【 Chill Club/驚為天人的青衣男孩湯令山 】
今晚(15/8)播出的《Chill Club》(https://bit.ly/3iKUGQL) ,所有演出嘉賓都只有英文名字:R.O.O.T 、The Boogie Playboys、Moon Tang,以及下文詳盡介紹的Gareth.T。雖然已經是兩個月前的事,但我仍然記得第一次在台上見到Gareth演唱時,那種有如火山爆發般的興奮感覺。
話說,六月底的Friday Night(25/6),有幸獲邀出席在九展Music Zone舉行的小型演唱會《Tyson Yoshi Hi I’m Back Mini Live》。除了主角 #TysonYoshi 之外,還有其他演出嘉賓,包括 #MADBOII 、 #TIAB 、 #LEWSZ 、結他手 #TeddyFan( #范梓謙 ),以及直接令我情緒波動的Gareth.T。
這個名字乍聽是否有點耳熟?記得 #姜濤 今年3月19日推出的派台歌《Master Class》嗎(https://bit.ly/3CPX5BB) ?那首電音糅合中國風的歌曲,負責創作、編曲和監製三職的正是Gareth,只是他當時用全名 #garethtong ,而非藝名Gareth.T。有趣的是,定位如此西化的背後,這位才21歲的小伙子擁有一個好比武俠小說主角的中文名字 ── 湯令山。無巧不成話,就在《Master Class》派台的同一時間,Gareth亦以「年度華納唱片新人」的身份踏入樂壇,《男朋友材料》(https://bit.ly/3m8KQds) 就是他的出道作。
今年華納不是已經有另一位兩度獲得MV破百萬點擊紀錄的新人 #張天賦 嗎?如今多了 #湯令山 ,年底的樂壇頒獎禮豈不是攤薄票源?答案很簡單:張天賦是主攻廣東歌,湯令山則全力發展英文歌。翻閱唱片公司的新聞稿,他們以「香港新生代最具潛力的R&B天才音樂人」這句話來形容Gareth,而《男朋友材料》只不過是原本歌名《Boyfriend Material》直譯過來,換言之,它本來就是英文歌,似乎這種借助語文上觀感錯摸,兼中英夾雜的市場推廣方式,更容易令消費者對Gareth留下印象,當然,他那充滿七十年代Nostalgic氣息的單眼皮面相(那副眼鏡極關鍵),也是讓人記得他的另一原因。
明明是英文歌,卻用上中文名字來宣傳,或多或少參考Gareth的個人經歷。他是土生土長香港人,家住新界青衣,中學時代就讀保良局蔡繼有學校,自十幾歲開始便喜歡看Disney Channel和YouTube短片,追看人氣爆燈的後生仔處境劇《The Suite Life of Zack & Cody》,又曾經狂聽Eminem的歌曲和錄音來自學英語,對於寫作和日常口語都有相當掌握和理解,加上天資聰穎,用英文說話時更儼如Native Speaker,很多人都誤會他是留學生或者ABC,其實廣東話比很多香港人還要流利。另邊廂,Gareth亦受到Daniel Caesar、Partynextdoor和Byrson Tiller等R&B歌手的影響(他說,現時最愛聽Ryan Caraveo),再加上他在讀書時已學習樂器,曾經參加校際音樂節的小提琴和鋼琴比賽,更於香港學校音樂節(2014-2015)獲得中提琴獨奏的中級組冠軍。
出道成為歌手,萬事俱備,只欠專業知識。2017年,Gareth飛往美國波士頓,入讀伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music),主修當代音樂寫作與製作、電子音樂製作和設計,並於今年5月正式畢業。他早前接受商業二台《叱咤樂壇》訪問時直言,在Berklee讀書的時候,身邊的同學個個有料,同儕間的氛圍,逼使他決心求進。「我覺得Berklee最好嘅地方呢,(感覺)就好似去咗哈利波特間學校(霍格華茲)咁樣,每個人都有啲特別超能力,每次去到朋友屋企,佢哋就會Show下自己嗰陣時整咩歌,上個禮拜見完係,點解今個禮拜已經進步咗,你見到人哋不斷進步,自己就會跟住進步。」
回到演唱會上,Gareth先獻唱《Boyfriend Material》,又獨唱本由女友鄧凱文(Moon Tang)featuring的新歌《Honest》(https://bit.ly/3jWt9ev) ,又跟TY合唱《刻在我心底的名字》(https://bit.ly/3m3Mq0d) ,正正因為Gareth那獨有聲線,短短的幾分鐘已令我緊記於心,於是趁乘巴士回家時打開Spotify再聽一次屬R&B曲風的《Boyfriend Material》 ,OMG,他的嗓音有種無法具體形容的懾人魅力 ── 就算怎樣努力形容,讀者也要自己找來聽才會明白箇中吸引之處 ── 結果直接跳去YouTube看MV,天,不得了,由Hanley Chu執導的MV,在團隊的努力下,根本將Gareth最可愛的一面呈現在觀眾眼前吧?!感覺上,Gareth跟《全民造星III》陳澤言(CY)同樣屬於Awkward Cuteness的那一派,結果全晚在Tablet和電視重複播放至天光的,就是這支MV,前後足足聽了20次左右,至今仍然Keep Looping。先不說影像質素,單純以聲綫與歌曲節奏的韻律感,已可以肯定Gareth是本年度最不能錯過的本地唱作新人。
【 Chill Club系列報道 】
*謝安琪首度亮相《Chill Club》:https://bit.ly/3e3SQHQ
*《Chill Club A New Stage》電視台與品牌合作開騷的新時代:
*《Chill Club總選》:https://bit.ly/3tvCjSC
*張敬軒首次亮相《Chill Club》:https://bit.ly/36vhixz
*岑寧兒+陳蕾《Chill Club》合唱《盡力呼吸》:https://bit.ly/3htGvPs
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#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #湯令山 #姜濤 #CHILLCLUB ViuTV Gareth.T Warner Music Hong Kong Warner Music 做乜膠睇電視 快樂的 9588hk Music Picks 私家音樂 駱振偉 Thor Lok #青衣
同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,280的網紅BonTime Bonnie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? ?????? ???? #8 其實那個星期我還去了 摘藍莓 哈哈! 不過影片太長了 ? 下個星期再跟大家分享吧! 星期一我們一起在PODCAST見 現SPOTIFY和APPLE PODCAST都可以聽了~~ YAY!! 第一集我們看完整個步驟運作到精華策略 基本上是完成了前言和第一篇 哈哈! ...
