一直都收到很多訊息希望我用返廣東話拍片,我覺得group埋一齊傾偈都好吖,大家可以直接傾!昨天開了第一次直播,認識了很多新朋友,也分享澳洲讀書和生活的感想!今晚九點我會分享《港姐秘密》👑2021年我都會在17Live App 陪住大家,每周三至四次Live! ID: 袁嘉敏Candy🙏🏻 I have received many messages asking me to shoot videos in Cantonese and so I came up with a way to hang out with you all in Cantonese! I will conduct 3-4 Live Chat sessions on 17Live App throughout 2021, each with a specific topic. You can join our chat and ask me anything my friends! ID: 袁嘉敏Candy
同時也有41部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅Lindie Botes,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Thank you all for all the cool questions on Instagram! I tried to answer as many as I could. Some highlights that you can expect... - when to speakin...
「ask me anything app」的推薦目錄:
- 關於ask me anything app 在 Candy Kaman Yuen 袁嘉敏 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於ask me anything app 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於ask me anything app 在 wongnai.com Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於ask me anything app 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於ask me anything app 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於ask me anything app 在 Iffah Qistina Youtube 的最佳貼文
ask me anything app 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答
[社媒斷捨離]人人都講Clubhouse,又睇下走去咩方向?Video killed the radio star~~~In my mind and in my car~~We can't rewind, we've gone too far
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
TLDR:要invitation 就comment 留名啦!先到先得
1. 實情早兩日已經想寫,但事忙,Clubhouse忽然間爆紅。之前Patreon都提過幾句,因為外媒Bloomberg 或 The Information (專做tech news)都有提。你等香港繁媒提就已經慢幾拍。不過冇乜關係,又唔係有得炒,遲幾日唔會死。
2. 急吼時是甚麼東西?可以睇下外媒點介紹,或者佢自己點定位。例如MeWe就強調No ad No BS,係真唔係都好,呢個就係佢定位。咁急吼時嘅最大定位:就係—audio only,夠晒革命性。
3. 本人唔係咩創意人,但明顯地,有啲人投訴急吼時冇呢樣冇嗰樣,完全就miss the whole fpt.人地就係要冇呢啲嘢嘛。創意唔一定係加法,可以係減法。
4. 你可以當係古老當時興,出返老人家零智能電話,或者玩返ICQ,再唔係就筆友。不過呢啲多數搞唔起,你懷舊幾日就算數。另一種係品味玩法,黑膠,實體書,急吼時比較似呢種(雖然唔完全係)
5. 吾友話頭,急吼時係乜?就係—的士台!真係貼切,我冇見外媒用呢個比喻,到底鬼佬的士有冇的士台架呢(應該係有的)。
6. 的士台偉大在乜?就係偉大在,只係出聲!當然而家技術我估要做到有樣都得,但咪煩,咪分心,仲會影到CFO畀人吹蕭(咁你吹到雪雪聲做蕭正楠都冇計,但照計都唔會有人理你)。即係,的士佬吹水冇問題,但如果佢在部的士Zoom,你都唔會坐啦,專心開車啦老友。
7. 呢個就係急吼時最偉大最煞食嘅地方。我就係要同你唔同,MeWe好大程度就係照抄Facebook,暫時還好,但我直覺(即係靠估),你要打倒一樣嘢,係整樣唔同嘅嘢出嚟。雖然急吼時明顯唔會打到Facebook,但重點佢真係think different,我唔係要一個新Facebook新Twitter,唔係更多功能,而係更少!
8. 玩落似乎大有市場。點解?我諗有幾個原因,幾樣都同佢只係聽聲有關。首先,照計幾方便你返工用!我唔知大家公司有幾自由,但唔少公司老細都未必鍾意見到你返工玩Facebook/Mewe,用自己電話都唔太好。但你插住個headphone就無敵啦!因為好多縮皮濕鳩大公司都搞埋啲Open Office Hot Desk(本世紀最西嘅發明,沒有之一,搞出嚟嗰位祝佢落地獄),咁公司當然係嘈到仆街,好多同事插耳筒做嘢,老細都唔會干涉—咁,你咪可以專心玩急吼時,原理同以前工廠妹聽收音機差不多,但唔會嘈到人
9. 亦正如吾友李勁華話齋,呢個急吼時一出,電台啲清談節目可以收皮。Video Killed the Radio Star,有心定無意都好,新媒體當然會將舊媒體趕上絶路。就等於Patreon FB Page去中介化咁,仲邊使買份報紙返嚟睇陶傑沈旭暉(仲奉送一大堆你唔想睇嘅人)。正如你有個急吼時,仲使乜聽電台?的確,佢就有啲似電台,你開車或坐車聽就一流。(亦可能因為咁美國十分流行,真係開住車一流)
10. 另一個原因相信係,Social Media Fatigue,特別係Zoom Fatigue.過去一年你做過幾多次Zoom/Team之類?我就好累啦。舊年12月尾我在台北隔離中,結果連公司炒我都要Zoom,HR同事仲堅持要見我個樣—問題係,我睇緊四仔(唔係有乜做?),咁唯有熄咗佢,著返條褲先。幾咁緊張呢!如果係唔使見樣咪好!
