美國在台協會為Super Girls加油
AIT Celebrates “Super Girls”
台灣的新世代女生透過英特爾和美國創新中心在週末合辦的「Super Girl女性特訓營」學習了領導技巧,並且進行了許多電腦程式和編碼的學習活動。曾多次獲獎肯定的資深記者陳舲舲和美國在台協會文化官蘇阿麗 (Alys Spensley) 共同代表美國在台協會,歡迎來參加特訓營的年輕學員。陳舲舲鼓勵參加營隊的女孩們想一想自己有什麼獨特的才能,把這次的活動當作一個起點,思考自己未來的目標,看是要投入工程、科學、外交、媒體,或者追尋其他自己所懷抱的夢想。想獲得更多美國創新中心未來的活動訊息,請密切留意美國在台協會 AIT與 American Innovation Center美國創新中心的臉書。#SuperGirls
Taiwanese girls got a chance to learn leadership skills and engage in computing and coding activities at a "Super Girl" workshop co-hosted by the American Innovation Center (AIC) and Intel Corp. this weekend. Award-winning journalist Kathy Chen and Cultural Affairs Officer Alys Spensley represented AIT to welcome the girls. Ms. Chen encouraged the girls to reflect on their unique talents and to use the workshop as a launching point to consider a future in engineering, science, diplomacy, media, or wherever their dreams may take them. Please watch the AIT and AIC Facebook pages for more information on upcoming AIC programs.