除了武器設備都是原文,需要扎實的語言學習外, 訓練期間的「溝通語言」,更能學習到一般基本操作、武器操作之外,更深層的交流。
例如: 對美(或其他盟國)軍隊文化的了解,建立長期且穩定的友誼。
台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation將會在明年提供中文環境的工作機會,讓美方青年能夠在研究政策、論壇中,使用中文,融入台灣文化,並提供他們主修的專業力,增進兩方關係。
The The Language Flagship is one of the most prestigious initiatives aimed at promoting language learning and linguistic diversity. I thank Dr. Ming-Ying Li and Mr. Pass Yang, representing of The U.S. Language Flagship Overseas Center in Taiwan, for visiting me and my team at 台灣世代智庫 Taiwan NextGen Foundation this morning.
Our think-tank eagerly anticipates an opportunity to welcome participants in the Chinese Flagship Overseas Capstone Program to our team as interns. During their time at NextGen, these gifted young scholars will have an opportunity to hone their skills in Mandarin Chinese and gain a better understanding of the policymaking milieu in Taiwan.
In light of the fruitful and recently concluded visit of our Czech friends, today's meeting made me think of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, whom many Czechs call their "President Liberator." The statesman famously proclaimed: "Kolik jazyků znáš, tolikrát jsi člověkem" - as many languages you know, as many times you are a human being. Language learning helps foster empathy and constitutes a crucial component of peace education.
Given my own background in international security studies, I applaud the US government for its continued support for the National Security Education Program, which also includes The Language Flagship initiative.
fruitful中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最佳貼文
上週日Taiwan Alliance for Thai Democracy - 台灣推動泰國民主聯盟 (TATD)在北車大廳舉辦一場宣講活動,現場約有一兩百人到場支持,部分媒體也做了報導。
昨天TATD拜會時代力量 New Power Party ,我們進行了一場有意義的對話,會中英文、泰文及中文夾雜。
還記得前陣子台灣曾喊出 #奶茶聯盟 嗎?昨天在會中,TATD的朋友表示,台灣是民主陣線的重要成員,他們真心希望能有更多台灣朋友來關注他們的訴求。
On August 17, 2020 Taiwan Alliance for Thai Democracy (TATD) called at New Power Party in Taipei. Both sides had a fruitful and productive meeting.
The main purpose of the meeting was for TATD to share their thoughts on the demonstration currently widespread in Thailand as well as the gathering TATD organized at Taipei Main Station on August 16. New Power Party expressed its grave concerns about the protest and its support for Thai students in Taiwan in pursuit of human rights and democracy.
Taiwan has been considered a beacon of democracy in Asia for years. The Taiwanese society and its people have demonstrated staunch support for Hong Kongers during their fight against the ruthless Hong Kong government and the Chinese Communist regime.
What’s happening in Bangkok, Thailand is another brave fight against authoritarian rule. New Power Party urges the Taiwanese society to pay more attention to the protest in Thailand and voice necessary support for the vulnerable.
fruitful中文 在 Gin Lee 李幸倪 Facebook 的精選貼文
在韓國的第二天,今天我的cultural shock減少了一點。今天一早開始一連串的宣傳工作,和樂手彩排,表演,拍攝,電台訪問。在一個陌生和語言不通的環境下工作,對於慢熱的我來說絕對是一個很大的挑戰,真的是踏出自己的舒適圈!第一次聽和說每一句話都需要翻譯,無時無刻都在猜大家在說什麼,遇到不會英語的工作人員時他們會表示很抱歉自己的的英語不好,然後我又會表示我覺得不好意思自己沒學韓語!不知道經過這次的體驗後會不會激發我學習韓語呢?
很開心有這個難得的機會到韓國來工作和讓大家認識我的音樂!Had a long and fruitful day, I’m happy and grateful! 感謝今天遇見的所有人的幫助和支持,明天繼續加油!
#我們每天都在挑戰中成長 #浮世繪宣傳 #浮世繪 @ Seoul, Korea
fruitful中文 在 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
科大衞教授與主持人及校友徐緣先生(左)交流討論。 Professor Faure had a fruitful discussion with the moderator Vincent Tsui (left, an alumnus of CUHK). ... <看更多>