我們一天到晚在說 debug debug,而最早開始使用這個詞彙的是Grace Hopper,世界上最早的女性程序猿之一。這兩天NVIDIA大漲,因為他們要切入伺服器CPU市場,喔,對,他們的第一批伺服器CPU就將以debug的詞彙發明人Grace命名。太帥了...
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Thuvan Pham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? Ana Luisa is currently running an exclusive Black Friday sale, get their limited offers here: https://www.analuisa.com/thuvnnbf I know you will lov...
harvard mark i 在 GIGAZINE Facebook 的精選貼文
「ループ」「パッチ」「ライブラリ」「バグ」などは伝説的システム「Harvard Mark I」に由来する(2017)
harvard mark i 在 PanSci 科學新聞網 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#Debug 的由來,真的跟蟲有關喔,#科科
不論是工作、課業(還是人生),只要遇到問題時,我們常常會習慣性地說:「啊,我碰到 bug 啦!」
電腦工程中,也常用 bug 來形容那些出錯的環節;不過我們也知道, bug 其實是蟲的意思,難不成大家討厭蟲蟲到把一切錯誤都推到它頭上了嗎?(大誤)
1933 年,天文學教授艾肯 (Wallace Eckert) 向 IBM 提案改造 IBM 601商用計算機,用來計算天文物理的方程式。隨後他又將 IBM 601、印表機,與打孔機連接,成為「自動循序控制計算機」(簡稱ASCC )。
ASCC 沿用 IBM 原有的打孔卡片機制來輸入程式,並把卡片改為紙帶。打孔紙帶一次會讀入一個指令,而控制單元馬上根據指令動作,如此一來就不會佔用記憶單元,不過運算速度卻因此受限。
1939 年 IBM 承諾開發 ASCC,艾肯當時恰好在哈佛大學取得教職,代表哈佛繼續與 IBM 的團隊合作;不過後來,艾肯和 IBM 因為發明功勞歸屬問題,鬧了一些彆扭,雙方的合作也就此畫上句點,哈佛大學也乾脆將 ASCC 重新命名為「哈佛馬克一號」(Harvard Mark I)。
二戰結束後,艾肯退役回歸教職。即使與 IBM 分道揚鑣,艾肯依然分別在 1947 年與 1949 年,開發出功能更強的哈佛馬克二號與馬克三號。
不僅如此,還特別註明牠是在 F 板塊的第 70 號繼電器上發現的,甚至寫上「發現第一宗蟲的真實案例」(“First actual case of bug being found”)。
\從此,電腦程式的除錯工作就叫 ”debug” 了/
本文改寫自 史上第一部全自動的計算機——艾肯與 IBM 的恩怨情仇│《電腦簡史》數位時代(八):https://pansci.asia/archives/192952
誰才是第一部電子計算機?——靠 650 美元誕生、曾被遺忘的 ABC 電腦│《電腦簡史》數位時代(九)
harvard mark i 在 Thuvan Pham Youtube 的精選貼文
? Ana Luisa is currently running an exclusive Black Friday sale, get their limited offers here:
I know you will love them!
