[時事英文] 封鎖時期的美術館
我想念可以步行到美術館欣賞藝術品的時光,但藝術其實也可以在生活中偶遇。本貼文我附上的作品圖片是來自畫家曾日昇畫室 。上週我在老婆大人SHOPPING時,我看到了他的作品,這讓我忘卻壓力,放鬆身心。非常感謝他幫助我度過了這段艱難的時光。
Some of the joys of viewing art are hard to replicate on-screen
Art Basel Hong Kong, Asia’s biggest contemporary-art fair, was cancelled because of COVID-19, but anyone who had planned to visit last week could enjoy an experimental alternative: the viewing room. At the click of a keyboard, you could enter a panoramic but private visual salon, without having to brave the airless Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
1、contemporary-art fair 當代藝術博覽會
2、experimental alternative 實驗性的替代選擇
3、panoramic 全景
4、private visual salon 私人視覺沙龍
5、Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心
6、brave (v.) 勇敢面對;冒(風險)
Participating galleries were told that, for a quarter of the original fee, they could have a slot in the online fair. Over 90% of the line-up—231galleries—gave it a whirl, offering more than 2,000 works worth $270m in total. The viewing room was a telling indication of how art might be shown (and sold) in the future, in a pandemic-stricken era or if travel is otherwise restricted. It offered encouragement—and some lessons on digital engagement.
7、gallery 美術館
8、have a slot in 佔有一席之地
9、give sth a whirl (常指初次)嘗試做
10、a pandemic-stricken era 病毒肆虐的時代
11、offer encouragement 提供鼓勵
12、digital engagement 數位參與
There, on one webpage, was Jeff Koons riffing on Botticelli’s “Primavera” in a tribute to the history of painting at David Zwirner Gallery. Ota Fine Arts offered one collector the chance to acquire an “infinity room”, one of the most Instagrammed artworks of recent years—the creation of the psychedelic, nonagenarian Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. White Cube presented an array of international works by Andreas Gursky (German), Theaster Gates (American) and Beatriz Milhazes (Brazilian).
13、riff (v.) on 翻唱
14、in a tribute to… 為紀念…而做
15、infinity 無限
16、psychedelic 迷幻的
17、nonagenarian 九十多歲的人
18、an array of 一系列
But not every artist, gallery and form showed to equal advantage in this alternative fair. Not surprisingly, simple two-dimensional works in bright colours came across best. No sculpture or conceptual art was included. Subtle pieces, such as Lucas Arruda’s impressionistic desert-scapes, which seem as much a mood or a state of mind as a physical depiction when you see them in real life, had little impact when viewed remotely.
19、show to equal advantage 表現同等優勢
20、two-dimensional works 2D平面作品
21、came across 表現得,讓人覺得,給人以…印象
22、sculpture or conceptual art 雕塑或概念藝術
23、subtle pieces 微妙的作品
24、impressionistic desert-scapes 印象主義沙漠風景
25、physical depiction 物理描繪
Besides depth and texture, there are aspects of gallery-hopping that a website is unlikely to replicate. One is serendipity— the sense of wandering between artworks and encountering the unexpected. Another is sociability. Art is a communion between artist and viewer, but galleries and fairs are also places to swap opinions and share enthusiasms.
26、gallery-hopping 逛美術館
27、replicate 複製
28、serendipity 意想不到
29、sociability 社交力
30、a communion between …之間的交流
31、swap opinions and share enthusiasms 交換意見和分享熱情
There are ways to compensate for these inevitable deficiencies. As they shut their physical doors, some of the world’s finest galleries and museums are offering whizzy interactive visits, 360-degree videos and walk-around tours of their collections, all without queues and high ticket prices. One of the best is laid on by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam; its tour allows visitors to view its Vermeers and Rembrandts, including the magnificent “Night Watch”, far more closely than would normally be possible. Another standout offering is from the Museu de Arte de São Paulo, which has an even broader collection. On its virtual platform, its paintings, spanning 700 years, appear to be hanging in an open-plan space, seemingly suspended on glass panels, or “crystal easels” as the museum calls them, ideal for close-up inspection.
32、compensate 彌補
33、inevitable deficiency 不可避免的缺陷
34、whizzy interactive visits 令人眼花繚亂的互動參觀
35、walk-around tours 藏品巡展
36、standout 引人注目的
37、virtual platform虛擬平臺
38、span 700 years橫跨700年
39、suspend on glass panels 懸掛在玻璃板上
40、crystal easels 水晶畫架
41、close-up inspection 近距離觀察
But such wizardry may be beyond most galleries and artists. For Art Basel, Tracey Emin, a British artist at White Cube, exhibited a heartfelt demand spelled out in icyblue neon: “Move me”. At a distance, that is hard.
42、wizardry 魔力
43、a heartfelt demand 一個發自內心的要求
44、neon light 霓虹燈
Art and culture are the silent victims of social crises. While digital devices have provided alternative modes of communication between art providers and audiences, can virtual tours replace physical visits? How can digital galleries develop to fully engage their audiences? After coronavirus pandemic, what are the challenges for both online and physical exhibitions?
