sounds cheesy but true 😝 biked as hard as I can thinking about all the hours on swift !!! Ran as hard as I can remembering all the laps at the park !!! Smashed my PB by 10mins !!! 3:03 💥 I learned perseverance today 😊 I ❤ Triathlon !
My day of learning Rules ❤🏊🏻🚴🏃🏼
#Roka #GaintBicycle #Garmin #RCC #Rapha #zoot #ironman #GU_Taiwan #Nike #LouisVuitton #ExploreDanielWong #DanielWong #YourWildness #狂野探索 ROKA Giant Bicycles Garmin Rapha Taiwan ZOOT IRONMAN 70.3 Taiwan GU Taiwan Nike Taiwan
zoot sport 在 Daniel Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
裝備終於齊全 💪🏻😝 !!! 我想我喜歡三鐵不僅僅是因為這個運動本身,也享受每一次奮戰準備的過程 🤓 認真研究我的所有裝備,確保他們明天將維持在我最舒適、習慣的完美狀態 ! 為了研究透徹這些東西花了好長一段時間,但真的超級有趣 !!! 明天比賽就靠他們跟我一起奮戰!星期六的三鐵賽事我準備好了🌅
Check list Ready 💪🏻😝 !!! I think I love the sport of triathlon also because of the preparation and the journey 🤓 studying all my gears and making sure all the equipment is prefect for me ! It has taken me a lot of reading, using and practicing lots of fun !!! Time to try it out in a race. Looking forward to Saturday morning 🌅
Check list Rules 📝
Garmin ROKA Rapha Nike ZOOT Sony too cool for school - Taiwan #RCC
zoot sport 在 Yu Hsiao Triathlete Facebook 的最佳解答
Last Sunday I did one of the most iconic races in triathlon, the SF Triathlon at Alcatraz, hosted by Tri-California Events. The race involves jumping off a boat around where Alcatraz Island is, and swimming to shore in crazy chops and waves. Then cycling around hills of SF and the great highway. Finishing up with a tough run with a bunch of hills and sand ladders. It was by far the most fun I've had in triathlon for a while.
Some races charge ridiculous amount of money just because they can. Just because they know you are still going to sign up. Don't. Next time you want to do a triathlon from Alcatraz, try Tri-California Events SF Alcatraz. The price is reasonable, and the athlete experience is second to none. They don't treat you like another number. The goobie bag is actually a goodie bag with more than a T shirt. And the staff are the most warm, and welcoming people that just love the sport of triathlon.
Let's keep triathlon grass root, and support local racing. Because we wouldn't want some 17-18 year old who loves the sport, not being able to afford to even get in a race. That's just messed up.
Anyways, I finished 5th overall (sprint finish with Andrew Roos!) after a month off of training, surprised myself on many fronts. Couldn't have done without the support of Team Zoot, Zoot Sports, Boom Nutrition, zealios, P-fits "Fitted by Pedro". my coach at TriDot Nicholas ThompsonThanks Congrats to everyone who raced. Let's come back next year. Photos courtesy of Tri-California Events #triathlon, #swimbikerun #multisport #cycling #triathlete #running #swimming #sanfrancisco #alcatraz #getoutside