I PASSED!! Woooooo I got my Class 2B licence today!!! I was feeling quite nervous yesterday and even had a bit of trouble sleeping; this was more unnerving than going for Ironman lol. But after the past few months of going to ComfortDelGro Driving Centre regularly for bike lessons, theory tests and revision, I am SO SO SO happy that I passed!
Honestly, I feel learning how to ride a motorbike is harder than learning how to drive a manual car. You need to use all 4 limbs to control something and you have to think about balancing, manoeuvring and positioning. Plus you're so vulnerable being exposed.
I actually first went for Class 2B lessons in 2010 but I quit after 2 lessons because I was skinny and weak af back then and I kept dropping the bike and I gave up. And then I decided to take it again because I like learning new things and the few years of cycling experience gives me some confidence too haha.
It hasn't been easy and I struggled, with the figure of 8, the crank course, the plank and the pylon slalom. I took 3 times to pass both Lesson 5 (circuit assessment) and Lesson 8 (circuit and road assessment). These are internal assessments done by the instructors where they take the role of testers and grade you. I was really quite demoralised and also frustrated, but hell no I wasn't gonna give up!
When I finally passed Lesson 8 and booked my Traffic Police test (which I had to wait 6 weeks for), I told myself I'm gonna work hard and keep practising. I'm not gonna miss the maroon and blue revision bibs man hahaha, wore it so many times!
The instructors were also very kind and helpful - just ask them for help, get tips to correct your technique, and make sure you remember all the checks and blind spots.
It was a long day, reporting at 645am and finally leaving at 230pm after warmup, the test, a lot of waiting in between, the expressway familiarisation ride and updating of driver's licence. The waiting time was really so stressful; all that suspense when you're waiting for your result - TWICE.
But you can't wipe this giant grin off my face - I AM SO HAPPY REALLY. Now to start shopping for motorbikes, any advice?
#Class2B #bikergal86 #motorbikelicence