#TexasIceStorm #霸王級寒流英文怎麼說
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The state of Texas is known for its long, hot summers and mild winters. That’s why the 🔖freezing weather that hit Texas last week 🔖took everyone by surprise. Normally, the jet stream keeps 🔖swirling cold air—known as the “polar vortex”—trapped in 🔖the Arctic. But last week, the jet stream 🔖dipped south, bringing 🔖frigid weather all the way south to Texas.
The series of winter storms that swept across Texas brought snow, ice, and some of the coldest temperatures the state has ever experienced. Temperatures in Dallas, Austin and San Antonio were lower than those in Anchorage, Alaska, and snow fell all the way to the Mexican border!
Because storms like these are so rare here, Texans—and the state’s 🔖infrastructure—just weren’t prepared for the effects of 🔖extreme cold weather. 🔖Frozen natural gas pipes and ice on power lines caused outages that left millions without gas or electricity, and icy roads resulted in thousands of accidents.
Left without power to heat their homes, people resorted to extreme measures to stay warm. Some ran their cars in their garages, and others ran generators indoors, resulting in hundreds of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning. By the time temperatures started to rise again, dozens of Texans had died, mostly from road accidents, 🔖carbon monoxide poisoning and 🔖hypothermia.
So are there any special terms for weather events like this? The most common term is ✏“cold snap,” which means a sudden short period of very cold weather. Why is it called a cold snap? When you snap your fingers, the sound is sudden and short—just like a cold snap. Another term with the same meaning is ✏“cold wave.” Although “cold wave” isn’t as common as “cold snap,” the opposite term, “heat wave,” is commonly used. Another related term is ✏“cold spell,” which usually refers to a period of cold weather longer than a cold snap.
有什麼詞可以形容這樣的天氣狀況呢?最常用到的詞是「cold snap(短暫的氣溫驟降,類似中文的「霸王級寒流」)」,指突然來襲的短期極寒天氣。為什麼要用到snap(打響指)這個字?打響指的聲音既突然又短促──就像這突如其來的天氣一樣。可以用的另一個詞則是「cold wave(冷浪)」,這個字雖然沒有cold snap常見,不過它的相反詞 heat wave(熱浪)倒是很常見。最後一個詞則是「cold spell」,通常用來形容比cold snap更長的寒流。
arctic meaning 在 Robert Chang Chien Facebook 的精選貼文
English translation below
「 Narstalgia」(中文暫譯:獨角鯨之殤) 是我在RCA的畢業作品,也是一個我長期執行的藝術研究項目。從2018至2020,耗時1年的時間進行前期研究,額外一年的時間進行故事編寫、拍攝、錄音、採訪,與3D建模、動畫、剪接、調色、混音等後期製作,其計畫內包含實驗聲音作品、錄像裝置、實驗劇情電影短片、實驗動畫電影短片、採訪紀錄片與攝影集等一系列藝術創作與文本。其作品與研究圍繞著近年在北極地區發生的幾個重大議題。
Narstalgia一字為我根據此研究而發明的新字,是北極特有生物:獨角鯨(Narwhal)與鄉愁(Nostalgia)的組合字,用來形容在以格陵蘭與冰島為首的北極地區發生的一連串環境焦慮(Eco-grief)、環境悲傷(Eco-giref)與環境鄉痛(Solastalgia)現象,其中又以「格陵蘭有全世界最高自殺率」、「冰島為史上第一個因全球暖化而消失的冰河舉辦喪禮」這兩個現象為主要研究對象。 由於獨角鯨在古挪威語具有與人類死亡相關的特別含義,又其與格陵蘭、冰島等北歐地區人們的狩獵與航行傳統息息相關,因此我以此動物為隱喻,透過3D動畫結合我親自前往冰島實際拍攝、錄製所得到影音素材,製作成為系列作品。
配合RCA2020畢業展,與此期間我共展出兩件作品,分別是獨角鯨之殤(Narstalgia)實驗動畫電影短片、藍色浮游-消融之島(Blue Ephemera- Melting Island)動態影像與實驗聲音創作,至英國時間7/31(週五)前限時以輸入密碼的方式觀看。
建議觀影環境設定: 黑暗安靜的空間、良好的螢幕與音響(耳機)設備
● RCA2020 英國皇家藝術學院線上畢業展(我的作品頁)
● Narstalgia的作品研究介紹與觀看連結
● Blue Ephemera- Melting Island的作品研究介紹與觀看連結
「My latest film and artwork released for limited view by 31th July」
‘Narstalgia’ is my graduation production for the degree show of Royal College of Art, UK, and also an long-term artistic research project related to several significant phenomena of eco-grief, and solastalgia happening in Greenland, Iceland, and other places in Arctic, which is also a new word I coined based on my research concerning the meaning of the name of narwhal in Old Norse. The multi-medium project including an experimental animation film, a experimental moving image, a sound creation, a photography series, and more; it predominately points out two issues in Arctic: Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world, and Iceland holds a funeral for the first glacier lost to climate change.
Recommended viewing environment : a dark and silent room, with nice screen and speaker or earphone
Check the links below:
● My page in RCA2020 Degree Show (until 31th July)
● Information of ‘Narstalgia’ on my website
● Information of ‘Blue Ephemera- Melting Island’
● RCA2020 Degree Show (until 31th July)
arctic meaning 在 Arctic Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Video shows what Arctic means. Pertaining to the celestial north pole, or to the pole star.. Pertaining to the northern polar region of the ... ... <看更多>