11. 的確,我已經麻甩到不得了,但都覺得成日開個樣好有壓力。如果話要化妝嘅女士更加煩。有一個唔使開樣見人嘅媒體,幾咁好呢。另外,我仲可以一路做住其他嘢,壓力細好多—Zoom你一路做住其他嘢,係好覺的。
12. 換言之,就係社媒斷捨離,唔好再見樣,好大壓力,聽聲算啦。
13. 仲有,呢個係我個人十分變態嘅一個想法,可能冇科學實證,但至少係都市傳說—呢,咪話啲盲人聽覺特別敏感?你睇星鬥士星矢沙加(好似係?)都自廢五感令到其他勁啲,正如啲友做愛都玩蒙眼,敏感啲(是真的)—唔開樣,你發現聽嘢特別有Feel—亦因為咁,咩顏聯武 陳海淇 長玩長有。唔想不敬,但真係好多人見到佢地真樣後,就冇晒幻想空間,唔係佢地醜,而係想像最美好,所以鹹故永遠有市場,有鹹書嘅年代都仲有人玩173 每6秒1蚊—而聽聞好多都係肥師奶(肥人聲甜,又一urban legend)。(我當年好鍾意聽張麗瑾唱「留給最愛的說話」,甚至幻想佢好似張栢芝咁款—現實係張栢芝唱歌就難聽到仆街)
14. 不過我仲想講多個重點,就係我張相寫嘅嘢。唔知大家有冇留意,我估你地冇。急吼時嘅terms of service(99.9%嘅人都冇睇),有講明一樣嘢:what happen in 廣西,記嚟把西。真的,公司有話你知,嚴禁將入面嘅內容轉貼,錄音都係禁止嘅(除非得到所有回音谷入面嘅人同意,係所有)。
15. 在呢方面,其實佢又唔似係想做一個go viral嘅社媒.由急吼時呢個名都知公司至少原意係想精英制。甚至佢一路限住invitation only,懶係吊高賣咁,仲只係iPhone用家先有得玩(當然另一原因係:冇錢,人數上得太快會負荷唔到)
16. 由於佢只係得聲音,又唔畀你錄低或轉貼,即係好似趙學而同謝霆鋒咁,「講過算數」(*),亦都唔會留底。咁你估到了,就又成為hate speech溫床。公司話會嚴打,但點執行?仲有,hate speech都算,但仲有一個大忌:反猶。聽聞唔少反猶言論,咁就冇運行了。
17. 我諗到嘅玩法仲有好多,例如傳統的士台咁,用嚟提供交通消息邊度裝快相就啱晒。或者講鬼故?講鹹故?Wargame 溝通?開群組講股票?總之任何即時,但又唔使睇螢幕嘅嘢,就啱晒。例如鹹故,你咪可以空出雙手。 唔使好似睇AV咁要不停fast forward 。或者例如我有Patreon讀者,玩ask me anything咁?但大家又唔使睇住我個衰樣。其他人又都聽到我答你問題
18. 當然,都係新屎坑,但又唔好太快批死。可能真係殺出一條血路?公司成立唔夠一年,最新已經再拎1億美金融資(其實好少),估值已經去到10億美金,噢,獨角獸,一年唔夠—BTW,畀你見到個市場做大幾咁重要。人地一做當然係全世界,可能中國除外。而中國至少自己十幾萬萬同胞可以自足(或自瀆)。你個app如果齋做香港,真係祝你好運
19. 至於點monetize?襟芒,呢個年代拎錢要monetize架咩?錢多人傻啦。1億美金融資算得係乜?
20. 總之,開住車,返住工,煮緊麵,跑步機上玩,Perfect.
