* #美國能源部 報告:到 2035 年太陽能發電有望提供全美 40% 的電力,到 2050 年這一數字將提高到 45%。
美國能源部長 Jennifer M. Granholm 發表聲明稱:作為最便宜、成長速度最快的清潔能源,太陽能可以產生足夠的電力,到 2035 年為全美所有家庭供電,同時創造 150 萬個就業崗位。要實現這一目標,需大規模且公平地部署可再生能源,還需強有力的脫碳政策,這正是基礎設施投資和就業法案所提出的,也符合美國總統拜登重建更好的美國(Build Back Better)的宗旨。
#再生能源 #清潔能源 #太陽能 #美國脫碳政策
「build back better法案」的推薦目錄:
build back better法案 在 葉慶元律師(葉狀師) Facebook 的最佳貼文
拜登的 #一兆美元基礎建設法案,獲得參議院跨黨派議員支持,以69比30的票數,得以快速通過。
值得注意的是,包括共和黨參議院領袖 Mitch McConnell 也投下贊成票,顯示了提升美國基礎建設,並且透過公共建設振興美國經濟,已經成為跨黨派的共識(美國的基礎建設,實在是……)。
With a robust vote after weeks of fits and starts, the Senate approved a $1 trillion infrastructure plan for states coast to coast on Tuesday, as a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans joined together to overcome skeptics and deliver a cornerstone of President Joe Biden’s agenda.
“Today, we proved that democracy can still work,” Biden declared at the White House, noting that the 69-30 vote included even Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
“We can still come together to do big things, important things, for the American people,” Biden said.
The overwhelming tally provided fresh momentum for the first phase of Biden’s “Build Back Better” priorities, now heading to the House. A sizable number of lawmakers showed they were willing to set aside partisan pressures, at least for a moment, eager to send billions to their states for rebuilding roads, broadband internet, water pipes and the public works systems that underpin much of American life.
The vote also set the stage for a much more contentious fight over Biden’s bigger $3.5 trillion package that is next up in the Senate — a more liberal undertaking of child care, elder care and other programs that is much more partisan and expected to draw only Democratic support. That debate is expected to extend into the fall.
build back better法案 在 財經108問 Facebook 的最佳解答
美國2020年全年經濟成長率為-3.5%,今年的經濟成長率重要商業預測機構IHS Markit預計將為6.7%,OECD的預測是6.9%,高盛甚至預測是7.0%....
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