美國舊金山卡特布蘭琪藝廊明天將舉行「21世紀初攝影書紀實風格調查展 (A Survey of Documentary Styles in Early 21th Century Photobooks) 」,由策展人、作家Darius Himes和獨立攝影書庫創辦人Larissa Leclair共同策劃,展出書籍從獨立攝影書庫的收藏中挑選出來,進行紀實影像風格的文本研究。 VOP今期和過去介紹的多本攝影書也將在展覽中展出。
Gallery Carte Blanche in San Francisco will host the 3rd Indie Photobook Library feature-length exhibition curated by Darius Himes (Assistant Director, Fraenkel Gallery and Co-Founder, Radius Books) and Larissa Leclair (Founder, Indie Photobook Library). Concurrently, an exhibition of photographs chosen from the selected photobooks will be displayed in the gallery curated by Gwen Lafage, (Founder, Gallery Carte Blanche).
Date: 2012/9/14-10/18
More: http://www.indiephotobooklibrary.org/2012/08/a-survey-of-documentary-styles-in-early-21st-century-photobooks/