【臉書改版 聊天功能不見了】
分為「臉友po文 (news feed)」、「影片(video)」、「行動拍賣(marketplace)」、「通知(notification)」四大類及其他。把影片及電商這兩個新事業體增加曝光率的用意清楚。
另外也把「聊天室訊息」的項目移除(我不喜歡!),跟近年把「臉書訊息 Messanger」、「Whatsapp」獨立運作的策略相符。
FB got a new look - Messenger is gone!
Facebook Navigation has a new look! They refreshed the icons and use the trendy "navigation at the bottom" design.
The four top categories are "News Feed", "Video", "'Marketplace", and "notification." Video and Marketplace are new growth sectors of FB in recent few years.
They also removed the old Messenger icon, which I used to love! This aligns with the strategy that they have "Messenger" and "WhatsApp" as independent apps.
Like it or not? Give it a try!
#Facebook #NewDesign #新產品上市 #臉書