對我而言,這次能在BreakThrough Prize這個科學的奧斯卡舞台上表演自己的原創中文歌,實在有著很大的意義。我覺得這象徵了交融,我也很開心能成為一座橋梁。音樂沒有界限,人類文明的共同前進也沒有界限。
也真的超榮幸,因為當晚唯一的另一位表演嘉賓就是神級的Lionel Richie!他實在太多太多厲害又感人的作品,能跟他同台我太開心啦!笑到眼睛不見了🤣而且我仰慕好久的好多人,包括音樂人、演員、企業家等等,我當晚都去集遊了,哈哈哈哈!好開心!
To me, it means a lot to be able to perform an original song in Chinese on the stage of @breakthrough Prize. There are no boundaries in music, just like there should be no boundaries as the human race moves forward. We all can be a bridge.
Btw, I have been inspired by Lionel Richie since I was young. Soooooo excited when I met him haha! Look at my face lol. What an honour to be able to perform not only for the great scientists, but also for so many great artists and entrepreneurs! #piercebrosnan #juliannemoore #lanadelray #orlandobloom #rachelmcadams #davidfoster #markzuckerburg #yurimilner #juliamilner #carolinescheufele #sergeybrin #susanwojcicki #annewojcicki