☀️Transitioning into Summer signals a need for amping up our daily cleansing routine!
For the past week, I have incorporated this duo into my nightly double cleansing routine - @covermarksg ℂ𝕆𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕄𝔸ℝ𝕂 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕎𝕒𝕤𝕙 and 𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 ℂ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕚𝕝𝕜. Both cleanses amazingly well and leave my pores clearer without having to physically extract comedones, whiteheads or blackheads. I am particularly impressed by how gentle the Moroccan clay mineral wash feels on my skin with zero dryness, leaving behind a clean & radiant glow! 💫
Treatment Cleansing Milk contains Citrulline, MC Chitosan and 10 types of essential oils. As you may know, my sensitive skin sporadically gets triggered by essential oils but it gladly accepted this cleanser/makeup remover’s ingredients and did not cause any aggravation. Happy to introduce friends with sensitive/sensitised combination skin types to give these two products a shot! 🌟🌟
👉🏻𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙝𝟏𝟎 : 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘥 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 31 𝘔𝘢𝘺, 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺.
#covermarksg #effectivecleansers #FVTReviews @absoluteprsg #absolutepr
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂新知揀三條
▼1. China Tells Media to Stagger Oscars Telecast, Downplay Event (https://flip.it/W5EfgA)
消息指出中共中宣部已經下令要求中國媒體低調報導奧斯卡入圍相關資訊,避開相關敏感議題,此外央視也傳出取消頒獎典禮的轉播。這一屆奧斯卡對玻璃心的中國政府有三個敏感議題:首先是入圍最佳紀錄短片的挪威電影《Do Not Split 不割席》記錄的是香港反送中運動的過程;接著還有入圍六項的《Nomadland 游牧人生》的華裔導演趙婷近來批評中國政府的發言;最後則是代表香港入圍最佳國際影片的《少年的你》先前曾因校園霸凌議題被中國政府阻撓在柏林首映,上映日期也一延再延之後才獲准上映,此外該片導演曾國祥也因參加過雨傘運動被貼上港獨的標籤。
▼ 2. The Market for Musical Gear Is Amping Up Like Never Before(https://flip.it/lo0fVD)
彭博新聞報導去年一整年的疫情讓樂器買賣的市場出線前所未有的榮景。因為長時間的封城,使許多被迫待在家裡的樂手陷入了「Gear Acquisition Syndrome 沉迷器材症候群」,拼命上網訂購各種器材,讓世界最大樂器零售連鎖 Sweetwater 全年的營業額衝破10億美元。加入這場比賽的還有去年才動心起念學樂器的新手,比如吉他品牌 Fender 的線上課程 App 的新註冊用戶數就高達90萬人。此外,二手市場上的樂器價格也被這波熱潮推向高點。許多經典樂手使用過的樂器都在過去一年內被收藏家推高價格到令人難以想像的地步。
▼ 3. European Producers Club Issues ‘Code of Fair Practices’ to Change Rules of Engagement With Hollywood Streamers(https://flip.it/kKz5oO)
在歐洲各國忙著修法因應歐盟 AVMS 視聽媒體服務指令要求的同時,設在巴黎的產業遊說團體 European Producers Club 歐洲製片人俱樂部發佈了一個對串流業者的 Code of Fair Practices 公平交易準則。該準則旨在提出國際串流業者與歐洲本地製片合作時應該符合的標準,藉以確保歐洲電影業可以得到真正的助益。其中比較重要的要求包含:串流平台從歐洲獨立製片公司買到第一季節目或電影第一集時,後續繼續拍攝的權利仍歸屬於原製作公司;串流平台應定期提供收視數據報表給製片公司,讓他們了解節目受到觀眾歡迎的程度;歐洲政府提供的各種獎勵和補助資源應視為製片公司的投資份額,而且只有獨立製片公司才可以申請這些獎勵和補助資源。
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🧖🏻♀️ Amping up my Sunday self care routine with these beauty must-haves!
Always wondered how pomegranate scent will smell like on my skin and I absolutely adore this new Rejuvenating Shower & Bath Gel from @neutrogenasg featuring an ambrosial and luxurious scent, heightening your bath experience! It also works as a shaving gel, leaving skin comforted, soft & smooth.
Also, I am currently into my second set of pretty nail wraps by @emmezingnails. A mere 10 minutes in exchange for gorgeous, glossy salon-worthy nails!
Special mention to an innovative essential by @rechercheskincare, a Singapore beauty company: World’s First Sanitizing Hand Cream! Moisturizes and sanitizes hands conveniently when you’re out of home - a nifty tube to keep in your bags!
Many thanks to @clozetteco for sending me this beautifully packaged Neutrogena Rainbath® Home Spa Kit!
#clozette #neutrogenasg #neutrogenarainbath #emmezingnails #rechercheskincaresingapore #livebetter #hipvanhome @ Singapore
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