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How does the Paralympic classification system work?
classification 分類
athlete 運動員
cornerstone 基石/基礎
eligible 有資格的
impairment 損傷/損害
prowess 高超的技能
Like the Olympics, the Paralympics are taking place a year after originally planned because of the delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), there are 2550 male and 1853 female athletes taking part in Games, which run from August 24 to September 5.
"Classification is the cornerstone of the Paralympic Movement, it determines which athletes are eligible to compete in a sport and how athletes are grouped together for competition,' says the IPC.
What makes a Paralympian?
Paralympians are grouped together by the "degree of activity limitation resulting from the impairment," according to the IPC.
As different sports require different physical demands, the IPC says the classification process "aims to minimize the impact of the impairment on athletes' performance" so that their athletic prowess is showcased.
What do the classes in each sport mean?
The class groups athletes with similar athletic limitations so that they can compete to similar levels, but does not necessarily have to solely group athletes with the same eligible impairment.
Because some impairments progress over time, athletes can change classification over time.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Vivian Yip,也在其Youtube影片中提到,VIVA VOCE ➡️️ Style With Budget There's so much treasure on Taobao and I would like to share with you guys the ones I found! ? ? 1080p makes all th...
according to相似 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文
《路透社獨家報導:美國黑水公司創辦人介入疫苗市場。台灣政府公股部分投資的聯亞生技與黑水公司共同成立一家疫苗公司Covaxx 外銷疫苗》
* 路透社:據三位知情人士透露,備受爭議的美國私營軍事公司 Blackwater 創始人、前總統川普支持者埃里克·普林斯 (Erik Prince) 於去年年底跳入了 COVID-19 業務,路透社已看到其安排和運送業務記錄。
UB-612 的 COVID-19 疫苗由,一家名為 COVAXX 的美國私營公司開發。
該公司表示,基於對「台灣 60 名患者」的一項小型研究,該疫苗顯示出在保護人們免受冠狀病毒感染方面,頗有前景。該公司目前沒有提供來自大型臨床試驗的安全性和有效性數據,這些數據通常在疫苗被授權用於公眾使用之前需要。
這家公司COVAXX 與聽起來相似但更為人所知的“COVAX”無關,後者是一個由世界衛生組織支持的全球疫苗分發計劃。
自 2020 年大流行開始以來,COVAXX 疫苗吸引了一些大支持者,包括該公司的共同創始人兼企業家彼得·迪亞曼迪斯 (Peter Diamandis) 和勵志演說家托尼·羅賓斯 (Tony Robbins) 的支持。根據美國證券備案文件,今年 3 月該公司透過私人配售籌集了 13.5 億美元。
路透社無法確定普林斯最初是如何與 COVAXX 建立聯繫的,或者他是否促成了任何疫苗供應交易。
擁有 COVAXX 的 Vaxxinity Inc 的公關顧問黛安·墨菲 (Diane Murphy) 拒絕回答與普林斯有關的問題。她在給路透社的一份聲明中表示,該公司“接受了各種私人、公共和非營利中介機構的正式和非正式介紹。”
這家Covaxx 公司結合聯亞生技在台灣的研發資源,已向美國及巴西兩個國家提出新冠疫苗的臨床二╱三期人體臨床試驗。
*黑水公司Black Water介紹:美國黑水,是美國一家私人軍事、安全顧問公司。由前海豹部隊軍官艾瑞克·普林斯與Al Clark於1997年創立,公司總部位於美國的維吉尼亞州的里斯頓。 公司成立時只有6個人,911事件尤其伊拉克戰爭後,業務突飛猛進。
從2002年到2005年,黑水公司營業額增長了600倍。該公司在推廣市場時自稱是「全球最全面的專業軍事、執法、安全、維持和平與穩定行動的公司」。它是美國在伊拉克與阿富汗的主要軍事任務承包商(Military Contractor),負責建立與訓練伊拉克新陸軍、警察。
後來於 2020 年 12 月 22 日被當時的美國總統川普赦免。
Erik Prince, Trump Ally, Denies Role in Libya Mercenary Operation
according to相似 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
花膠 — 性平,能滋陰養顏,補腎益精。因為有滋潤功效,過量食用易累積濕氣,使脾胃虛弱,更可能出現被倦、水腫等問題。要注意脾虛痰濕、濕熱、容易消化不良、胃脹不適、感冒未清都不適宜食用。較適合陰虛、體質虛弱人士適量食用。
燕窩 — 性平,有益氣養陰、補虛潤燥的作用,適合氣陰兩傷、營養不良、陰虛內熱、病後體虛人士食用。
雪蛤膏 — 取自雌性雪蛤的輸卵管及脂肪,性平,有補腎益精、滋陰潤肺、健脾益氣的功效,適合身體虛弱、病後失調、心悸失眠人士食用。
桃膠 — 是桃或山桃樹分泌的樹脂,性平,有潤腸通便的功效,也有古籍提過對尿道炎有幫助,主要功效並非養顏,但是由於可以有助排便,亦即有助排毒。由於較難消化,消化力弱、容易胃脹、腹瀉者不宜多吃。
皂角米 — 皂角米俗稱雪蓮子、皂角米、皂角仁、皂角精,是皂莢的果實。 性味辛溫,有通乳、潤腸通便的功效,但陰虛燥熱人士慎服。
雪燕 — 蘋婆屬植物的木髓分泌物,性平,有滋陰潤肺、潤腸通便、滋潤皮膚等功效,對皮膚乾燥、乾咳、便秘很有幫助。 平日痰多、容易胃脹不適、大便稀爛等不宜食用。
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The battle of ingredients that are good for the skin
