譚廣亨提出統一任命程序 以保持學院水平
《南華早報》日前作出有關港大首席副校長譚廣亨提出委任副教授(Associate Professor)及助理教授(Assistant Professor)的權力或被收緊的報道 [1]。
其報道中指「校長馬斐森及首席副校長譚廣亨將對聘請教授擁有最終決定權。」(Vice-Chancellor Peter Mathieson and Tam would have the final say on hiring new professors.)但本台翻查資料發現 [2],現時委任擁有直接終身任期(Direct tenure)的教授時,最終亦要交由校長及首席副校長通過相關委任,此步驟並不是由譚廣亨於七月教務委員會會上提出。
報道中亦指「學院將失去直接任命助理教授的權力。」(Faculties would lose their power to directly appoint assistant professors.)但根據資料 [2],現時委任助理教授是由學院人力資源委員會(Faculty Human Resource Committee,下稱FHRC)自行通過委任,並不是由學院自行直接通過相關委任。
現時委任擁有直接終身任期(Direct tenure)的教授( Professor)的詳細程序為:由學院人力資源委員會(下稱FHRC)及晉升及委任小組(Promotion and Tenure Panel)提議人選予大學遴選及晉升委員會(University Selection and Promotion Committee,下稱USPC),然後交由校長(President)及首席副校長(Provost)參考USPC的意見後通過委任。副教授的委任程序與上述委任教授的程序無異。
譚廣亨提出統一任命程序 以保持學院水平
首席副校長譚廣亨於七月教務委員會會上指出「中央管理小組認為現時任命助理教授及副教授的程序應該收緊,以確保在學院之間有一個連貫的水平。」 (The Senior Management Team feels that the existing approval process for the Associate and Assistant Professors should be tightened to ensure that a consistent standard is applied across the board.)
一:於院長認可FHRC的意見,而接受有關助理教授或副教授的委任後,應再交給副校長(學術人力資源),即區潔芳教授,考慮有關大學及紀律等方面後才決定是否通過相關委任,從而確保在學院之間有一個連貫的水平。( ...after endorsement by the Dean on the advice of the Faculty Human Resources Committee, shall be submitted to the Vice-President & Pro-Voce Chancellor (Academic Staffing and Resources) for consideration of approval, who will ensure consistent standard across different Faculties taking into account the university and disciplinary-specific criteria.)
二:所有教授的委任,無論其是否擁有直接終身任期(direct tenure)與否,應得到院長認可,並參考FHRC、USPC及及首席副校長的意見後,再交由校長通過相關委任。(All first appointments of Professors (irrespective of whether they are with direct tenure, on the same track, non-tenure track or in specialist categories), and Associate Professor with direct tenure, shall be submitted to the President, on the advice of Provost and the USPC after endorsement by the Dean, on the advice of the Search Comiitee , FHRC and the PTP, or the Joint Committee)
三:現時FHRC能提議或決定有關教授等人事任命,但實際上任命或決定的權力應屬於學院院長,FHRC只是作為諮詢性質,因此提出更改FHRC的職權範圍(Terms of Reference)。( It is important to spell out that all recommendations/decisions of professoriate appointments currently made by the FHRC should in fact be made by the Dean on the advice of FHRC.)
[1]: 《南華早報》2016年8月5日報道 Drastic reforms revealed: University of Hong Kong’s plan to give two people final say on hiring all new professors
[2]: Guidelines for Faculties/Departments in
Handling Senior Staff Recruitment/Selection Arrangements. The University of Hong Kong.
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