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💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry)
✨白瑞梅 Amie Parry 現為中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授
💕Why I chose Taiwan #16 – Amie Parry
“I grew up in a small city in inland California called San Bernardino. I went to college and graduate school in San Diego. I got my PhD in literature. We were all expected to learn at least one language, so I did Chinese. I traveled to Taiwan with a friend right after I graduated from college in 1987. We came here to teach English and study Chinese for six months, then I traveled around Asia by myself with a backpack.
I originally wanted to study classical Chinese poetry. I got a Fulbright grant and I came back here. I started going to the poetry nights that were happening at that time. I met some of the modernist poets, and I switched my focus to the modernist poetry of the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Taiwan. I wrote my dissertation on modernism as a way of understanding the parts of modernity that are hard to know in the existing political language that we inherit. I think that experience in historical formation is always more complicated than the language.
These poems are not explicitly political; they're very experimental and strange. At the time, the modernist poets I met were mostly 外省, men who had been drafted and come over with the KMT, so they had experienced war and displacement, and a very intense and traumatic historical moment. People experienced it differently, and at that time, it was a hard thing to talk about. Later, I wrote a book about poetry, but I just focused on one or two poets I find really, really fascinating. And I was asking some of the same kinds of questions: how can these poems help you think about certain topics that are hard to think about?
At that time, Modernist poetry was a kind of an institution already. There was a journal called 現代詩, “Modern Poetry,” a really important journal that most of these poets were published in. Some of them combined poetry and theater. There's just so much going on in Taiwan in terms of poetry and performance and literature. It's just amazing. And I'm very interested in it at all, but I haven't kept up. After I finished my dissertation, I got a job offer at 交大. I thought, wow, there's something really amazing happening intellectually here. When my first book came out, it actually got an award in the U.S., and I was so surprised. I didn't even know it had been nominated. I asked them, ‘Why did you choose my book?’ And they said, because one of the chapters has a transnational of framework for the whole argument, so it wasn't like you used Western theories and Eastern texts, it's like the whole knowledge part is coming out of both places.
