Collaborative T-shirts Released
回台一個半月,該是時候發佈新消息了:CHIH CHIH
與 ViewFinder 合作的 4 款插畫 T 恤終於上線啦!
除了清爽的背心和短袖上衣之外,冬裝當然也沒問題-有刷毛大學 T 和帽 T 可以選擇~
從黑白灰到跳痛的紅黃桃,根本春夏秋冬四季皆宜進可攻退可守,而且滾邊 T 恤也好可愛啊!
【 哪裡買 】
【 限時專屬優惠 】
11/20(一)前,只要在購物車輸入「chihchih」就可獲得 50 元折扣!
家裡有十幾件 ViewFinder 的衣服,不得不說除了質感和舒適度很棒之外,連印刷也好的讓人驚豔,細節和色彩處理我通通給滿分!
【 關於概念 】
其實這些插畫來自我的畢業專題 WHAT DO YOU SEE。
This project includes a series of narrative about zoos, which drawn from my observation into fields around education, scientific research, conservation, and recreation. Aiming to evoke viewers’ reflection of how do human see animals, I was trying to speak about the facts that focused on different perspectives of modern zoos around the world.
Although some of my ideas can be tough to digest, I managed to make this controversial issue more approachable via colour palettes and composition. The illustrations were draw with cheerful blue, yellow and fluorescent pink, exaggerating the ridiculous pleasure of zoo animals. (Just like the atmosphere that zoos provide to its visitors.)
I believe that how do we see and how do we think the animal can affect our behaviour.