A very interesting text about how we teach reading to kids! (值得一讀!)
學界爭論不休的 whole language approach 和 systematic phonics approach,究竟哪一個有更多的科學理據,去支持成為較適合幼兒閱讀的策略呢?
Whole language approach 著重提供一個豐富的、包含讀寫聽說的語言環境,著重文字在文本中呈現出來的意思,鼓勵孩子運用思考力從不同的 cues(例如圖畫、上文下理、beginning sound)去猜估文字,講求make sense of language。孩子有學習 phonics 的,只是不完整也沒有系統。
.graphic cues (what do the letters tell you about what the word might be?)
.syntactic cues (what kind of word could it be, for example, a noun or a verb?)
.semantic cues (what word would make sense here, based on the context?)
另一套觀點則強調要 explicitly, systematically 教授 letter 同 sound 的關係,怎樣 decode words,即是在孩子初學習英語時,集中把 phonics 的系統循序漸進式地好好掌握。
香港的學校多是採用 whole language approach,而家長努力付費外補的多是 phonics。
文中詳細描述了能夠掌握有效 phonics 策略的學生是如何閱讀:
//Here's what happens when a reader who has good phonics skills comes to a word she doesn't recognize in print. She stops at the word and sounds it out. If it's a word she knows the meaning of, she has now linked the spelling of the word with its pronunciation. If she doesn't know the meaning of the word, she can use context to try to figure it out.
By about second grade, a typically developing reader needs just a few exposures to a word through understanding both the pronunciation and the spelling for that word to be stored in her memory. She doesn't know that word because she memorized it as a visual image. She knows that word because at some point she successfully sounded it out.
The more words she stores in her memory this way, the more she can focus on the meaning of what she's reading; she'll eventually be using less brain power to identify words and will be able to devote more brain power to comprehending what she's reading.//
近年很多學者從科學研究的角度證實 systematic phonics approach 對提升孩子閱讀能力更有幫助。
如有興趣自教孩子 phonics,你們對這個no prep phonics bundle(https://shop.thisreadingmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MEGA-NO-PREP-Phonics-Bundle-PREVIEW-This-Reading-Mama.pdf)有興趣嗎?減價中,有興趣可pm 我一同 chip in 買。
「both sides now意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於both sides now意思 在 男孩媽媽的育兒手記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於both sides now意思 在 Chet Lam 林一峰 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於both sides now意思 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於both sides now意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於both sides now意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於both sides now意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於both sides now意思 在 【慶生】倫敦金牌製作人撈麥Sir CamMac... - Angela的劇場評論 的評價
both sides now意思 在 Chet Lam 林一峰 Facebook 的最佳解答
One Song a Day - Time’s River 時間河. Translation and song link below.
This is a heavy one. Have you ever thought of wishing to talk to someone in your life who’s already passed away? We assume that those have gone might know all the answers, and if we can see them again, they would tell us the things we want them to say, settle some unsolved issues, etc..
This song is from the point of view of the dead. I imagine, what they might have figured out is, life is not demanding answers from someone else, but a quest to figure them out ourselves. Life is to be lived in our own pace. At some point we might even understand the why’s and what’s, but only when time brings us there.
Time’s River
(Chet Lam)
Scenery keeps passing
disappearing on both sides
I am carried by the river
I could only go forward
And you are always behind me
If it’s possible I would go against the current
Back to the beginning
and see the world with you
We would enjoy the fragrance of the morning coffee
And the warmth of having each other to say goodnight to
Those moments will still be too brief
But no matter how brief they are
We could never have them again
As the river has taken us away
Now, I finally could stop
No more drifting
But the river will not stop
You have to carry on
On the river we can finally meet each other
In that brief moment
I am so anxious I have too much to say to you
But let me just enjoy the silence
And savor the moment forever
It’s time, it’s time
It’s time, it’s time
這是一首比較重的作品。可能你也有這個經驗,希望跟已經過世的人再接觸,是懷念,是貪戀多一些溫暖,是擺平未解決的情緒,是我們不想故事就此完結... 這首歌的視點,是從已經過世的人的角度出發,我會想像,如果是我,我會對在生的人說什麼?生命並不是一場問題與答案簡單交易,就算前人已經告訴我們所有答案,我們好可能還是要用自己的步伐領悟出來,經歷必須經歷的。
It’s time 在這裡有兩重意思:是時候(我要走了)/ 時間就是答案。
後退風景 消失於兩邊
順著水流 我只可向著前
而你 永遠在我身後
若有可能 我會逆流而上
回到起點 與你走遍樂園
度過每天 早餐的咖啡香
與夜晚 一聲晚安的溫暖
靜悄河流 帶走了我
現在我終能停下 不需再飄流
流水卻不停 你必須繼續向前
一面緣太緊張 太多東西要講
It‘s time, it’s time
It‘s time, it’s time
both sides now意思 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[金門大橋下面嘅水真係好凍的]唔知呢間咩公司?維多利亞的秘密,Victoria's Secret(VS)
1. 股價當然係趴晒街,45度咁向下跌,5年之間,一舊水跌到廿蚊。更加唔好講美股升咗幾多,更加唔好諗如果你買咗第二隻股
2. 你話,明明好好賣喎,開到嚟香港喎。差矣,你以為好賣啫,股價唔會呃你。其實就只係企圖靠啲新興市場頂住,例如亞洲啲女。
3. 至於點解嘛,應該好多用家清楚過我。貴?應該係次要原因。固然而家可以網上訂,又唔會咁尷尬,但理論上有品牌嘛。《絶世好Bra》話齋,阿婆就女人街廿蚊個,或者淘寶。VS就千千聲。應該唔係同一班客下話
4. 又再證明好多品牌嘅護城河,弱過條綁帶底橫(定環?),一扯就甩。
5. 最主要嘅問題係,間公司嘅定位有點難搞。幾廿年前其實係美好嘅世界。而家女權當道,metoo多過生菜,乜都講多元呀之類,你懂的。
6. 簡單嚟講,VS就係一間建立於sexism嘅公司,女為悅己者bra,搞VS Angel之類,物化女性呀,十分政治不正確。(呼,我嘅Miranda Kerr已經畀個死O靚仔中出N次,啤咗三件。有冇人一睇寫VS就知我實會寫佢?)
