【Bye Bye Baby Fat】秀智的減肥方法值得參考
有韓國「國民初戀」之稱的秀智,透過番薯瘦身餐單,成功撇掉不少baby fat,她的減肥餐單以糙米和番薯作為澱粉質主要來源,我們就從中醫角度來拆解這個餐單的秘密。
番薯 — 性平,能健脾胃、補氣血,亦有通便秘的功效。適合脾胃虛弱、營養不良、氣血兩虛、產後或習慣性便秘者食用。
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Bae Suzy’s sweet potato diet
The healthier way to lose weight
Bae Suzy, who carries the title of ‘Korea’s First Love’, has successfully gotten rid of her baby fat through her famous sweet potato diet. This diet relies on brown rice and sweet potato as the primary source of carbohydrates. Let us examine the diet from the Chinese Medicine perspective and crack the code!
Bae Suzy’s diet
Breakfast: 1 sweet potato, chicken breast, milk
Lunch: brown rice, vegetable salad
Dinner: 2 sweet potatoes
Diet rule: No eating after 6pm. Exercise appropriately.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, sweet potato is mild in nature, can strengthen the stomach and the spleen, replenish the qi and the blood, and promote bowel movement. It is a healthy coarse grain, which at the same time can also help lose weight. It is suitable for individuals with a weak stomach and spleen, as well as those with asthenic qi and blood. People with regular constipation problems have to be careful not to consume excessively, as it might cause bloating and flatulence. Brown rice is actually whole rice that has not had its husk removed, so it is high in fiber. Hence, individuals can include brown rice into their weight-loss diet.
According to the ‘midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine (‘zi wu liu zhu’) in the Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor (‘huang di nei jing’), 5pm-7pm is the best time to have dinner, whereas 7pm-11pm is the best time to rest and go to bed. Therefore, we should not eat anything after 6pm, and allow our stomach and spleen to digest our dinner.This is in line with the Chinese Medicine principles, which can help regulate our weight and keep us healthy.
Sweet Potato- mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and blood, and suitable for constipation relief. It is suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach, with lack of nutrients, with asthenic qi and blood, with chronic constipation, or postpartum ladies.
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