上周的AIT學友講座邀請了「全球創業峰會」學友:AppWorks法務輔導長王琍瑩女士,以「後疫情時代 - 工作與生活融合 (Work-Life Integration) 的新時代」為題,探討新冠肺炎如何改變我們的生活、工作與溝通模式,而人們的生活型態又如何影響全球市場與商業發展。琍瑩也從新興科技與商業模式的角度切入,觀察工作與生活融合的趨勢,並鼓勵大家勇敢追求事業與家庭的平衡,用自己喜歡的方式定義成功。12月的學友講座訊息即將公告,千萬別錯過喔!
Last week, Ms. Liying Wang, 2017 Global Entrepreneurship Summit program alumna and the Legal Master of AppWorks, delivered an inspiring talk on work-life integration during the pandemic. Liying explained how Covid-19 changes our life, work and communication. She also shared her insights on trends related to work-life integration and encouraged people to pursue their own definition of success when it comes to balancing business and family life. Stay with us for the next Alumni Talks series event in December.
Learn more about Global Entrepreneurship Summit: https://www.state.gov/global-entrepreneurship-summits/
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過173的網紅電扶梯走左邊 Jacky,也在其Youtube影片中提到,✨本集來賓:James Hu - CEO & founder / Jobscan.co https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameshujobscan/ - 成績不好也能創業成功當上老闆,只要開始努力都不算晚,謹記成功還是失敗都是自己的 | Grades don’t dete...
- 關於entrepreneurship定義 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於entrepreneurship定義 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於entrepreneurship定義 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於entrepreneurship定義 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於entrepreneurship定義 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於entrepreneurship定義 在 重新定義清潔用品 社企define CLEAN推出環保清潔劑慳位 ... 的評價
entrepreneurship定義 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
下週五(11/20)有第二場的AIT學友講座喔!我們邀請到2017年全球創業峰會學友,同時也是AppWorks之初創投法務輔導長的王琍瑩女士來跟大家分享。王琍瑩女士將以「後疫情時代 - 工作與生活融合 (Work-Life Integration) 的新時代」為主題,從新興科技與新興商業模式的角度切入,觀察工作與生活融合的趨勢,並鼓勵大家勇敢追求事業與家庭的平衡,用自己喜歡的方式定義成功。立刻報名,別錯過囉!
時間地點: 2020年11月20日(星期五)下午2點 - 4點,美國創新中心,報名網址: https://www.accupass.com/event/2010070016261208070572
Here comes our next AIT Alumni Talk! Join us on Friday, November 20th at the American Innovation Center for our second Alumni Talk! Ms. Liying Wang is the Legal Master of AppWorks and an alumna of the 2017 Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) Program. Focusing on emerging technologies and new business models, Liying will share her insights on trends related to work-life integration and encourage people to pursue their own definition of success when it comes to balancing business and family life. Register now!
Time & Venue: 11/20/2020, 2:00 – 4:00 PM, American Innovation Center
Event Registration: https://www.accupass.com/event/2010070016261208070572
#AlumniTalks #IEW2020 #ExchangeAlumni
entrepreneurship定義 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
第二場AIT學友講座來囉!這次我們邀請到2017年全球創業峰會學友,同時也是AppWorks法務輔導長的王琍瑩女士來跟大家分享。王琍瑩女士將以「後疫情時代 - 工作與生活融合 (Work-Life Integration) 的新時代」為主題,從新興科技與新興商業模式的角度切入,觀察工作與生活融合的趨勢,並鼓勵大家勇敢追求事業與家庭的平衡,用自己喜歡的方式定義成功。
時間地點: 2020年11月20日(星期五)下午2點 - 4點,美國創新中心
報名網址: https://www.accupass.com/event/2010070016261208070572
Join us on November 20th at the American Innovation Center for the second Alumni Talk! Ms. Liying Wang is the Legal Master of AppWorks and an alumna of the 2017 Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) Program. With emerging technologies and new business models, Liying will share her insights on trends related to work-life integration and encourage people to pursue their own definition of success when it comes to balancing business and family life.
Time & Venue: 11/20/2020, 2:00 – 4:00 PM, American Innovation Center
Event Registration: https://www.accupass.com/event/2010070016261208070572
entrepreneurship定義 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳貼文
✨本集來賓:James Hu - CEO & founder / Jobscan.co
- 成績不好也能創業成功當上老闆,只要開始努力都不算晚,謹記成功還是失敗都是自己的 | Grades don’t determine your future, your attitude does.
