更多吳哥窟 see more about Angkor : http://goo.gl/UxzAch
今年春節,和朋友一起去柬埔寨旅行,也去了吳哥窟朝聖,吳哥窟是位於柬埔寨的一座名為暹粒(Siem Reap)的大城郊區,是柬埔寨前身高棉王國(Khmer)皇室駐足的地方,在吳哥古城(Angkor city)裡,所有的古蹟和遺址都聚集在一起,對遊客來說是非常便利的一件事,規模大到可以花三天甚至一星期來參訪吳哥城。
我們在當地的旅行社尋找適合我們的package ,後來決定自己規劃比較划算,並包了嘟嘟車代步,早上四點就爬起來,總算趕上七點左右的日出。
Traveled to Cambodia and visited Angkor Wat with couple of friends in the Chinese New Year.
Angkor Wat located in the country side of Siem Reap city, It's also the city where Cambodian old ancient ,Khmer's royals stayed.
how convenient it is when all the remains and ancient temples gather in a same place! altho, it's still very big that you can literally spend 3 to 7 days just for visit Angkor city!
We went to the local travel agencies and finding some tour package, in the end , we decided to plan the schedule by ourself and call out a tuk tuk car to drive us there, I remember how hard it was when we have to wake up so early to catch the sunrise.
Angkor Wat is one of the great World Heritage Site, so obviously it's no way to get no crowded, but visit there in the morning still a better idea of stay out of crowd and stay in cool (But only before midday, you know)
Angkor city is one of the most spectacular architect I've ever seen, and this is what everyone need to experiences. Looking at those ancient creations, feel super admire about how indestructible they are.
How to start a wonderful day in Cambodia ? Angkor Wat's sunrise is a classic answer without a doubt.