Puasa Qada' dan Puasa Sunat 6 Hari Dalam Syawwal
Ada 3 pendapat dan kesemuanya adalah benar dan boleh diamalkan,maka tidak perlu memeningkan kepala untuk mecari mana satu yang lebih 'rajih',jika anda bukan seorang yang berkemahiran untuk melakukan tarjih.
Pendapat Pertama:Tetap mengedepankan Puasa Qada' terlebih dahulu dari puasa Sunat Syawwal.
فَدَيْنُ اللَّهِ أَحَقُّ أَنْ يُقْضَى
Dan hutang Allah itu terlebih berhak untuk dibayar (Riwayat Imam Al Bukhari)
Pendapat ini boleh diamalkan bagi mereka yang tidak banyak jumlah puasa yang perlu diqada' dan yakin akan sempat melakukan kedua-duanya sebelum habis bulan Syawwal.
Pendapat Kedua:Berpuasa Sunat Syawwal terlebih dahulu daripada Puasa Qada'.
Berkata Sayyidatuna A'isyah رضي الله عنها و سلام الله عليها
كان يكون عليَّ الصيام من شهر رمضان فما أقضيه حتى يجيء شعبان، لمكان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. متفق عليه.
Maksudnya: “Aku masih berhutang puasa Ramadan dan aku tidak dapat menggantikannya sehingga Sya’ban tiba dan itu kerana sibuk melayani Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم (Muttafaqun 'Alaih)
Berdasarkan riwayat ini maka sebahagian ulama' menghukumkan harusnya bagi seseorang untuk menangguhkan qada' puasanya dan memberi isyarat bahawa qada' puasa,tidaklah seperti qada' solat yang mesti disegerakan sebaik sahaja teringat.
Maka bagi sesiapa yang merasakan tidak mungkin sempat menghabiskan puasa qada' terlebih dahulu kerana banyak jumlahnya tetapi tidak mahu terlepas dari kebaikan dan fadilat enam hari Syawwal,maka bolehlah dia beramal mengikut pendapat ini.
Namun di sisi ulama' Syafi'iyyah, ia makruh kerana di sisi ulama' Syafi'iyyah,mengedepankan yang wajib atas yang sunat itu lebih disukai.
Pendapat ketiga: Digabungkan kedua-duanya sekaligus berhasil pahala bagi kedua-duanya
Ini merupakan fatwa sebahagian ulama' Syafi'iyyah,berdalilkan Qiyas terhadap Solat Wajib yang dikerjakan seseorang ketika masuk ke masjid telah pun menggugurkan kesunnahan Solat Sunat Tahiyyatul Masjid keatas dirinya.
Ini merupakan fatwa Imam Ar-Ramli,Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami dan Syaikhul Islam Zakariya Ansari.
Maka sesiapa yang merasakan lebih selesa dan kesuntukan masa untuk melakukan kedua-duanya secara berasingan bolehlah melakukan sebegini,terutamanya untuk kaum wanita yang mempunyai suami supaya tidak terhalang untuk puasa sunat dan dalam masa yang sama ingin berkhidmat kepada suami.
واللّه أعلم
الفقير إلى رحمة اللّه الغني،
Mohammad Faeez Harith Al-Bakkaniy
غفر اللّه له ولوالديه
Kredit Pondok Habib
Can fasting six diniat together with a replacement of fasting?
Soldier of God:
Fasting of qada ' and fasting fasting 6 days in syawwal
There are 3 opinions and everything is true and can be practiced, then there is no need to complicated the head to find which one is more 'all', if you are not the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one
The opinion of Pertama:Tetap prioritize Qada ' fasting first from fasting circumcision Syawal.
God is right to spend
And Allah's debt is more entitled to be paid (Imam Al Bukhari's history)
This opinion can be practiced for those who don't have much fasting amount to be diqada ' and confident will be able to do both before the end of the month of syawwal.
Opinion Kedua:Berpuasa circumcision syawwal first from the fasting of qada '.
Berkata Sayyidatuna A ' isyah God bless her and peace be upon her
I had to fasting from the month of Ramadan, so I don't spend until shaban comes, to the place of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Agreed.
It means: " I still owe Ramadan fasting and I can't replace it so Sya ' ban arrived and it's because I am busy serving the messenger speculated ạllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Based on this history, a part of the ulama ' sanctions should be for someone to suspend the qada ' fast and signal that qada ' fasting, is not like the qada ' prayer that must be hastened as soon as we remember.
So for those who feel it will not be able to spend the fasting of qada ' first because of many amount but do not want to be missed from the good and fabricate six days of his life, then he can do it according to this opinion.
But on the side of the ulama ' Syafi ' iyyah, he is accountant because on the side of the ulama ' Syafi ' iyyah, prioritize the must for the circumcision is pre
Third opinion: combined both as well as a reward for both
This is the fatwa of part of the ulama 'Syafi' iyyah, the qiyas against the compulsory prayer that someone did when entering the mosque has already dropped the prayers of the prayers of the mosque on himself.
This is the fatwa of Imam Ar-Ramli, Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami and shaytan islam zakariya ansari.
So whoever feels more comfortable and of the time to do both separately can do this, especially for women who have husbands so that they will not be blocked for fasting fasting and at the same time want to serve their husbands.
God knows
Poor to God's rich mercy,
Mohammad Faeez Harith the Bakkaniy
God forgive him and his parents
Habib's hut creditTranslated
fasting in shaban 在 Evidence on Fasting on 15th SHA'BAN There are Over 30 ... 的推薦與評價
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