My 14th yr of staying in 5th Island Company💙
I admitted that it’s an uneasy task from being a girl guide to a guider😛
The reason I chose to commit and dedicate myself here becoz i reli luv my alma mater so much👩🏻🎓
There wouldn’t be me if i didn’t study here n join this only uniform gp of sku💜
Everything I’ve learned and experienced in this wonderful place create “A Better Me”🙏🏻
Always feel thankful for being a part of MSS, a part of 5th I.S. COY🧡
Thank you every TAs, old guides, committee members and guides for ur contribution n effort in 2017-2018👏🏻
Meanwhile, congratulations to all newly elected committee members, keep up wif the spirit galz👍🏻
I hope to c u all again next yr💋💋💋
今年由於工作關係 花少左好多時間陪你地 非常感謝大家對我嘅包容及體諒 雖然我唔可以無時無刻都係你地身邊 不過只要你地需要我 我都一定會係度💕
#HKGGA #guider #girlguide #14thyear #guiding #mss #marymountsecondaryschool #almamater #motherschool #volunteer #voluntary #dedicate #alumni #paststudent #timeflies #commitment #responsibility #abetterme #日行一善 #想唔認老都唔得