Because Baby Kai wellbeing is our responsibility thus we ensure that he always be healthy and happy! I am trying to introduce him to probiotic supplement to promote healthy diggestion and support immunity..
Introducing Biostime Probiotics With 2’-FL (HMO) Children Food Supplement..
With its most advanced formulation, scientifically formulated to support gastro-intestinal flora of healthy children. The formulation also contains added 2’-FL to provide protection and support for immune function.
✨ Supports the immune system
✨ Promotes digestive health
✨ Contains 2’-FL, the most abundant human milk oligosaccharide (HMO)
✨ Specially formulated for children with multi-strain formulation – B. infantis and B. breve M-16V
✨ No refrigeration required
Purchase at Guardian- shop at @Guardiansg and enjoy 40% off now!
Together with @biostimesg i’ll be giving one box of @biostimesg (valued at $52.90) to 2 lucky followers.
Simply do the following steps:
1️⃣ FOLLOW @biostimesg
2️⃣ FOLLOW @yuniqueyuni
3️⃣ Like and save this post
4️⃣ TAG a parent friends who would love to join in the comment. One tag per comment.
Share on ig story for bonus entries!
Giveaway will be ending on Friday 26th February 2021 at 2359 SGT.
Winner will be annouced on my ig story and will be contacted via DM.
*This giveaway only valid for Singapore residents.
#biostimesg @ Singapore
biostime hmo 在 蜘蛛媽媽- 鄭麗莎LisaCheng Facebook 的精選貼文
過多一星期,晉晉哥哥就要正式返學喇,所以真係唔可以鬆懈,要幫哥哥加強自身免疫力,好彩近期朋友介紹我用由法國原裝入口既 Biostime兒童HMO益生菌,好勤力咁食咗一盒之後,覺得哥哥腸胃好咗,冇咁易肚仔痛,同埋病少咗,希望可以keep住好啦~
想小朋友健康D,媽咪真係要努力D做功課,成日聽人講HMO對腸道好好,係因為HMO有助有效抑制有害菌,腸道好咗,自然免疫力都好啲仲病少啲啦;所以話幫小朋友建構腸道健康, 係守護佢地免疫健康的第一步~ 而Biostime兒童HMO益生菌革命性加入HMO及益生菌組合,HMO可以為益生菌提供養分,有助增加益生菌數量, 加埋Bio-support專利菌株保護技術,保持益生菌活性,令每包不少於170億CFU的活性益生菌都可以直達腸道 ~ 3重功效大大提升小朋友嘅免疫力!!
依家去【H&H Baby】HKTVMALL 官方旗艦店購買 Biostime兒童HMO益生菌,仲有限時優惠 2件85折 http://bit.ly/2Z0VCqE ,而我嘅粉絲可以用呢個code 「BF3KOL04」有多個額外9折優惠, 優惠期去到9月30日㗎 , 仲有哥哥鍾意嘅玩具送,好吸引呀!!
#childrenprobiotics #HMOprobiotics #biostimehongkong #嬰幼兒適用 #HMO益生菌 #三重防護 #提升免疫力 #兒童益生菌 #全球No1嬰幼兒童益生菌營養品品牌
Biostime Hong Kong
biostime hmo 在 YanComic媽媽手記 Facebook 的最佳解答
之前細福腸胃炎,因為又痾又發燒,仲比醫生安排咗驗肺炎... 真係嚇到一額汗。醫生都係開益生菌比細福調理腸胃,原來益生菌唔單止幫助腸胃道消化、便便暢通,HMO益生菌更有效恢復腸道中好菌和壞菌的平衡,增強對疾病的防衛能力💪💪💪 「Biostime兒童HMO益生菌」更革命性益生菌加入HMO!臨床實證HMO有助有效抑制有害菌,平衡腸道微生態,培養良好免疫力,有助減低染病機會💪 HMO仲會為益生菌提供養份從而增加益生菌數量,咁HMO益生菌就可以源源不絕在腸道發揮功效✨
Biostime 兒童HMO益生菌,法國原裝入口,半歲以上至7歲以下小朋友都適用!啱晒大福細福兩兄弟,可以每日一齊早晚一包!HMO益生菌無乜味,直接加入37℃以下的流質食物或飲品就可以(高溫會影響益生菌活性),唔會影響到本身個味道。朝早起身我一定會先飲一杯水,同時準備一細杯水直接加入HMO益生菌比大細福,就可以輕鬆守護佢哋嘅健康~
P.S.依家Biostime兒童HMO益生菌,喺【H&H Baby】HKTVMALL 官方旗艦店仲有限時2件85折優惠 https://bit.ly/2Z0VCqE
用埋我個promotion code 「BF2KOL03」仲可以有額外9折優惠添!!! 優惠期去到9月30日㗎 , 好似仲有禮物送,真心好抵~ (心心眼)
#childrenprobiotics #HMOprobiotics #biostimehongkong #嬰幼兒適用 #HMO益生菌 #三重防護 #提升免疫力 #兒童益生菌 #全球No1嬰幼兒童益生菌營養品品牌
Biostime Hong Kong