#瞓身 put MY ALL into this
U-turn 與「瞓身」- 毛孟靜
最近在讀一本犯罪驚慄小說 crime thriller,遇到以下一段文字,一讀就想到,這可以成為英文課堂上的教材。
"You see, the fact that you FLIP-FLOPPED just makes me all the more certain things are as they should be. We don't like ABOUT-FACES. We want to be utterly confident that everyone is doing THEIR ALL for the team."
先看 vocab 生字,flip-flop 原本係「人字拖」,是那種露趾的拖鞋,因為穿起來走路前後踢躂之象,給借用來表達「轉軚、一時一樣」,以至反口,亦即我們口語的 U-turn。
•The candidate flip-flopped on a number of issues. 這候選人就許多議題都掉轉槍頭、轉軚了。
•There have been accusations of a government flip-flop on a tax break for the tourism industry. 一直有指控謂,政府就旅遊業寬免稅項一筆,已經轉軚。
另一生字,about-face,不也就是flip-flop 的同義詞。About-face 原本是操兵時的一個口令,叫士兵轉身掉頭,一樣給借用來代替a complete change of direction, opinion or way of acting,不論取向、意見或行為的完全徹底改變。例:
•This is incredible. This is her second about-face on the issue. 真令人難以置信,這是她就此議題第二次轉軚了。
另有 their all 的用法,all 所有;不論 my all、his all 或 their all,都是指一個人精神或資源可以付出的「所有」,也即是全身全心悉力以赴,等於本土口語中的「瞓身」。
•I have put my all into this project. 我已付出所有,「瞓身」於這個項目中。
•He wants to give his all to what he is doing. 他希望全力以赴,做好他正在做的事。//
「break into用法」的推薦目錄:
- 關於break into用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於break into用法 在 break into是什么意思?怎么读?它的用法你知道吗? - YouTube 的評價
- 關於break into用法 在 格林法則英語單字記憶- 好久沒分享動詞用法 ... 的評價
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#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#FoodIdiom #bread
🍞美國生活用語:食物篇又來了──與麵包🥖 bread有關的諺語
還記得乳製品的英文怎麼說嗎😏 可以在文章裡面找找看喔!
1⃣ Bread is the staff of life.
2⃣ Man does not live by bread alone.
3⃣ earn one’s daily bread
4⃣ take the bread out of sb.’s mouth
5⃣ break bread
After covering dairy products, it’s time to move on to another kind of food—bread. Bread has long been a staple of the Western diet since ancient times, so of course it has made its way into all kinds of proverbs and idioms.
Let’s start with a proverb that has its origins in the Bible: 1⃣ Bread is the staff of life. If you’re picturing someone using a baguette as a staff to walk with, it may give you a sense of the proverb’s meaning: bread is what supports us in our lives, or provides us with sustenance. But bread here is also a symbol of all food, so the real meaning is that one must eat in order to survive. Ex: I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.
先來看一個源自《聖經》的諺語:Bread is the staff of life.(麵包是生命的拐杖。)想像一下用法國麵包當做拐杖走路的樣子,大概就能理解這句諺語的意思:麵包是支持生活的必需品,供給我們營養。不過麵包在這裡也是象徵所有食物之意,所以真正的意思是「民以食為天」。如:I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.(我知道你很忙,但別忘了吃飯啊,民以食為天。)
Another proverb with Biblical origins: 2⃣Man does not live by bread alone. Here, bread means “food and shelter.” So the proverb means that beyond their physical needs, people also need mental or spiritual sustenance. Ex: He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.
另一個諺語也是出自《聖經》:Man does not live by bread alone.(人活著不只是為了溫飽。)bread在這句話中指的是「食物與住所」。因此,這個諺語要人們超越生理需求、滋養心靈。如:He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.(他或許很富有,但是人活著不是只為了溫飽。)
Since bread is a symbol for sustenance, there are also idioms like 3⃣ “earn one’s daily bread,” which means “make a living.” Ex: The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver. 4⃣ And “take the bread out of sb.’s mouth” means to deprive them of their means of living. Ex: Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.
因為麵包是食物的象徵,所以也有如earn one’s daily bread這樣的片語,指「維持生計」。如:The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver.(這個男人當計程車司機維持生計。)而take the bread out of sb.’s mouth則是指「搶某人飯碗」,如:Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.(減薪對員工而言是剝奪了他們的飯碗。)
5⃣ And finally there’s “break bread.” Can you guess what it means? It means to have a meal. In the old days, a family would share a loaf of bread at each meal, and everyone would break off pieces to eat. Ex: It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.
最後來看看break bread這個短語。猜猜看,這是什麼意思?答案是「吃飯」。古時候的家庭,每餐都有一條麵包分給全家人,每個人會掰一塊麵包來吃。如:It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.(我已經很久沒跟麥可吃頓飯了。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
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#你不知道的美國大小事 #haveeggononesface
Food Idioms 🐔 美國生活用語之其他食物:Egg
1⃣ good eggs and bad eggs
2⃣ have egg on one’s face
3⃣ put all one’s eggs in one basket
4⃣ walk on eggshells
Nuts are nutritious and all, but now it’s time for some animal protein. Eggs are cheap, tasty and an excellent source of protein—which may explain why there are so many egg-related idioms.
Just as there are bad apples, 1⃣there are also bad eggs—and good ones as well. Ex: There are good eggs and bad eggs in every group.
跟壞蘋果一樣,雞蛋也是有好有壞。如:There are good eggs and bad eggs in every group.(每個團隊都會有好人跟壞人。)
In the past, audiences used to pelt performers with raw eggs if they didn’t like the performance. As a result, 2⃣to “have egg on one’s face” came to mean to “suffer a public embarrassment.” Ex: The CEO really had egg on his face when the new product didn’t work during the demonstration.
以前的人如果看了不喜歡的表演,就會拿生雞蛋朝表演者砸。因此have egg on one’s face後來就有「出醜,在大庭廣眾下丟臉,沒面子」的意思。如:The CEO really had egg on his face when the new product didn’t work during the demonstration.(新產品在示範時無法運作,讓執行長一臉尷尬。)
If you put all your eggs in one basket, they’ll all break if you drop it, and you’ll be left with nothing. 3⃣So to “put all one’s eggs in one basket” means to put all ones effort or resources into one thing, which, if it fails, will leave one with no alternatives. Ex: When it comes to investing, it’s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.
如果你把所有雞蛋都放在同一個籃子裡,萬一籃子掉了,全部雞蛋就會破掉,你就啥也沒了。所以put all one’s eggs in one basket意思就是「將全部心力或資源投注在一件事情上」,萬一失敗就無路可退。如:When it comes to investing, it’s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.(投資方面,將全部雞蛋放在同個籃子裡是很傻的。)
If you were to walk on eggshells, you’d have to be very careful if you wanted to avoid breaking them. For this reason, 4⃣to “walk on eggshells” means to be very careful not to anger or offend someone (because they are easily angered or offended). Ex: Fred has a bad temper, so I always have to walk on eggshells around him.
想像一下自己走在蛋殼上,你得小心翼翼,不然會踩破。因為這個原因,walk on eggshells指「(因為對方非常敏感脆弱而)小心應對,如履薄冰」。如:Fred has a bad temper, so I always have to walk on eggshells around him.(Fred脾氣火爆,所以我在他身邊總是如履薄冰。)
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