This is what the HK government is doing to our youth:
#happeningnow The Chinese University of HK is under siege by the HK Police Force.
This is #tiananmensquaremassacre in 2019.
#hkpoliceterrorists Shooting, firing Tear gas and other projectiles into the campus.
Not only students were hit, but reporters and first aiders were being attacked and terrorised.
@thechineseuniversityofhongkong is not the only university that’s under threat.
The government has no plan to settle the fundamental societal problems with the people, they’re just pitting the #HKPF against the people, pushing them out to kill and silent civilians.
Condemn violence from both camps all you want but know that the ones without a police badge are always bearing the consequences of getting arrested and abused while the Police camp has 0 accountability. LOOK AT THE POWER IMBALANCE.
I’m a peace lover too but for dispossessed people, physical retaliation for self defence is sometimes the only solution.
And maybe instead of condemning the youth, try and understand why they’re outraged, and try look at how many crimes against humanity have #chinazi committed.
The HK police force should be charged with war crimes.
#standwithhongkong #tiananmensquare #tiananmensquare2019 #cuhk #cuhkmassacre #fivedemandsnotoneless #hongkongpolicebrutality @ Hong Kong