‣ Hailey Bieber x VOGUE video: https://youtu.be/4MVHi96NZls
#HaileyBieber #fashion #vogue
+ Monday
‣ Harvard sweater from a merch shop at the Harvard campus area, size M
‣ Brandy Melville joggers, one size
‣ Nike Air Jordan 1 Obsidian, size 38,5
‣ Zara grey coat from 2/3 years ago, size S
‣ Bershka Oversized blazer from the 2020 fall collection I think, size S
‣ H&M White sweater, fall/winter collection 2020, size S
‣ Zara teddy coat from 2/3 years ago, size S
+ Tuesday
‣ YesStyle black top, size M, https://ys.style/KuT4iDYb89
‣ Zara leggings from 2 years ago, size XS
‣ Public Desire boots from 2/3 years ago, size 38
‣ Revolve coat from last year, size XS
‣ Charles & Keith bag from last year
+ Wednesday
‣ Zara crop top from last year, size XS
‣ Zara leggings from 2 years ago, size XS
‣ Zara heels from 3 years ago, size 38
‣ Eggieshop x Jessica Vu blazer from last year's collab, size XS
‣ Bershka bag current collection
+ Thursday
‣ Lovers&Friends black dress from last year, size XS
‣ Bershka Oversized blazer from the 2020 fall collection I think, size S
‣ LPA sandal heels from last year, size 38
‣ Shein green bag (flimsy, not recommended)
+ Friday
‣ YesStyle turtle neck, one size, https://ys.style/Xamuev0b89
‣ YesStyle jeans, size S, https://ys.style/qwoy40CSjab
‣ LV belt
‣ Zara boots from two years ago, size 38
‣ Zara teddy coat from 2/3 years ago, size S
‣ Charles & Keith bag from last year
+ Saturday
‣ Thrifted sweater from the men's section at Goodwill
‣ YesStyle jeans, size 25, https://ys.style/3sIbcspSjab
‣ Nike Air Force 1, size 38,5
‣ Zara green bag from at least 3/4 years ago
‣ Harvard hat from the Harvard merch shop near the Harvard campus
+ Sunday
‣ Green matching set from Song of Style, spring 2020 collection
‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thuvnn/
‣ Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSCmnWqQ/
‣ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thuvnn
‣ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/thuvnnp
‣ Pinterest: https://pin.it/7lxenr9
‣ Business inquiries: business@thuvanpham.co
‣ Music by Tray Haggerty - 2 Sides (clean) - https://thmatc.co/?l=3269FE2E
‣ Music by Clueless Kit - Rooftop - https://thmatc.co/?l=88F8A0BD
‣ Music by Mark Generous - Meganne - https://thmatc.co/?l=4DD231E8
‣ Music by Dylan Rockoff - Awesome - https://thmatc.co/?l=797831D6
‣ Music by Pick Patek - Bring Me Down - https://thmatc.co/?l=29DF5F17
‣ Music by Elli Moore - OK - https://thmatc.co/?l=78F43A56
‣ Hop Instrumental
‣ Jazz type beat bread royalty
☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎
Name: Thuvan Pham
Content: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel
Camera (video specific): Canon EOS M50
Editing program: Final Cut Pro
$$ Discount code:
THUVANPHAM for YesStyle https://ys.style/TXLxdCGZVdb
FTC: This video is not sponsored. Some links are affiliate links.

harvard mark i 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最佳解答
會員: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ/join
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour
訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ?sub_confirmation=1
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF
我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
網上最可怕的一個字 (Ft. HenHen TV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLedkSHc7Os&t=145s
The verge article:
我看過一條 2013年 ‘蘋果’ 動新聞説 每日運送到堆填區的廢膠以噸計, 政府卻不扶助產業發展導致 “廢膠迫爆堆填區” 的標題. 其實2020年全球最大的堆填區是社交媒體.
像Facebook每日上載超過3.5億張照片, Youtube每日上載超過四十三萬小時的影片內容.
可想像到這個人類 ‘推填區’ 有幾多個 ‘膠’ 啦.
大家好又是我暗網仔, 今日我們第一集的 ‘你不知道的事’ 系列會分享一些普遍你不會知道, 但應該要知道的事.
上年sundance電影節出了一部名 ‘The cleaners’ 的德國記錄片講述content moderator (內容管制員) 的工作. 全天候8至10小時, Content moderator就是坐在電腦前幫一些像Facebook的平台, 是否適宜在該網站出現?
片中拍攝地點位於菲律賓馬尼拉的office. 一個個隔間著moderator在按 ‘ignore’ it means the post remains on the website和’delete’ which means the post is taken down.
合同工的moderator也希望有一日能成為該平台的正式員工. 甚至到美國工作, 但大部分也是outsource公司聘請回來的.