I currently teach in the English department at National Central University. I'm the chair and I teach writing classes, literature classes, and literary and cultural theory classes. Since my first visit to Taiwan in 1987, I think people are a little more comfortable talking to people from different places. In my personal interactions, I feel a difference, like a greater openness. Back then, there were so many interesting things happening here, all at one time, and that's the time that I happened to be here. And I made good friends in my personal life and in my intellectual life. And I think those are the things that made me come back: like if you feel that there's something interesting happening and there's some way that you can support it. I guess that's a way of feeling at home.” — Amie Parry
✨Amie Parry is professor of the Department of English at the National Central University
college life中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第15發:臺虎董事長黃一葦(Peter Huang) 要讓臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing成為台灣年輕人才發光發熱與實踐夢想的平台
「儘管我有著東方面孔,但我不是台灣人,家族根源也不在台灣。一直到我念大學時 (美國麻薩諸塞州的威廉斯學院,非常棒的學校),我才透過普林斯頓北京中文培訓班的機會,真正到東亞來闖蕩。
大學畢業之後,我埋首於數字和表格之間,精釀啤酒陪我撐過了這段辛苦的歲月。我的職涯始於紐約,但後來輾轉來到亞洲 (名義上是去新加坡,但主要是在印尼、緬甸和馬來西亞)。
成立臺虎精釀的契機出現之後,我立刻想到台灣。之所以選擇這裡,不是因為台灣文化很吸引人 (雖然確實是),不是因為台灣有著厚實的文化傳統 (雖然確實有),更不是因為台灣的好山好水。
臺虎精釀的商標 (由台灣傑出設計師Jess Lee設計) 由老虎、啤酒花和葫蘆三個元素組成,葫蘆是古代盛酒的容器。
葫蘆就不需要多加解釋了,但啤酒花是當代精釀啤酒的基石,代表著創新創意的精神。事實上,我們使用的絕大多數啤酒花都來自美國,畢竟美國是精釀啤酒的中心 (過去20年一直都是)。美國的啤酒花產業 (還有麥芽產業) 可以說是世界之最,也難怪經典IPA啤酒中最受歡迎的啤酒花都來自美國。
商標中的老虎是為了向早期台灣作為「亞洲四虎」(亞洲四小龍) 的年代致敬。當年台灣經濟快速起飛,產業朝氣蓬勃,民眾無不對未來充滿樂觀和期待。
我們的目標是吸引並培育人才,最終目標希望能夠在台灣發展出欣欣向榮的創業生態圈。Sway是我們成立初期的成員,她一開始是在吧台工作,非常優秀。在小公司工作的好處就是,你可以盡你所能所想去做,Sway後來開始慢慢接觸進口通關業務,現在是我們全球物流的主管 (很不簡單)。
也許有一天,她會開創自己的事業,進而將這份育才的信念在台灣新創圈繼續傳承下去。」— 臺虎董事長黃一葦 Peter Huang
💕Why I chose Taiwan #15 – Taihu Brewing Founder Peter Huang leads Taihu to become a platform for Taiwan young talents to carry out their dreams and express themselves
“Despite appearances, I’m neither Taiwanese nor have roots here. It took college (Williams College in Massachusetts – phenomenal place), to really bring me out to East Asia via Princeton’s immersion program in Beijing.
Post-graduation, I paid my dues shuffling numbers around in a spreadsheet. Craft beer made it bearable-ish. Working life began in New York, but ultimately landed me in Asia (nominally Singapore, primarily Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia).
Shuffling numbers was not the dream. So, as a responsibly stereotypical millennial, I had an urge to venture out on my own. Ideally, to try something at the intersection of opportunity and interest. Craft beer! The craft movement itself struck a chord - a yearning for what could be, rather than blind acceptance of what is. It is about building communities around delightful products and, critically, wonderful people.
