做夢都沒想到:我將在美國NASA演唱我的原、創、中、文、歌!!!很榮幸受到邀請成為BreakThrough Prize科學突破獎的頒獎及表演嘉賓,在堪稱科學界的奧斯卡中頒獎給對世界作出巨大貢獻的科學家們!有點小緊張,因為以前在占士邦電影裡看到Pierce Brosnan 時,根本沒想過有一天他將介紹我出場然後聽我唱歌!而且當晚唯一的另一位表演嘉賓更是我從小超級無敵仰慕的Lionel Richie😱
到時候在國際地理頻道上會有直播,而且Youtube和Facebook都有線上直播:北京時間 11月5號早上11點 / 美國時間 11月4號晚上7點
Never in a million years would I imagine performing my original song in NASA and in CHINESE!!! I’m truly humbled to attend and perform at Breakthrough Prize (Oscars of Life Sciences) in USA to honor scientists in life sciences whom have made major impacts to the World. Slightly nervous because the legendary Lionel Richie would be the only other performer of the evening!!! 😱 Also, I love the movie James Bond 007 so much and I can’t believe Pierce Brosnan will be the one to intro me to the audience! SUPER EXCITED! Catch the event live as it will be televised on National Geographic in USA and also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube on Mon, Nov 5, 11am Beijing Time / Sun, Nov 4th, 7pm USA PST. Can you guess what song I will be performing? #eastmeetswest #breakthrough #breakboundaries #trulyexcited #neverinamillionyears