純電野馬休旅Ford Mustang Mach-E今早在洛杉磯發表了,快來看看TG英國同事的初步介紹!Mach-E共有75.7kWh標準版和98.8kWh增程兩版本,驅動方式則有後驅和四驅雙選項,最遠續航距離482公里。此外,原廠也計畫在2021年初推出Carlifornia Route 1和GT車型。
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Ford's first mass-market electric car is not only designed to look like a Mustang, it's named after the world’s most famous muscle car, too. The Mustang Mach E comes with RWD or AWD, with up to a 370-mile range and two battery choices, but it's not just the powertrain that's radical - a massive Tesla-style screen dominates the interior, and the door handles have been deleted altogether. So, what do you think?