2017年67%的美國人口日常使用Facebook, 到2019年下降到61%的美國人口會使用Facebook. 但實質Facebook總用戶數目是有所增加的.
Facebook近年市場發展由第一世界國家擴散到剛有網絡的第三世界國家. (Show burma civil war) 一個任何人也能分享自己的地方, 其實可以看到什麼呢?
恐怖分子的血腥影片, 自殘片段, 兒童色情, 虐待動物, “ignore” “delete” 是content moderator貧貧接觸的.
2019年6月美國媒體網絡The Verge在Youtube上載了一條 ‘inside the traumatic life of a Facebook moderator’ 得到主流媒體的關注.
“The video depicts a man being Murdered. Someone is stabbing him dozens of times, while he screams and begs for his life. Chloe feels an overpowering urge to sob. She leaves the room and begins to cry so hard she has trouble breathing. No one comforts her. This is the job she was hired to do.”
目前Facebook有意將gim視影片的工作交給AI去做. 但準確性會否能和真人一樣呢? 社交媒體需要乾淨的平台讓用戶能花最長不間斷時間在該網站上. 要低成本達到這個目的需要不同國家找lim ga勞工然後迫使他們24小時不停 “ignore” “delete” 的開工.
網上資訊揭發了一些Facebook 一些恐怖的真相. I want to start by saying a disclaimer: the points from this point forward are allegations from various individuals and not empirical facts. Additional information are quotes taken from mainstream new sources.
根據Phoenix arizona州科技公司一些ex員工表示: moderator每天正常有15分鐘休息時間, 30 分鐘午飯時間, 9分鐘 “wellness time”
工作環境非常惡劣. 一間800人的公司只有一個洗手間. 可能因為工作上要看的東西的性質, 常常會有員工在後樓梯用大麻和喝酒. 性慾按耐不住在停車場性交. 上司性騷擾下sook. 而我本人的角度: 這麼一個地方跟地獄沒分別.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen people hurting themselves and others on Facebook— if we’re going to build a safe community, we need to respond quickly.
The cleaner記錄片的尾段講Facebook近期社會上得到的各個爭議. 但content moderator現在真正成為熱點的原因可能是緬甸現在的政治事件. New York Times指出現在該地方的內戰是軍方利用facebook去加強的. And so many people were fooled into the war.
為facebook講的是: 樹大招風. A total of 2.8 billion people use facebook. I remember when I was kid my favorite movie was the social network that talked about Mark zuckerberg creating Facebook. The initial reason he did that was because the prestigious Phoenix club at Harvard didn’t accept him. He hated them. So he made his own club, facebook. That was exclusive to him and the people he deemed fit. And I guess in some way today, facebook has now become the Phoenix club he once hated. Only now he is on top, and facebook is the most non exclusive, exclusive club in the world.
The end

harvard mark i 在 Thuvan Pham Youtube 的最佳貼文
Finally the first part of my trip is hereeee (I made this trip in nov-dec).
I went to a place near Boston first, to visit my family! I met them for the first time this year when they visited us in the Netherlands and it was really nice to be able to bond with them so much in 2019.
I hope you guys are excited for my US vlogs and I will try to edit them asap so I can get them up for you guys! *__*
If you liked this video and want more of it, pls subscribe!
Follow me on all my socials:
+ Instagram: Thuvnn https://www.instagram.com/thuvnn/
+ Snapchat: Thuvnn
+ Youtube: Thuvan Pham
+ Spotify: Thuvnnp
+ Twitch: Thuvnn https://www.twitch.tv/thuvnn
+ Business Inquiries: Thuvnnbeauty@gmail.com
+ I filmed this video on my canon g7x mark ll
++ Goodies from Amazon that I have purchased (affiliate links):
+ Amazon list for US subbies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/thuvnn
+ Amazon list for UK/EU subbies: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/thuvnn
FTC: This video is not sponsored.