My killer cast! It's been a wild and an amazing ride. Thank you DC, thank you #theKennedyCenter thank you, my role #Lucy, you've taught me love, purity, and perseverance. #IsseyHeSaythePlay by Chloé Hung, directed by Mei Ann Teo#林微弋 #weiyilin #asainactors #wrokingactor
asainactors 在 WEI YI LIN Facebook 的最佳貼文
I am happy to announce that I will be one of the lead actors for the public reading in the Lark Theatre. Two showings, and one QA session will be host by both David Henry Hwuang and Stan Lai. A great honor on my end ineed, as I'd have the privilege to be in the smae room with a group of amazing artists( Mainly Asian Americans! ), and workshop on the story I've longed for playing for a long time. Come see this incredible play unfolds its mystical secrets. The Lark Stan Lai #meiannteo #asainactors #Likeshadows #weiyilin
有幸能主演此次賴聲川導演改編成美國版的“如影隨形” 的紐約讀劇呈現,我將會與一群非常厲害的亞裔美國人同台,興奮不已呀!若您剛好也在紐約,希望你能來Lark Theatre一窺新版的故事喔!2/26會後座談將會由東尼獎/諾貝爾獎/美國奧比戲劇獎得主黃哲倫主持。#林微弋 #紐約演員 #賴聲川 #百老匯