宜蘭縣政府文化局展覽 第三展覽室
《溫。潤 POLISHED》熊妤油畫個展
展出地點:宜蘭縣政府文化局 第三展覽室(宜蘭縣宜蘭市復興路二段101號)
*響應環保 懇辭花籃
以19世紀末歐洲Art Nouveau 藝術風格為靈感,心繪感性且自然的優美曲線,交錯光影與色彩之律動,由上而下縱橫導引出多層次堆疊的視象,每層不同的技法肌理變化,注入新藝術的詩意,同時以抽象表現主義風格融入東方溫潤氣蘊結合西方自由精神,穿梭過去與未來,寛達東西合融之立意。油畫技巧運用破色法、漸層混色、厚塗色料創意流動肌理,再疊出千變萬化獨特精緻的脈絡枝節。一曰溫暖、一曰滋潤,發現不可見的力 、 光、能量等介質在內心凝聚,實實體驗生命有限感知與心悅無限可能。
自 由 領 略 在溫 在潤~熊妤
《POLISHED 溫。潤 》Hsiung Yu Solo Exhibition
Date:22 Feb. -6 Mar. 2018
Open on Tuesday-Sunday丨free
Location:Exhibition Room 3 ,Cultural Affairs Bureau Yilan County (No.101, Sec. 2, Fuxing Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 260, Taiwan)
*Opening:24 Feb. (六)2018 pm2:30
《POLISHED 溫。潤 》Hsiung Yu Solo Exhibition
To the end of the 19th century, from the European art style as the inspiration, the mind of the emotional and natural beauty of the curve, staggered light and color rhythm, from top to bottom to guide the multi-level images, and abstract expressionist style into the Eastern Western spirit The combination of the past and the future, the performance of the integration of the East and the West meaning.
Oil painting technology uses color gradient color mixing, thick paint color creative flow texture, and then constantly changing unique skills have been completed. One said warm, one said moisturizing, found invisible power, light, energy in the cohesive heart, real life experience is limited, the perception and the heart may be infinite, the temperature in the run~Hsiung yu