When the opportunity to start Taihu appeared, my mind immediately went to Taiwan. Not necessarily because the culture is fantastic (though it is), nor because it has a strong cultural heritage (though it does), and not even because the island itself is a magical composition of mountains meeting oceans.
Ultimately, I chose Taiwan because of the people I met here. There’s a tired trope that you get two families in life, the one you’re born into and the one you choose. For me, that chosen family, well, it seemed like it could be in Taiwan.
Taihu Brewing’s logo (designed by brilliant local artist, Jess Lee) is comprised of a tiger and hops within a hulu (traditional Chinese alcohol vessel).
The hulu needs no explanation, but hops are the cornerstone of modern craft beer. They represent the innovation inherent in the space. In fact, the vast majority of the hops that we use are from the United States. Since the US is the epicenter of craft brewing (and has been over the last twenty years), the American hop industry (malt too, actually) is arguably the best in the world. It is for good reason that the most popular hops in category-defining IPAs are American.
The tiger is a nod to an earlier era when Taiwan was one of the “Four Asian Tigers.” Taiwan’s meteoric economic rise was accompanied by deterministic optimism, vibrancy, and general excitement about the future.
The tiger represents that energy. That sense of opportunity, positivity, and hope. Taihu’s 167 employees are almost entirely Taiwanese. Internally, we think of Taihu as more of a platform for young Taiwanese talent than as a brewery, a medium for that energy to express itself.
Our goal to attract and develop talent with the ultimate goal of developing the burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem here in Taiwan. One of our earliest team members, Sway, came on board as a bartender -- a fantastic bartender. At a small company, you do what you can, where you can, and Sway ended up taking up some of the slack in our logistics. Now she runs all of Taihu’s international supply chain (no small feat).
With luck, one day she’ll be running her own successful Taiwanese business, and, in doing so, perpetuate the cycle.” — Peter Huang, founder of Taihu Brewing
college life中文 在 BonTime Bonnie Youtube 的最佳解答
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因為我們都是獨一無二 有著不同喜好的人⭐️
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college life中文 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的最讚貼文
你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。
Podcast 連結
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%96%AE%E5%AD%97-%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E-%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95/id1462457142
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn
*horror 恐怖
--I like horror movies.
*entertainment 娛樂
*comparison 比較
*start off 開始
--Let me start off by saying how much I hate you.
*brilliant 很厲害
--Jack is a brilliant scientist.
*confirm 確認
--I need to confirm my schedule.
*kind 種類
--What kind of music do you like?
*horrendous: terrible, very bad
--He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals.
*finals 期末考
*intolerant 不寬容
*tolerant 寬容
*sexist 性別歧視
*racist 種族歧視
標題:Do you have a college roommate horror story?
I would like to hear your stories about terrible college roommates, if not for entertainment, at least for comparison. I'll start off. I go to a school where the students are a bit weirder than the rest of the country, and my roommate is considered weird, so that should give you an idea. As best I can describe, he was like a child, in a child's body, but with the age of someone in college. Don't get me wrong, the kid is brilliant… but he was terrible at life. I'll start the description in the way that I got to know him. He scratched, a LOT, noisily and mainly his face. He talked to himself, and not the “confirming things I need to do” kind of talk to himself, the Gollum to Sméagol talk to himself. He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals. He was incredibly intolerant, as well as sexist. So if you have some good stories, share them!
*歡迎收聽全台灣最有趣的英文 Podcast。英文單字,片語,文法由 Teacher Kevin 主持,本節目可以在 Apple Podcast, Spotify 及所有 Podcast 平台上找到,無論搭車、騎車、打掃、運動,都可以邊做事邊學英文。
#英文 Podcast #英文不難 #英文單字

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在college life中文這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者mingonly也提到The iPhone didn't exist last time Sac made the playoffs. 記者Howard Beck: 國王上一次 ... ... <看更多>
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college life中文 在 college life中文在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 外送快遞貨運資訊 ... 的推薦與評價
在college life中文這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者mingonly也提到The iPhone didn't exist last time Sac made the playoffs. 記者Howard Beck: 國王上一次 ... ... <看更多>