Besides the traditional bird’s nest and snow fungus, peach resin, gum tragacanth (‘Xue Yan’), and snow lotus seeds are also trendy ingredients used in desserts that could nourish our beauty. These ingredients are thick and sticky and taste like bird’s nest and snow fungus, but their prices are much reasonable. Do they have the same properties then?
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, these elastic and sticky ingredients can induce saliva production, but do not expect them to be excellent ingredients that can nourish the yin. This is because peach resin is resin, gum tragacanth is the dried sap obtained from trees, and snow lotus seeds are the fruits of plants from the Leguminosae family, and their protein composition is different from the animal-based fish maw and bird’s nest. Hence, they do not directly replenish the collagen on the skin.
Yet, they are high in dietary fibers and can aid digestion and in turn, improve our skin condition. They are, in a way, good ingredients that are good for our skin. Do prepare these ingredients according to the body constitutions, and consume them with ingredients that are warm in nature and have moisturizing properties such as snow fungus, lily, red date, and lotus seed.
Fish maw - mild in nature, nourishes yin and improves skin, replenishes kidneys. Due to its effect to nourish and moisten, having too much can lead to dampness stagnation in the body. This leads to asthenic weak spleen and stomach, and even fatigue and edema. Fish maw is not suitable for those with asthenic spleen, phlegm and dampness or damp heat body types, those who are prone to indigestion, abdominal discomfort, and those who are recovering from flu and cold. It is suitable for those with yin deficiency and asthenic weak body types.
Bird’s nest - neutral in nature, can nourish qi and yin, improve deficiencies and relieve dryness. It is suitable for individuals with damaged qi and yin, yin deficiency and internal heat, people who are malnourished, and those who are recovering from illness.
Hashima paste - extracted from the dried fatty tissue found near the fallopian tubes of true frogs; neutral in nature, can nourish the kidney and invigorate the energy, nourish the yin, moisten the lungs, and strengthen the spleen and qi. It is suitable for individuals with a weak body, patients whose balance in the body has yet to be fully restored, and those suffering from insomnia.
Peach resin - the natural resin secreted from a tree. Mild in nature. Ancient books mention that it can help with urinary tract infection, so its main healing effect isn’t for skin nor beauty. Since peach resin helps with bowel movement which means detoxification. Because of its difficulty in digestion, those with weak digestion, bloating, and diarrhea should not eat more.
Snow lotus seed- the fruits of plants from the Leguminosae family; warm in nature; can enhance lactation, promote bowel movement and help individuals lose weight. Not suitable for yin deficient people.
Gum tragacanth - the dried sap obtained from trees; is mild in nature; can nourish the yin, moisten the lungs, improve digestion and bowel movements, and hydrate the skin. It can relieve dry skin, dry cough, and constipation. Individuals stricken with phlegm, stomach bloating, and loose stools should avoid eating this.
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according to相似 在 Vivian Yip Youtube 的精選貼文
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Links: last update on 20 Feb 2017
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