7. 另外仲有,而家要多元嘛。雖然VS有黑人,有東方人(但好似唔係Angel,只係model)。「但好似未有變性人行」(有嘅話我知,但唔使貼相)。再加上,而家品評外表都罪大惡極嘛。除非你搵次搵件300磅嘅肥婆上台行啦。
8. 問題係,VS賣嘅就係呢種想像嘛。固然著嗰個未必係Miranda Kerr咁身材樣貌,十居其九都唔會係(否則仲得了?)。但原本係不礙事的,你見啲四十歲阿叔一樣著住件C朗波衫扮有型之嘛。
9. 但以往一路係,don’t tell, don’t ask.大家心照。而家人人要發腥,就很難避了。公又係死,字都係死。No Offense,你真係接受到VS搵件大肚腩阿叔去行?咪玩啦。根本就死症
10. 而家連選美都唔可以有泳裝。唔止,仲話根本唔應該睇樣。咁不如笠住個頭大家背十四行詩啦。丫都唔得,唔可以用把聲去judge人,要聲音經過處理。選美唔睇樣,實在係我聽過最搞笑嘅事之一。但冇法,世界就係咁。
11. 解埋個題:應該有人知,以前都用過(http://bit.ly/2RmBKJg),唔知解多次。大衞芬查套”Social Network”,講Facebook 教主朱生。其中有一幕就講呢個「金門大橋下面啲水好凍」嘅故事。
12. 講嘅係Sean Parker,唔識?老鬼應該聽過Napster,正係此人。佢亦係Facebook早期嘅高層,甚至引入咗第一個投資者Peter Thiel(另一奇人)。
13. 戲入面,Sean Parker同小豬講以下嘅故事:1970年代有條友,史丹福MBA,Roy Raymond.佢想買套性感內衣畀老婆,但覺得去百貨公司買會畀人當佢鹹濕佬。佢靈機一觸,諗到呢個商界,搞個高檔舖頭,男人女人行入去買都唔會覺得唔好意思。佢在銀行借咗四萬蚊美金,再問親友借多四萬,開檔。間嘢就叫做Victoria’s Secret(係英女王,唔係佢老婆嘅名)。十分成功。五年後佢賣咗間公司,收咗400萬美金。1982年嘅四球美金,應該好開心啦 — 不過兩年後,呢間公司結果值5億美金。之後Roy Raymond就在金門大橋跳落去死咗。
14. 成堆。想睇字嘅,呢度(https://imdb.to/3alQot1)。想睇場戲嘅,呢度(http://bit.ly/2uOjG2S)。
15. 事隔多年,VS頂峰時,市值應差不多300億美金。而家跌咗八成,都仲有50億美金。
16. 故事都畫出腸,在戲入面,就係叫小朱dream big,唔好而家為幾千萬賣咗Facebook,呢間公司可以令你變世界首富,甚至最有影響力嘅人。果然如此。
17. 不過拍戲還拍戲。現實呢?其實只係賣咗100萬美金。咁都幾好啦?但其實戲入面講到賣完VS冇耐,Roy Raymond就因為走寶而自殺,唔太正確。現實係佢拎咗舊錢(未必拎晒),去再搞一檔生意,結果輸到仆街。未必輸到乜都冇,但之後就抑鬱。而佢死時,同佢賣走VS,已經超過十年。
18. 真實故事嘅教訓就係:唔係你財唔入你袋。舊文寫過(http://bit.ly/2M2ur8q),莊子不龜手之藥嘅故事一樣,同一舊嘢,唔同人手上,發揮到唔同價錢。有人就執少少錢,有人就世代做貴族。Instagram係小朱點石成金,回報百倍千倍,但唔係小朱買咗,間嘢而家執笠未亦未知。
19. 另外就係,運氣嘅嘢,比你想像中重要。Roy Raymond係咪叻人?怕且都係。但佢賣完VS又再創業,明顯係覺得「上次都得點解今次唔得」。就係唔得咯。
20. BTW,最後想講,Social Network呢套戲嘅編劇,正係Aaron Sorkin,招牌式嘅密集對白。你睇到風格,同我之前講嘅Jobs(另一教主,Steve Jobs)有啲似,因為係同一個編劇(http://bit.ly/2tJCmAw)。至於Sean Parker有冇講過呢個故事?根本唔重要,我相信係冇嘅。但呢啲就叫藝術創作,正如你唔使深究Steve Jobs有冇講過嗰啲對白(不過,就真係有聽Both Sides Now)
both sides now意思 在 【慶生】倫敦金牌製作人撈麥Sir CamMac... - Angela的劇場評論 的推薦與評價
Angela的劇場評論- Both Sides Now, profile picture. Join ... 就是雖然是奸商總還是要肯定他在音樂劇上的貢獻的意思XD. 5 yrs Report. Angela的劇場評論- Both Sides ... ... <看更多>