21. 無論如何,真係好早階段,大家可以參與下。吾友話頭,真係冇乜機會畀你可以由頭參加一個新意念,你當而家你好似ICQ 6位數咁,你就係先行者了。要invitation嘅可以留名,小編(即係我本人)會PM你。不過iPhone User only.同埋應該要你電話(PM得了,唔使公開),但信唔過我嘅,當然唔使理。
(*)殞石旁的天際,Once upon a time,當年謝霆鋒同趙學而拍拖,有次有人問佢,謝霆鋒拍拖講過嘅嘢算唔算數,佢話:都算嘅,講過嘅,咪真係算數。你睇中文幾精妙。
又到月頭!你嘅2020年點?我嘅2020年就幾好。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1300人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
ask me anything app 在 wongnai.com Facebook 的最讚貼文
สาววัยกลางคนผู้ปั่นจักรยานมาขายขนมย่านสาธรทุกเช้าด้วยรอยยิ้มอันแสนจริงใจ ขนมหวานถุงน้อยมากมายริมทางจากฝีมือ “คุณหวัน มีศิล” หรือ “ป้าป้อม” รอให้ผู้คนมาอุดหนุน มุมเล็ก ๆ ที่หลายต่อหลายคนมองข้าม กลับมีแรงบันดาลใจและความแข็งแกร่งมากมายซ่อนอยู่ วันนี้เราจะพาไปรู้จักกับป้าป้อมอย่างลึกซึ้ง ว่าทำไมทุกความยากลำบาก ไม่ได้ทำให้รอยยิ้มของป้าป้อมลดน้อยลงได้เลย ❤
🛵 : สั่ง LINE MAN ได้ที่นี่เลย 👉🏻 https://lineman.onelink.me/1N3T/1253d7dd
อ่านบทความเต็ม ๆ ได้ที่ 👉🏻 https://www.wongnai.c...
Continue ReadingA middle-aged girl who cycles come to sell snacks every morning with a sincere smile. A little bag of sweets along the way from ′′ Khun Yuwan has ail ′′ or ′′ Aunt Pom ′′ waiting for people to buy small corners. Many to many, many to overlook. There is inspiration and strength hidden. Today we will take to know Aunt Pom deeply. Why every hardship doesn't make Aunt Fort's smile lessen ❤
🛵: Order LINE MAN here 👉🏻 https://lineman.onelink.me/1N3T/1253d7dd
Read the full article at 👉🏻 https://www.wongnai.com/news/pa-pom
′′ In the past, when the bubble era, the aunt was a housewife to clean, but the company shut down. So the aunt lost his job. It's very rare. No one could apply. We saw the vendor, so I thought I wanted to try to sell, but I thought I would sell the candy. Sweet because we like to eat sweets and around here we don't have many people to sell too ′′
There is no impasse in real life. When applying for jobs, there is no one to recreate anything. The other way of ′′ Aunt Pom ′′ and even another choice is new for aunty. But many more precious lives are waiting for you, so I have to fight until the end. The way.
′′ At first, I didn't know how to snack. I lived reading books and watching on television. How to do it. Two things at a time. I started selling on the first day. There are many people who sold out. I have to keep supporting but I don't have money. Keep it because I have to raise 4 grandchildren. It's a month that I spend ten thousands. Because I send them to study. It's very difficult. But because of the grandchildren, they are still supporting me to sell every day. ′′
If your heart is enough, it's not the heart of the happiness in life. Waking up at a.m. to make a snack, selling and leaving the house with a bike in the rain. Doesn't make this strong woman's patience reduce because every time I sell ′′ Aunt Pom. ′′ Carrying a very sincere smile to everyone 👍🏻
′′ Our life is tough because we don't have a chance to be educated. When we have a way to make money, we want to spend all the money to give grandchildren to have a good future. Ask them whether they are tired or not. It's already exhausting. But I go home to see About to have a good future. I'm encouraged to do it. ′′ 🥰
A little bag of sweet treats that seem to be addicted to customers around here. Especially from seeing the eyes of customers who come to support us. We know that all customers don't come to support aunts with pity, but with the taste of sweet taste of ′′ Tohot ′′ (( 10 baht) The yellow, bright, clean, looks like the customer's favorite menu, followed by ′′ Bua floating ′′ (10 baht) that is ancient, authentic, fit, tummy, powder, looks like it fits. It's like it's a lot of things. People or for those who like to eat lightly, there is a ′′ green bean snack ′′ (10 baht) that is boiled until it's ripe. 😋
Aunt Pom told me that snack may be a little bit homey, but I put it in every pattern. It's detailed for cleanliness and taste that is not too sweet. For those who come to support, I have a good health. 😍
Not too long ago, desserts on Aunt Pom's little bike are gone. When you go home, you still have a bright smile, no glance of undefeated eyes. At all, Auntie kicks off the bike home to make us realize that every step of the way you walk is a life that makes you live. With the future of the nation, there are 4 people and the important thing that we have learnt from aunt is that no matter what life encounters, if our heart chooses to smile and fight with it happily. We are tired. We will get through it. 😊
If you want to buy sweet treats, the good taste that the seller has smiles. Like ′′ Aunt Pom ′′ shop, you can go to support the aunt every morning. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Aunties will sell at the Navy market. The Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Aunties will go to the market. Suan Plu or if it's not good for sale, Auntie will sell around the Empire Tower building. Let's go to buy. Affordable price 👍🏻
🍴: Desserts, Aunt Pom.