- 自省的力量:有策略的努力,比低頭苦幹更重要!| Importance of self introspection, work hard with the big picture direction in mind
- 創業家最強大的武器-大於常人的動機 | Motivations of an entrepreneur
- 使用者是你最重要的投資人 | Your customers are your most important investors
- 冥想、Think Week ,你能每天靜下十分鐘思考嗎 | Meditation, think week, 10 minutes a day
- 凡事先開始才有以後 | Do things that don’t scale
📚 Books Mentioned:
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad 富爸爸·窮爸爸
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 與成功有約
我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/
(00:01:15) 用三個字形容自己 | 3 words describe yourself
(00:02:26) 求學過程 沒考上 再花兩年轉學進夢想大學 | Not getting into school wanted, 2 year journey to transfer
(00:04:15) 成績不行 靠工作經驗來補 | Work experiences to compensate bad grades
(00:04:50) 免費工作 只為了零售轉白領 | Working for free to learn a skill
(00:05:46) 不屈不饒的申請Microsoft實習 | Getting internship at Microsoft
(00:07:10) 學校帶給你的無形幫助 | Intangibles learned in school
(00:08:06) 終於進到Microsoft | Finally getting into Microsoft
(00:08:24) 2008金融風暴 Microsoft解僱五千人 | Then getting laid off
(00:09:36) 因為「富爸爸窮爸爸」 23歲就買房子 開啟投資理財之路 | Buying a house at 23, jounrey of finance
(00:11:33) 又回Microsoft 但薪水少1/3 | Taking a big pay cut
(00:12:07) 2010 從西雅圖到北京 | Seattle to Beijing
(00:12:58) 白天全職Groupon 晚上創業 | 2 jobs
(00:13:51) 土法煉鋼 做出「我搭車」App | Brute force ride sharing start up
(00:15:22) 贏得北京Startup Weekend 第二屆 第二名 | Second place at Beijing startup competition
(00:16:08) 創業最困難的挫折 | Hardest thing of doing start ups
(00:17:35) 沒有完善的商業模式 努力兩年最終結束創業 | Closing up the company
(00:20:13) 創業應該找好朋友還是單純夥伴 | Friend & business partner
(00:21:18) 美國創業 vs. 中國創業的差別 | Doing a startUp in US vs China
(00:22:48) 山寨和原創之間 | Imitation vs original
(00:24:21) 意外60天二度創業 JobScan | 60 days to start second start up
(00:26:27) 先求有再求好 | Do things that don’t scale
(00:28:24) 成功融資帶來的錯覺 | Illusion of success from fundraising
(00:31:27) 創業會選擇做大規模 還是單純有被動收入 | Going big or revenue
(00:33:48) 當你真心渴望 全宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你 | Being resourceful
(00:36:45) 聘請員工 高薪不是重點 | You don’t need to pay more for better talent
(00:39:26) 創業家視角:十年以後 | 10 year vision in entrepreneurship
(00:40:37) 進不了大學產生的人生理念 | Life views since not getting into desired college
(00:41:51) 最近的好習慣:十分鐘冥想 | 10 minutes meditation
(00:44:15) 慢慢來 比較快 | Slowing down is faster
(00:46:56) 時間管理 沒有大師 | Time management
(00:48:12) 效仿比爾蓋茲的Think Week | Bill Gates’s think week
(00:52:48) 面對家人離世仍保持正向 | Positive attitude despite family loss
(00:57:19) 對快樂的定義 | Definition of happiness
(00:58:56) 十年終於放了自己一年大假 | One year sabbatical after

entrepreneurship定義 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳解答
✨本集來賓:Gladys Lee
FB: https://www.facebook.com/journalistasfoodie
IG: https://www.instagram.com/gladys.wanju
Website: https://journalistasfoodie.com/
Podcast Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/76kXVPBGsHPCPcrwbCmA2K
Podcast Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/views-with-gladys/id1519560502
- 做中學,不要拿「不懂」當藉口,開始才有後續 | Learning by doing
- 獻給社會新鮮人,從個人特質找工作 | For new grads, find a profession that fits you and vice versa
- 跳出舒適圈的決心,為自己人生設下一個階段目標,創業 | Leaving your comfort zone, setting your next goal
- 面對職場小人的佛系相處法 | Handling people at work
- 大人的感情,溝通代替吵鬧、空間感勝於粘膩 | Mature relationships, communication over argument, independence over dependence
我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/
(00:01:14) 會怎麼用三個詞形容自己 | Describing yourself in 3 words
(00:01:40) 從地理系到新聞主播 | Geography major to news anchor
(00:02:15) 當記者最難忘的體驗 ,訪問好萊塢國際巨星還是太陽花學運?| Unforgettable experiences as a news anchor, Hollywood star interviews or sunflower movement?
(00:04:15) 新聞從業人員會越來越淡定?| How news reporting helps with staying calm
(00:05:33) 當記者最難的事情 | Most unforgettable memory as a news anchor
(00:07:30) 在資訊爆炸的時代,新聞首當其衝,如何快速的吸收大量資訊 | How to absorb information quickly on new subjects
(00:09:42) 當記者學到最多的事 | What lessons from news reporting?
(00:10:56) 你喜歡這個工作,工作也要喜歡你?| Liking your job; job liking you
(00:13:05) 為什麼會想從主流媒體轉換到自媒體?| From news media to self media
(00:15:40) 自由工作者的要素,自律、發揮最大效率 | Freelancer's characteristics, tips on discipline and efficiency
(00:17:56) 如何看待職場小人 | Dealing with people at work
(00:23:50) 前進的動力-永遠不滿足於現狀 | Never satisfied with status quo
(00:25:24) 你對快樂的定義是什麼?| Definition of happiness
(00:25:47) 懂得取捨、解放壓力 | Understanding trade-offs and stress release
(00:26:49) 創業改變了你什麼?| How entrepreneurship changed you?
(00:27:35) 身兼數職的時間管理(大師?)| Time management master?
(00:28:25) 分享一個生活好習慣 | Good habits
(00:29:10) 返樸歸真,手寫to do list?| Hand written old school style to-do list
(00:31:40) 感情和工作的平衡 | Balance between relationships and work
(00:33:17) 陪伴和溝通,哪個是Gladys的感情必須條件?| What is a deal breaker in relationships
(00:36:08) 在自己的喪禮上,會希望留給親朋好友的記憶點是什麼?| How do you want to be remembered?

entrepreneurship定義 在 重新定義清潔用品 社企define CLEAN推出環保清潔劑慳位 ... 的推薦與評價
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