完整報導: https://econ.st/2K5Rxc5
曾日昇畫室IG: https://www.instagram.com/artzeng
amsterdam international art fair 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最佳解答
NYDeTour週末何處去:5/5-5/6 (Sat & Sun)
New Jersey (河對岸也有很多有趣的活動喔!)
*5/5 (Sat) The Jersey City Record riot
喜歡音樂,有聽黑膠的朋友,星期六在Jersey City的Grove Street PATH Plaza有一項黑膠唱片狂賣會,多家唱片行都會帶自家收藏來銷售,當人也有現場DJ表演。記得那裡週末也有Farmers Market,是星期六離開紐約的好去處!
地點:Grove Street PATH Plaza, 319 Grove Street, Jersey City, NJ
時間:5/5 (Sat) 9am-6pm
*5/5 (Sat) Jersey City Food Truck Fest
星期六逛完唱片特賣會,可以走往河邊到Exchange Place旁的Hersey City Urby參加餐車節活動。超過20輛餐車提供各國各式美食。門票5元。
地點:Jersey City Urby, 200 Greene Street, Jersey City, NJ
時間:5/5 (Sat) 12pm-7:30pm
*5/6 (Sun) Hoboken Arts and Music Festival
星期天在Hoboken downtown的Washington Street有一年一度的Hoboken藝術音樂節。將有三個舞台多個樂團表演音樂,同時也有超過200位藝術家,攝影家展示販售他們的作品。逛逛festival後還可以到河濱公園欣賞Manhattan Skyline。
地點:Washington Street between Observer Highway & 7th Street, Hoboken, NJ
時間:5/6(Sun) 11am-6pm
Street Fairs
*5/6 (Sun) Greek Jewish Festival
想體驗希臘裔猶太人的美食,音樂等文化的朋友星期日在曼哈頓下東城有Greek Jewish Festival。活動還有兒童遊戲等,適合全家大小前往認識不同文化。
地點:Broome Street between Eldridge Street & Allen Street.
時間:5/6 (Sun) 12pm-6pm
*5/6 (Sun) Massive $1.00 Vinyl Record Sale in Brooklyn
還記得去年在Brooklyn一間精釀啤酒廠的一元黑膠唱片特賣會嗎?今年換到Carroll Gardens的street fair舉行了。超過7500張LPs,12寸和45轉的唱片等你去挖寶!現場還會提供cold brew coffee!
地點:461 Court Street, Brooklyn
時間:5/6 (Sun) 10am-6pm
*5/5 (Sat) Queens International Night Market
在皇后區Corona的New York Hall of Science外的夏季國際夜市這星期六起開始免費入場。想吃吃國際街頭美食的朋友,不要錯過!
地點:New York Hall of Science, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens
時間:5/5 (Sat) 6pm-12am
*5/5 -5/6 (Sat & Sun) New Amsterdam Festival
週末兩天在皇后區Ridgewood的歷史建築The Vander-Ende Onderdonk House有「新阿姆斯特丹」節活動。有這棟建築的導覽,跳蚤市場,兒童遊戲和音樂表演等多樣活動。
地點:The Vander-Ende Onderdonk House, 1820 Flushing Avenue, Queens, NY
時間:5/5-5/6 (Sat & Sun) 12pm-6pm
Art Events
*5/5-5/6 (Sat & Sun) The Invisible Dog Art Center 9th Annual Artists’ Open Studios
週末兩天在Cobble Hills的The Invisible Dog Art Center將舉辦開放工作室活動?25位駐村藝術家將展示他們的作品和工作環境。有興趣的朋友可以去看看。
地點:The Invisible Dog Art Center, 51 Bergen Street, Brooklyn
時間:5/5 (Sat) 12pm-7pm; 5/6 (Sun) 12pm-5pm
*5/5 (Sat) Brooklyn Museum Target First Saturdays
每個月的第一個星期六Brooklyn Museum有Target贊助的First Satuedays免費入館活動。這個月的主題是Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1969-1985。有森巴擊鼓表演,拉美裔女性藝術家作品展,舞蹈和手作等多項有趣活動。
地點:Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
時間:5/5 (Sat) 5pm-11pm
*5/5 (Sat) Bronx Book Fair
星期六在Bronx的紐約市圖Bronx Library Center有一項書展,展出詩集,童書等文學作品。也會有作家在現場朗讀。是帶小朋友接觸文學的好活動!