📍: Empire Tower, Bangkok
📞: Call 084-902-6294
⭐️: View more location and reviews 👉🏻 https://www.wongnai.com/restaurants/640578Pe
#Wongnai Find restaurant information from nationwide and share reviews at Wongnai app ▶️ Free download here >> http://bit.ly/2U0bdnTranslated
ask me anything app 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的精選貼文
Thank you all for all the cool questions on Instagram! I tried to answer as many as I could. Some highlights that you can expect...
- when to speaking learning a language
- balancing multiple languages
- how I got into UI/UX design
- what language I'll teach my kids
- how to practice Chinese writing
- and moreeee!
? On the top left of the screen you'll see the question theme so you can easily navigate between answers.
? Things mentioned in the video:
- Skritter app for Chinese & Japanese (10% discount applied): https://skritter.com/?ref=lindiebotes&coupon=CHINESEWITHLINDIE
- How to make time for languages (article) https://medium.com/@lindiebotes/how-to-fit-language-learning-into-a-busy-schedule-6592d8a2a637
- How to learn Chinese (blog post) https://lindiebotes.com/2020/06/26/how-to-learn-chinese-characters/
- How to learn multiple languages video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdPvYrhc7u8
YouTubers mentioned
Farawaydistance, Femke, Polyglot Progress, John Piper, Alisa Childers
Insta → https://www.instagram.com/lindiebotes/
Website & resources → http://lindiebotes.com/
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Buy me a coffee → https://ko-fi.com/lindiebotes#
Book a session to chat → https://superpeer.com/lindiebotes
Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
New here? Best videos → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCVN94KILKXGx45JKaVBSpPkrpXhrhRe
FAQ → https://lindiebotes.com/faq/
Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com
ask me anything app 在 Lindie Botes Youtube 的最佳貼文
What's up, friends? I did a 200K Q&A video ages ago but still haven't gone through all your questions, so here is part two! (of three? four? who knows!). Grab a cup of tea, get comfy and let's chat languages & life updates!
200K Part 1 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWSidODEzSQ&t=698s
100K Q&A video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXJjQTt_W7E&t=12s
0:00 Intro
0:35 Listening fatigue
02:19 Finding articles to read when learning
03:36 Personal life update
04:21 How many hours I learn languages for
07:10 Language obstacles and expectations
08:52 Frustrations
10:56 Joys + difficulties of a Christian lifestyle abroad
12:33 Respect, openness, worldviews, learning
13:44 Was learning Korean hard?
15:10 When did I start understanding spoken Korean?
16:36 Is reading fundamental when learning languages?
18:23 Learning without native speakers
20:06 A career in languages vs design
22:04 Ancient languages & ending
Insta → https://www.instagram.com/lindiebotes/
Website & resources → http://lindiebotes.com/
Twitter → https://twitter.com/lindiebee
FB → https://www.facebook.com/lindiebotesvideos/
Buy me a coffee → https://ko-fi.com/lindiebotes#
Book a session to chat → https://superpeer.com/lindiebotes
$10 free italki credits (after first lesson) → https://go.italki.com/LindieBotes
10% off Du Chinese (my favorite app!) enter LINDIE10 at checkout → https://www.duchinese.net/
All discounts → http://lindiebotes.com/discounts
All language resources → https://lindiebotes.com/language-resources/
Merch → http://society6.com/lindiebotes
Welcome to my channel! My name is Lindie and I share my love for languages through my polyglot progress and language learning tips here. South African by birth, I spent most of my life in France, Pakistan, the UAE and Japan. Now I work as a UI/UX designer in Singapore. I'm a Christian and strive to shine God’s light in all I do. May this channel inspire you to reach your language goals!
New here? Best videos → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRCVN94KILKXGx45JKaVBSpPkrpXhrhRe
FAQ → https://lindiebotes.com/faq/
Practical Chinese Grammar → https://geni.us/PracticalChineseGram
Japanese for Busy People on Amazon → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy1
Advanced Japanese for Busy People → https://geni.us/JapaneseForBusy3
Korean Grammar in Use Intermediate → https://geni.us/KoreanGrammarUse
Korean TOPIK exam prep → https://geni.us/TOPIK2prep
Short Stories in Spanish → https://geni.us/spanishshortstories
Camera → https://geni.us/CanonPowerShotG7
Mic → https://geni.us/RodeSmartLavMicr
Tripod → https://geni.us/ManfrottoTravel
Some links are affiliate links, and a percentage goes towards supporting my channel.
Collabs & partnerships: hello@lindiebotes.com
ask me anything app 在 Iffah Qistina Youtube 的最佳貼文
Semoga videonyaa bermanfaat...amin?..mahu lebih lanjut pantau istangram ifaa @ifaaa.bea tekan link?????
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Musician: @iksonmusic