18 August 2020
Brother Aliaksandr Yerashuk
President, Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions
Email:[email protected]
Dear Brother Aliaksandr Yerashuk
I am writing on behalf of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) to express our solidarity support of the Belarus People in your struggle for true democracy.
We watched with anger the tricks played by Dictator Alexander Lukashenko to rig the election so as to continue his dictatorship. When we witnessed the peaceful protest matches that were met with police violence, we empathise with the sufferings of the people and also share the spirit of defiance and hope.
We, the people of Hong Kong, have gone through the same fight and are continuing to fight for freedom and democracy even under the new National Security Law. HKCTU’s affiliates and new unions formed under the protest movement went on strike for true democracy.
We would also like to support your strike and struggle for democracy and would want to learn from your experience. Democratic right is workers right. Let the world trade union movement unite and fight for true democracy everywhere in the world.
The HKCTU condemned the Belarus Dictator Lukashenko for:
1. The fraudulent conduct of the elections; main opposition candidates were harassed and not allowed to compete, while Dictator Alexander Lukashenko – in power since 1994 - was declared winner despite clear evidence that the majority of population voted against him.
2. The use of force to suppress any discontent of people, as well as against peaceful protesters across the country, including arrests and detention of citizens.
3. The suppression of internet and media, road blockades, detentions and intimidation of journalists in order to stop the flow of information about the situation in the country, and to prevent public discussion and any collective response to the electoral fraud.
4. The persecution of workers who exercise their human rights to suspend their work in protest.
The HKCTU supports BKDP’s demands to the government to:
1. Stop the violence, persecutions and arrests, and release all imprisoned union leaders, activists, and civil society representatives; and
2. Re-run the election with an independent election commission and international observers.
We would closely follow the struggle of Belarus People and support your struggle.
In Solidarity,
Lee Cheuk Yan
General Secretary, HKCTU