她拿著相機背著包包,教我們如何不用錢而跟摩洛哥人拍照的方法 —— 她隨身帶著一堆台灣茶包,問人家可不可拍照時便送人,「人家不讓拍就當宣傳台灣囉~」她笑說。
逛完舊城區亂七八糟的市集,在一個可以俯瞰德吉碼廣場(Djemaa el-Fna)夜色的天台,我們每人一杯morrocan whisky ——即是加糖的新鮮薄荷茶,在禁酒(理論上)的伊斯蘭國家隨處可見(突然好想喝...)。看著越夜越熱鬧的廣場,我們聊couchsurfing、聊旅行、聊香港(她來住過,還跟我們講廣東話),還有聊她的兒女。對啊,人家有兒有女大好家庭,是妻子也是母親也有自己的工作,多重身份,仍無阻獨自上路想走就走的瀟灑。
最近,看她面書,WOW~ 自己帶兒子去了一趟古巴! 是古巴! 還帶兒子! 她寫道:「 在古巴旅行,其實很怕兒子腸胃受不了,他也很堅持不吃街邊賣的東西,除了那張剛出爐香噴噴的Pizza.還好這次古巴旅行腸胃都沒事!」 媽媽還是媽媽。
但這是一個愛玩會玩還會教孩子玩的媽媽! 看他倆在加勒比海的沙灘嬉水、在民宿跟當地奶奶打成一片、還去人家的學校一起上課.....精彩得不得了!
別以為旅途都是風光明媚。也有這樣的時刻 : 「為了省機票錢,台北-北京-法蘭克福-古巴。然後古巴-法蘭克福-上海-台北。這就是真的搭飛機搭到想吐的境界!!」
不過這些事剛好給在一邊看的弟弟機會教育,我連古巴的民宿都是當天到了才找!經過這次旅行,我的背包客等級又高了一層!」 這就是有關危機處理的身教。十七天的旅行,是媽媽主辦,但課程不定,兩人一起都有所得的遊學團。
Grace Chiang 你太棒了!
chiang姓香港 在 肯腦濕的人生相談室 Facebook 的最佳解答
【致香港人:願我們以生命回報自由。| Hongkongers, we shall give our lives to freedom. 】
(Please scroll for English version)
In 2019, Hong Kong protestors walked through the flames of the war raging across the length and breadth of the city. Yet, our people did not yield to the firearms. In 2020, the regime enacted draconian laws on the pretext of national security, putting the butcher's knife against Hongkongers’ throat. In just a few weeks time, over 20 Hongkongers, including Tony Chung Hon-lam, Jimmy Lai Chee-Ying, Royston Chow Tat-kuen, Ian Lai Yiu-yan, Andy Li, Wilson Li Chung-chak, Agnes Chow Ting, have become the first batch of arrested persons under the National Security Law. Students were arrested, a newspaper office was raided, an election was turned into a mere figurehead, a professor was dismissed - all of these are merely the prologue to a long gloomy night. It seems that the future of this city can only get ever duller.
We might be weak confronting the totalitarian party-state, but we are not alone.
Taiwan and South Korea are our predecessors in the quest for freedom. In 1947, the February 28 Massacre befell the press in Taiwan. Min Bao and at least 22 newspaper offices were seized and their publications were discontinued. The Chiang Regime introduced Martial Law and implemented a ban on newspapers. In 1980, just half a year after the May 18 Democratic Uprising, Chun Doo-hwan enacted The Basic Press Act, repealing 172 periodicals and forcefully merging seven news agencies into one. Having been through twists and turns, both of our predecessors have travelled so far on the road to democracy.
On the international field, we have the free world walking with us. The Hong Kong issue has been transforming global geopolitics. The trend of enforcing containment against totalitarianism is beyond doubt. On top of that, what we should be most uplifted by is the fact that every single person who cherishes democracy and freedom is voicing out for us in their positions.
We are now writing a new chapter in history. The time has put our generation on a cross-road. Shall we stand tall under the call of the times, or perish in silence? Hongkongers are pronouncing our choices with actions for posterity. "Let walls shut my mouth. Let prison bars divide my sky. As long as my heart keeps pounding, the ebb and flow of my blood will go on." Today, we are still hopeful as millions of Hongkongers have already been awakened by the horn of the resistance. Even the most stringent cage cannot imprison a soul yearning for freedom. With the same courage we have when we are standing against the bullets with umbrellas, we shall continue to ride with the wind and break through the waves.
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union shall continue to stand with Hongkongers. Hannah Arendt once wrote, “that even in the darkest of times we have the right to expect some illumination, and that such illumination might well come less from theories and concepts than from the uncertain, flickering, and often weak light that some men and women, in their lives and their works, will kindle.” Through blood, toil, tears and sweat, we will strive on. Out of our faith in one another, our faith in this city named Hong Kong, we will dedicate our lives to the pursuit of freedom in this city. However difficult it may be, Hongkongers will eventually restore our city.
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
August 14, 2020
(This statement is published on the front page of Apple Daily.)
(Above is the original statement from the Union.
Apple Daily consulted professional legal advice before publication. After discussion, the Union approves of the redacted version for publication.)
chiang姓香港 在 廢氏清邁私生活 Chiang Mai Journey Facebook 的最讚貼文
早餐有14款,包括最經典嘅英式早餐、越式鑊仔煎蛋(清邁呢邊好興~~~)、Egg Benedicts、煙肉炒蛋配牛角包、Panini等等,有肉食亦有素食,唔啱口味仲有自選菜單揀心水組合,早餐每日只限7:30am-2pm供應,其餘時間就賣曲奇、蛋糕等Pastries。
睇食相望落無乜嘢,事實店子開業5年都係Sell高質食材,即係連碟邊條沙律菜都有名有姓有來歷嗰種:無激素走地雞蛋由店主親戚喺泰北難府(Nan)開設嘅農場運過來,麵包每日新鮮製造,用Real butter而唔係植物牛油,有機沙律菜、番茄則由店主朋友種植,所有菜式都係即叫即製,無化腐劑、無色素~~~
煙肉炒蛋配牛角包沙律爽脆,裡面嘅炒蛋好腍滑;英式早餐分量足,食完飽足半日;越式鑊仔煎蛋發揮正常水準;Egg Benedicts個荷蘭醬係我喺度食過質感最輕柔嘅,一啲都唔膩,幾好;Smoothies全部無加冰同糖水,好原汁原味~~~整體唔係驚為天人嗰種,但好啱啲追求健康、講究細節嘅人~~~
溫馨小店,早兩個月擴充咗,新增有冷氣嘅室內空間;就喺尼曼路3巷,位置方便,食完早餐仲可以去埋旁邊間朝聖店Rist8to Lab飲咖啡(呢度呢度: https://www.facebook.com/1670726726478331/posts/1700337776850559?sfns=mo ) ,我平時就喺度買曲奇過去送咖啡(Monster Cookie好食,大推~~~)
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