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Question: what are we born for?
Answer: I think there are as many answers to this big questions as the number of people on earth. or maybe more than the number of people in this world because one person would have changed the answer many times. Me too.
If you ask when I was younger, I would answer one thing. I was younger, I would answer another thing or ask when I was older, I might answer another thing. But I asked. Now, I would like to answer what I could think of now.
The day that I gave you to listen makes me think about "Ashram 4" the process of Hindu life which divided into 4 STEPS:
1) The Virgin (age of education). The meaning of life in this age is to learn through both life experience and knowledge in the classroom to work.
2) Cuddle (Reigns). The meaning of life at this age is to build a place in the world. Answer yourself who I am. What career should I do. Find a partner, have a family, build stability for life and love.
3) yesterday (who sacrificed the house) the meaning of life at this age has changed from " collecting " to " Lalay " when the family starts to be stable, it's time to practice the mind. Learn to be happy from " release " Instead of "hugging"
4) Sanyasi (Doing Dharma). The meaning of life is to do the salvation to the cuddle th of life.
Ashram 4 may look like academic criteria. But if you look carefully, I think the sequence of life is really like that. The change of life needs in life changes according to the body and hormones within us.
In the age of hormones, we are excited about everything. The world looks new. It's nice to pick up. It's nice to own.
When I come to young, it's the age that I want to have. I want to collect things. It's a lot of suffering. Because I want to be very disappointed. I need stability. But I learned that there is nothing stable in this world. I collect things that I want to be satisfied Plus, young hormones in the body that gradually diminimize their heart.
When I have almost everything I ever wanted, I found that I am not happy. So I slowly tell myself that - eh or the answer is not about the outside of the body, but it's about training. So I start traveling inside. The mind seeks answers from training. Heart instead of concubine
Therefore, the answer to the question, " why are we born " changes by day, time and circumstances in life. But no matter what age, I think there is one answer that we can always answer every day, age and situation. That is " we were born to love and Being loved "
The meaning of this answer is that we are born to associate with other people in the world. We are born to be part of the world and all things.
We are born to know that something is holding us alive. Trees, butterflies, clouds, distilled into water for us to drink. There is a chef cooking for us. There is a tailor making clothes for us to wear. The reason that raised me, my father drove us to school. There is a teacher to teach me. I have friends waiting for fun. There are people who love to cheer me up. There are many things that hold our lives.
We are born to recognize these connections.
Touch, perceive, indulge, and be part of all things that are assembled as our lives.
Meanwhile, we are also part of things and people. We are children of parents, brother, brother, friends of friends, husband of husband, husband of husband, husband, doctor, doctor, a passenger of motorcycle. The camera of the person who asked us to take a picture. We are the source of the carbon dioxide of trees. The one who affects ice that the north pole white bear is lying around. The one who helps not throw trash into the sea for fish in the sea. No need to eat plastic bags choking. What else. What's more. The world.
We are born to recognize these connections.
Touch, perceive, indulge and be the best part of other things and others.
If we speak Buddhist, we are born to break the ego or divided thoughts, " this is me. That's you " or " this is me. That's the world " but we spend life and training the mind to see the fact that the real life is not. " ego " is " sleeping cuddle ta " is invisible, but not emptiness. We are invisible because we are connected to other things. Others live in one flesh.
And that is the one connected love.
In one corner, we are born to give love and in the other end we are born to receive love.
If you feel this "love" no matter what age, we are, we will have a kind heart and feel the kindness that others have for us and see that we are all human beings who suffer, full of love, greedy, angry.
With this cuddle th world, we do not feel alone, lonely, not cut ourselves off from the world and others. We will find a connection and redeem. Ask ourselves how our existence is useful to others and other things.
If you want to find meaning for your own life, a satisfying answer may not be because it's the end. The happiness that we find to fulfill our lives. We will be bored of it one day and find a new answer. Let's come to put in a leaking hole of craving. Lifetime of life
If we only think about ourselves, one day that we have everything but we are not happy, it may reach the point where there is no answer to breathe. But if we have a life that is connected to others, we will always mean something else.
So we exist for others and other things that are connected.
Of course we can't feel this all the time because human nature always twitches us to think about ourselves first. Protect ourselves. Exploit for ourselves. That's normal. I am too.
And that would be the homework of life that nature has given us about 80 years to practice and purify the mind to feel the clean feeling of being part with everything and lay down the heaviness of carrying "ego" And cravings to concubine who we are.
Have you ever stood on the mountain or on the beach quietly and went away? Have you ever looked up at the night sky with stars in the sky?
In a state of silence that we don't want to occupy mountains, sea and stars, there will be one time we disappear. We will be happy.
Because we are giving love and receiving love from all things.Translated