地點:Bronx Library Center, 310 E. Kingsbridge Road, Bronx
時間:5/5 (Sat) 11am-7pm
*5/5 (Sat) Lift Off: A Waterfront Kite Festival
星期六中午在Brooklyn Bridge Park的pier 1有一項風箏節活動,除了可以現場自己手做風箏外,還有玩具降落傘和火箭的製作,認識螺旋槳氣流的原理等多樣有教育性活動。當然也可以在Pier 1上放風箏。
地點:Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 Harbor View Lawn
時間:5/5 (Sat) 12pm-2:30pm
*5/5 (Sat) NYC Cannabis Parade & Rally
星期六有一項呼籲大麻合法化的遊行,集合地點在Korean Town的Broadway * W. 32nd St。並且會在遊行終點Union Square舉行演講與教育宣傳活動。
地點:Korean Town(遊行集合地點) & Union Square (主要活動地點)
時間:5/5 (Sat) 11am-12:30 在K-Town集合,12:30pm出發往Union Square,1pm-5pm 主要活動。
Have a great weekend, my friends!
amsterdam international art fair 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的精選貼文
NYDeTour週末何處去:9/30-10/01 (Sat & Sun)
*9/30 (Sat) NYC Pagan Pride Day 2017
這裡聽不到「感恩seafood,讚嘆seafood」,而是美國「異教徒」團體的大集會。星期六在Bryant Park來自全美的異教徒們,將展示他們各自特別的宗教信仰和儀式。有興趣的朋友可以前來參觀,可能會看到飛天的掃把,但一定不會看到勞斯萊斯。
地點:Battery Park, New York
時間:9/30 (Sat) 11am-5pm
*9/30 (Sat) Paper Jazz Small Press Festival
喜歡「小本的」印刷刊物的朋友,這星期六在Bushwick的Silent Barn有一項小眾出版節慶,會展出各種畫冊,書籍和漫畫等非主流刊物。是來挖寶也是來受啟發的好活動!
地點:Silent Barn, 603 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:9/30 (Sat) 12pm-6pm
*9/30 (Sat) Queens International Night Market
越來越受歡迎的皇后區夜市,這星期六開始又將回到New York Hall of Science的場地直到十月底。想體驗逛夜市的朋友別錯過了!
地點:New York Hall of Science
時間:9/30 (Sat) 6pm-11:59pm
*10/1 (Sun) 92Y Street Fest 2017
星期天在Lexington Avenue上有一項由92nd Street Y主辦的Street Fair,將有多齣百老匯正在上映戲碼的音樂表演,當然也有紐約經典街頭美食。十月的第一天,出門壓馬路聽音樂劇吧!
地點:Lexington Avenu bet. 79th St & 94th St.
時間:10/1 (Sun) 12pm-5pm
*10/01 (Sun) Diwali Celebration at South Street Seaport
想聽印度流行音樂和寶來屋音樂劇的朋友,星期天在South Street Seaport有在美印度人慶祝第三十年的Deepavali活動。現場還會有寶來塢舞蹈教學,以及印度食物攤位等。是體驗印度文化的好機會!
地點:South Street Seaport, 200 Water Street, NY
時間:10/01 (Sun) 12:30pm-7pm
*10/01 (Sun) Eye To Eye: NYC's 2017 Biggest Eye Contact Experiment ($FREE)
有想像過坐在一位陌生人面前,四眼相視的感受嗎?星期天在Downtown Manhattan的Bowling Green廣場,The Connection Movement主辦一項,陌生人相視實驗活動,用友善的眼神和微笑拉近人與人之間的距離。發生一見鍾情事件的話術不負責!XD
地點:1 Bowling Green, NY
時間:10/01 (Sun) 1pm-5:30pm
*10/01 (Sun) Discovery Day at Freshkills Park
你知道在Staten Island的Freshkills Park是由垃圾掩埋場填土之後建造比中央公園面積大三倍的公園嗎?這星期天Freshkills Park將開放一些瓶廠關閉的地區讓民眾參觀,民眾可以騎腳踏車,健行,攝影以及放風箏的多樣休閒活動。會有免費shuttle行駛於Statent Island Terminal和公園之間。
地點:Freshkills Park, 350 Wild Avenue, SI
時間:10/01 (Sun) 11am-4pm
*10/01 (Sun) Greenpointers Fall Market
星期天在Greenpoint的Greenpoint Loft有每年秋天的臨時工藝市集,為接下來的假日季節揭開序幕。超過50家各式工藝手作攤位和音樂表演等。是週末閒逛的好去處!
地點:Greenpoint Loft, 67 West Street, Brooklyn
時間:10/01 (Sun) 1pm-7pm
*10/01 (Sun) 2017 Medieval Festival
地點:Fort Tryon Park, Inwood
時間:10/01 (Sun) 11:30pm-6pm
*10/01 (Sun) The Feast of Saint Francis and Blessing of the Animals
星期天在UWS的Saint. John The Devine’s Cathedral 有一年度為動物祈福活動。家裡影飼養寵物的朋友可以帶他們到教堂接受神父的祝福。
地點:Saint John The Devine Cathedral, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, NY
時間:10/01 (Sun) 11am-4pm
*10/01 (Sun) Kickoff to Fall at Queens County Farm Museum
住在皇后區或長島的朋友,星期天在Queens County Farm Museum有秋收節慶活動,將有來自哈德遜河谷的蘋果,果汁和甜派以及走迷宮活動。
地點:Queen County Farm Museum, 73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral, NY 11004
時間:10/01 (Sun) 11am-4:30pm
圖文不符之在Fairbank , AK的Hoodoo Brewing Co. 微釀啤酒廠先慶祝了Oktoberfest~
Have a great first fall weekend, my friends!