It's a happy kind of Friday for me, despite it being a solo parenting one. Yup, despite the usual squabbles, whines and nagging, this was one of the best days we've had.
After school, I brought the two younger ones out for lunch with our friends before making our way to the supermarket for grocery shopping. When the big girl came back from school, she told me she did the best in class for her composition and what I wanted her to know was that I was proud of her not for beating others but for bettering herself. Yup, I always remind her that our only competition is ourselves.
Amazingly, I managed to take an afternoon nap with the toddler and what melted my heart was that not only did the girls wake up and played quietly on their own, they even heard didi when he woke and rushed over to carry him out to play with them so I could rest a little longer on my own. Awwww. Yup, they can be real sweet at times.
Dinner was simple but we tried something new today - pesto pasta with roasted salmon and baked teriyaki wings. Woohoo! This was followed by chores where the girls tidied their room and study area and helped me with the laundry too.
And since it's a Friday night, we had ice cream to celebrate followed by a movie night where we watched one of my favourite movies of all time - Jumanji! I saw that Jumanji 2 will be releasing end of this year and wanted the girls to catch the original one before we watch the sequel. I love shows by Robin Williams and it can be so nostalgic watching shows filmed two decades ago, one which I watched with my friends when I was in secondary school and love it ever since.
You know what I love most? That feeling of having my three babies on the sofa with me as we snuggled together, covered ourselves with the blanket and stretched our legs on the bean bags. Just me and my kids. We had some trouble with the internet connection and it took us quite some time to fix the glitch but we finally finished watching the show at 12:30am. Haha. Yup, and all three kids were happy and wide awake. I know I know, this is definitely not the best parenting style but come on, I think we will do just fine. :) Happy Friday, people!
#ahappymum #asahmstory