Mama, this one is for you, who looked at my holiday activity list last week and thought but I don’t have enough time. Who thought I don’t have the energy. Who thought I’m not that kind of mama. I will never be that kind of mama. I don’t know how to be that kind of mama.
This morning’s school holiday activity is painting with some old veggies I found at the bottom of my fridge I haven’t cleaned and a visit to the dentist later.
It’s 11am and she’s still in pajamas.
But we’re happy and silly. Goofing off as she makes a mess we’ll clean up together later. (Next activity!!) 😂😅
Last night, she looked in the mirror and marveled that her thighs jiggled JUST LIKE MAMA!!!!!!!!! Celebrating that God gave us plenty and a reminder that I just have to show up and be kind.
Teach her to celebrate.
She thinks thigh jiggles are the coolest. Who knew she even noticed? Who knew she even wanted to grow up to be like mama and my thigh jiggles?
The places you think you’re failing. The things you wish you could change.
You are enough, mama.
Old veggies, dirty fridge, Halloween pajamas, paper I did not even buy but just used the back side of some art she brought home from school.
Happy Thursday, mama tribe. ❤️
Other fun activities for a toddler in kl:…/a.179878506690…/1798785093568812/