近期愛不釋手的植物奶 (eng below)
早陣子曾為大家介紹過,我在加國時飲用的植物奶,多達八種,而且每種都至少有兩款口味 (詳情可參閱: https://thevegan.travel.blog/products-review/ )。在香港,雖然沒有加國那麼多選擇,但只要細心留意,不難發現香港原來也有不少植物奶品牌,而且也挺普遍的!像我近期大愛來自意大利的品牌 - OraSì。
Orasi 超多植物奶種類,如燕麥奶、栗子奶、榛子奶、核桃奶、杏仁奶、米奶、豆奶等。除了植物奶,不得不提的是他們居然有,以大米為主的淡忌廉 (奶油)!非常適合用於做甜品呢!我以前吃蛋糕,都會選擇超多忌廉 (奶油) 的款式,現在居然有了 vegan 忌廉 (奶油)!到底有什麼東西是沒有vegan版本的啊!
最近 Vegan lifestyle Passion 還教了我使用植物奶和vegan忌廉 (奶油),做出美味健康的小蛋糕!想學?記得留意明晚 (27/6) 播出的影片 🧁
Recent favorite plant milk
I have introduced to you a while ago, there are as many as eight kinds of plant milk that I drink when I was in Canada, and each of them has at least two flavors (for details, please refer to: https://thevegan.travel.blog/products-review / ). In Hong Kong, although there are not so many choices as in Canada, as long as you pay careful attention, it is not difficult to find that there are actually quite a lot of plant milk brands in Hong Kong, and they are quite common! Like my recent love - OraSì, a brand from Italy.
Orasi has many kinds of plant milk, such as oat milk, chestnut milk, hazelnut milk, walnut milk, almond milk, rice milk, soy milk and so on. In addition to plant milk, I have to mention that they actually have a rice-based whipping cream! Very suitable for desserts! I used to have cakes which contain a lot of cream, now there's even vegan cream! Anything can be VEGAN!
Recently Vegan lifestyle Passion also taught me to use plant milk and vegan cream to make delicious and healthy little cakes! Want to learn? Remember to pay attention to the video broadcast tomorrow night (27/6) 🧁
售賣地點 where to find OraSi Hong Kong:
一素店 One Vegan Shop 759 阿信屋 HKTVmall