【澳洲雪梨】Bondi Markets淘寶,Bondi Beach散步 Bondi Markets
Bondi Markets is located in the Bondi Beace Public School on every Sundays (Saturday is Farmer Market). It is truly a great paradise for treaure hunters who love the local creative art craft and design. The Bondi Market's part of revenue gives feedback to the local school and community for the educational purpose and school facilities upgrade. Bondi Market also encourages the local NGO to raise their funds here. This is really a meaningful market that you can buy the things you love but also use the money you spend wisely to the local community, which are making our hearts joyful.
Bondi Markets位於Bondi Beach Public School裡面,每週日都有市集(星期六是農夫市集),這裡是獨具慧眼尋寶人的天堂,可買到當地設計師與藝術家創作的手工藝品,而這市集會將部分收入捐給當地學校用來做教育計劃或更新設施,而且Bondi也很鼓勵當地的非營利組織到此募款等等。這個有意義的市集,讓我們消費者買到自己心儀的物品之外,也將每一分錢發揮到最大值,回饋給當地學校,這些都是會讓我們內心感到欣喜的事情。
#bondimarkets #sydney